Unreal Engine3 sucks?

KillerBunny said:
There are currently 2 Xbox games that are in the final stages of development using TSE, as well as a few unannounced commertial licences. TSE is very useable in it's current state.

Also, I think we're still wondering who the hell said U3 sucks. You started the topic, were you expecting a flame war? Or are you just a dick who likes the laughing smiley face?

You're blind. Para even said that it sucks in this thread! :lol:

I thought there was no question by now, that I'm a dick newb!

One more for ya right here! :lol:
TV sucked, Unreal engine sux. That is enough for me. It may have been VU who killed tribes, but thier weapon of choice was the Unreal engine. It was a headshot. Thier weapon of choice was the Unreal engine. VU, IG and unreal are all to blame. They all suck.
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derm king said:
TV sucked, Unreal engine sux. That is enough for me. It may have been VU who killed tribes, but thier weapon of choice was the Unreal engine. It was a headshot. Thier weapon of choice was the Unreal engine. VU, IG and unreal are all to blame. They all suck.
You would make a finely trained racist.

And just to answer your question Zio, UE3 sucks for Tribes because its netcode and overall performance is inferior to TSE, plus the Unreal engine has been hacked into many small bits already.
Zio, you have to realize that people aren't just comparing the LOOKS of the game like you do/are. We look at the performance of the game WITH the looks. The only verison of Unreal that had good performance (besides its original), was UT2k3. U2 and UT2k4 all run like shit. All you have to do is go look at some benchmarks, or hell... play the games and watch your fps. The games barely even run stable fps (on killer systems), let alone high/steady/smooth.

The Unreal engine is a perfect example at how much advertising and eye-candy appeals to the retarded masses. People in general, are stupid.

As for the Unreal3 engine, it's not even out yet. All I can say is this... go check out some progressive benchmarks of games like Quake3 (engine), Half-Life2, FarCry, UT2k3, and UT2k4. All of which have great increases in fps with new technology/hardware, except for UtT2k4/U2. Even UT2k3's performance goes up when a new graphics card/CPU comes out. UT2k4/Unreal2 is the one game that NEVER has any real performance increase, no matter what super upgrade the computer recieved.

Sorry, but that's not a "great engine". That's a piece of shit. And that bad karma carries over to the next in the series; Unreal3. I guess we'll all have to wait and see though...
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Validuz said:
Zio, you have to realize that people aren't just comparing the LOOKS of the game like you do/are. We look at the performance of the game WITH the looks. The only verison of Unreal that had good performance (besides its original), was UT2k3. U2 and UT2k4 all run like shit. All you have to do is go look at some benchmarks, or hell... play the games and watch your fps. The games barely even run stable fps (on killer systems), let alone high/steady/smooth.

The Unreal engine is a perfect example at how much advertising and eye-candy appeals to the retarded masses. People in general, are stupid.

As for the Unreal3 engine, it's not even out yet. All I can say is this... go check out some progressive benchmarks of games like Quake3 (engine), Half-Life2, FarCry, UT2k3, and UT2k4. All of which have great increases in fps with new technology/hardware, except for UtT2k4/U2. Even UT2k3's performance goes up when a new graphics card/CPU comes out. UT2k4/Unreal2 is the one game that NEVER has any real performance increase, no matter what super upgrade the computer recieved.

Sorry, but that's not a "great engine". That's a piece of shit. And that bad karma carries over to the next in the series; Unreal3. I guess we'll all have to wait and see though...

You're crazy dude.

I've owned MANY games based on the Unreal engine especially ALL of the UNREAL games and I've never had a problem getting great performance.

Actually I've made comments quite the contrary on how smooth the engine performs with the amount of detail I see on screen.

My argument does not stem in comparing what is a better engine suited for Tribes. My point in this thread is that the UE3 obviously does not suck if it's being used as widely as it's being used for so many new titles currently in development. Take it or leave it, it's obvious.

I am looking forward to playing UT2007 and Gears of War on that engine and I doubt I'll be thinking the engine sucks when doing so.

My 2 cents.
So your strategy at TW is to start a thread you are sure will be a flamewar, then keep yelling at people who reply. I guess I'm missing the point.
Devo_N said:
I don't think the number of buyers is an accurate indication of how good the engine is. I mean, Britney Spears sold a bazillion records, but. . .

