
I just found a slight bug with this. If you're zoomed in at map end, it resets the zoom, but not the keybinds. When the next map starts mousewheel does nothing while zoomed out, but it changes weapons while zoomed in.

So here's a fix:

Aliases[34]=(Command="Set Input MouseWheelUp prevweapon | Set Input MouseWheelDown nextweapon | Set Input RightMouse togglezoom",Alias="zoomFix")

Put that in one of your empty alias slots, change 'RightMouse' to whatever button you use, and then put 'zoomFix' after whatever key you want. I suggest using something that you don't need to reach easily since you probably won't need it too often.

Hope this helps!
setting zoomSpeed=1.000000 in your User.ini will remove the break between hitting the zoom key and showing the zoomwindow.

btw...if you want your zoom alias to switch to your sniperrifle as soon as you zoom and back to disclauncher when you release zoom button you can do something like that:

Aliases[32]=(Command="setweapon EquipmentClasses.WeaponSniperRifle | Button bZoom | onrelease setweapon EquipmentClasses.WeaponSpinfusor",Alias="snipeZoom")

the one feature I LOVED about uberzoom was different FOV's. Could there be a script made to change the FOV based on the weapon?

I kind of found a way for it, but it's based on weapon slot, not on weapon. But since all my loadouts have a weapon order convention I can always count on that weapon bein there and added a " | fov num" to my weaponslots and it works now.
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I think I'm finally getting this Alias shit :D. Thanks everyone!

Can you add more Aliases to the User.ini file, beyond the ones already there. (Like say, up to 40 or something)

Do you need to change any numbers elsewhere add them?

Is there an upper limit to the number of Aliases?

Is there an upper limit to the number of zoom levels?

Thanks for your help.
I have not found a limit to the zoom levels, but there is a limit to the amount of aliases. The number already in the user.ini is the max you can have, but most of the default aliases are not even needed and/or used.
thats too complicated... just open up user file and manipulate zoom at the bottom... ive had up tp 20x zoom since day one of tribes
The thing worked for me for a while and then got borked somehow. I think I was in the middle of zooming when I got killed and all of a sudden zoom stopped working. I couldn't use mwheel to zoom anymore.
If you get killed that shouldn't affect it since you spawn with zoom still on. One thing that'll do it is the map ending while you're zoomed, and the mousewheel functions get flipped. I posted a complicated fix, and Ilys posted a much easier fix which is just zoom in, then hit 'esc'.
Alright, Monkey Hero, I've been trying the zooms a bit.

Tomorrow, I think I'll put T:V to the test and try some really spectacular zoom levels (I'm thinking 255, 511, 1023 :D) and post the results.

I've had some trouble with 80x zoom.
T:V allows 80, but some odd things happen.

Sometimes, when I fire my sniper rifle, the beam is slighty crooked.
It's as though the engine is rounding the angle of the beam of to the nearest degree. Sometimes it rounds up, and the shot goes high. Sometimes it rounds down, and the shot goes low. Sometimes I'm already on a whole number degree, so the shot is aligned properly. Has any one else come across this? Does anyone know enough about the Unreal Engine to explain why? Am I correct in assuming it is simply not enough accuracy in storing projectile angles? If not, is there a fix for this? (Don't tell me my it's the mouse sensitivity, cause it's not)

Now some simpler questions.
What is the max. range for the sniper rifle? It sure as hell doesn't seem infinite.
Is there any place I can look up the fogging distances, clipping distances?
Is editting of zoom levels considered cheating? I assume it is similar to editting key bindings and would therefore be ignored by anti-cheat programs/mods/whatever.
I did it! I tested various high-end zoom levels. T:V can support:
-Fractional zoom levels (1.25x for example)
-at least 50 zoom levels
-and zoom levels above and beyond 1275x magnification.

What, you might ask, is 1275x magnification really like?

If you are familiar with the map Cavern, this may help.
Stand in in the center, where the ball spawns in the Ball game type.
Look at either base, specifically at the generator room.
You should be able to see the green 'POWER ONLINE' sign.
At 1275x, the 'O' in 'ONLINE' is taller than the screen, and 1/2 as wide.

At lower zoom levels, you can clearly see the bullet of the sniper rifle.

Furthermore, at these high zoom levels, my initial suspicion is confirmed - something is messed up with the sniper rifle. The sniper rifle beam always fires down and to the left a bit. At 1275x zoom, the beam is off the screen.

Also, the mouse is jerky. You cannot focus on any point you want, and you are forced to compromise. Again, does anyone know the range of the rifle?