And the "leading developers in the industry have no clue" hypothesis seems highly plausible to me, for a lot of reasons.

That said, U3 engine looked pretty cool to me.

Your right. I am sure your work within the industry of game design validates your opinion any farther then the length of your dick right?
KillerBunny said:
So your strategy at TW is to start a thread you are sure will be a flamewar, then keep yelling at people who reply. I guess I'm missing the point.

Why is there a picture of Unreal Tournament 2007 on the Tribalwar homepage?

UE3 Rules TW! :lol: OWNED!
Validuz said:
The Unreal engine is a perfect example at how much advertising and eye-candy appeals to the retarded masses. People in general, are stupid.


Unreal Engine is for making fairly uninspired "cookie-cutter" games, that draw the masses in with graphics, but offer little in real gameplay. The netcode is hideous, and the enviroments are limited. Unreal Engine sucks cock for a game like Tribes, as do those who like it.
Zio said:
My argument does not stem in comparing what is a better engine suited for Tribes.
Considering that the argument was "what would be a good engine for the next Tribes game" or some such most of the time, I think that it should.
Zio said:
I've owned MANY games based on the Unreal engine especially ALL of the UNREAL games and I've never had a problem getting great performance.
Wow, really? Well guess what, this is me calling your bullshit. You need to send your super computer, that you got 10 years in the future to Anandtech and the likes. For some reason, they don't have the same super computer(s) you have, and they're "stuck" using crappy AMD 64 FX-55, with 2GB of high quality ram, and the best graphics cards (sometimes dualed) on the market. Apparently you however, have a a computer thats possibly two generations above everyone else's and run UT2k4/Unreal2 at 100+fps...

... (notice the ellipsis... as in, "you're full of fucking shit, dumbass")

Actually I've made comments quite the contrary on how smooth the engine performs with the amount of detail I see on screen.
I like how you added "with the amount of detaul I see on the screen" at the end of that total horseshit sentence. Here's an easy one for you (I hope); The HL2 engine looks ten times better than UT2k4/U2, and it runs anywhere from 100% to 250% faster. Doesn't this tell you something about UT2k4/U2's performance issues? ..or are you going to try and say HL2 doesn't look better??? :lol:

My argument does not stem in comparing what is a better engine suited for Tribes.
Good for you. Im going to ignore this comment, because I didn't mention Tribes either.

My point in this thread is that the UE3 obviously does not suck if it's being used as widely as it's being used for so many new titles currently in development. Take it or leave it, it's obvious.
There are two things "obvious" here. One, is that you're just as dumb as the gullible masses gawking over eye-candy, and two, that my statement about having a ton of advertisement/eye-candy, sells more than quality itself.

I am looking forward to playing UT2007 and Gears of War on that engine and I doubt I'll be thinking the engine sucks when doing so.
Good for you. I'm going to try UT2k7 demo too, but if it runs like ass, and I don't see any real performance gain from next-gen graphics cards/CPUs, then I'm going to revert to my previous statement about the Unreal engine; it's a piece of shit.
My argument does not stem in comparing what is a better engine suited for Tribes.

Those "TSE v UE" threads you just had to mention was (primarily) about just that.
I doubt anyone here gives a fuck about Harry Potter using UE.

If it was such a killer engine covering all needs in the industry, everybody would use it.
A list with a handfull of licensed developers counts for 5% in the industry, (i'm amazed you dont know this as an industry veteranus) and proves nothing!

Also Carlton, lets wait and see what these developers will offer their customers before you do the celebration dance.
I bet it will be games with standard maps and alot of level/area loading.
Amadeus said:
You would make a finely trained racist.

"racist"?? What the hell does that have to do with what i said. It is ppl like you who make this world have trouble with satirical dialogue. You should go work for ABC or Newsweek so you can twist the truth. what a TOOL.

Since you obviously have very little intellectual sense, i will spell out my point for you. Most of us said the Unreal engine sucked because TV sucked and VU lied. Most of us loyal Tribes fans felt like we were taken advantage of. Regardless of who was the problem, because human nature we usually blame everyone, when we feel betrayed. You know the old saying, "don'd shoot the messenger". Do i need to explain that saying too? JEEZ, Amadeus, you need some social couseling.