Tuning changes for 05, open beta

americanjoe said:
TT Forums are full of popularity contests .. I'm a Vet4! .. sound familiar?

No, I'll tell you what sounds familiar though. "Hey, you guys don't know my name, but I played on this top team way back in T1, we rocked and were on top of the ladders!! Oh, the name? Well, um, well, I really can't say...yeah, you see, it's a giganto-super-leet-o-matic secret, and besides, I don't want to be bragging or anything. But yeah, we rocked and I know more than pretty much any vet on here. So, yeah..."

You're a dime a dozen, man. Back your words up with some sort of history/foundation, at least.

I'm certainly not bragging about who I am, or who I played for, or how long I've been here. But your argument for diskable flags has no merit, and I think that's been pretty well established. Aside from the fact that it can be modded in later.
It's really funny to see people bout about things that really have no importance at all.

First thing off we were talking about actual serious topics in the game. Soon people start nitpicking others. And then it turns to this. And in a page or so everyone forgets what the whole fight was about anyway. And everytime it happens, deep down I feel as if I've died a little inside.

Lets stay on topic. This really has nothing to do with anything anyway.
Rooster128 said:
First thing off we were talking about actual serious topics in the game. Soon people start nitpicking others. And then it turns to this. And in a page or so everyone forgets what the whole fight was about anyway.
Welcome to TribalWar.com Forums. Have a nice stay ;)
Rooster128 said:
at this point you and fool are the only vets i actually respect.

americanjoe said:
sorry I don't tool these forums all day to tell you who I am 30 secs after the question was asked. and this is not a popularity contest to me, so telling you who I am and who I played for to try and get more people here to "like" me is not what I going for, cuz I could care less what you think. funny thing is ... most of you are n00bs to me ... people on here who know my sirname and know who I am, know who I did or didn't play for and that's all the matters to me .. you don't.
I guess you never heard of what 'credit' is. A freshly signed up member doesn't have any credit, because there is no proof of him being familiar with the game whatsoever. If you'd share us what team you played on and under what name, you'd probably get yourself some respect, and people would acknowledge that you do know a lot about the game. As long as you stay anonym, we are free to think that you are just another quake or UT player who played T2 for a month and now thinks he knows everything about the franchise. Please, reveal your identity, otherwise you'll never have any credit here.
Okay. About a year or so ago, when NWN was introduced into the world, I frequented it on a certain server. And on this certain server was a another frequent player who also plays Tribes. He goes by the name of Smasho, some of you might know him. Anywho, he was in the STD clan at first, moved around a little bit, then went to OsO during our Planetside Days.

Smasho brought me into the Tribes universe by suggesting I play the demo. This was way back when. He introduced me the basics and now and then I would play the demo (amazing that some people still play it).

From what Smasho has said, he is a pretty good all around player and a good HO. He has told me that people love to train with him, dueling and skiing, because they usually end up getting a lot better, or get their asses whipped by him in full measure. I guess I was one of the two, but I'll be humble and won't answer that because frankly I do not know.

Once Tribes 2 came out for free I had a field day with it. I got it as soon as I could and tried out a wide variety of the local servers, including Dedicated Katabatic, a bunch of Noob servers, a range of "vehicles" servers, and bigmonkeys treehouse. I've had several clans want to take me in, I've never really asked to be in one myself. Right now I'm in SoH (Sentinels of Havoc). Hopefully in T:v STD will come back up, otherwise me and Smasho will stay in OsO when they move over. I might stay with SoH if the clan actually holds its ground, or I might join a clan someone requested I join (I've been helping him setup for T:V mapping, since Ut2k4 mapping and T:V mapping aren't much different, and I excel in making UT2k4 maps) (which probably means I'll be making maps for the community. I hope I don't dissappoint you guys! :D)

I kinda follow Smasho around. I look up to him alot. And I think I've taken to Tribes because of it. It's the most addictive game I've played. I almost play it 24/7 during some weeks. **geek** lol

Also I've tried my hand at Tribes Legends. Great game, it's free right now and hopefully it will stay free. IMHO Skiing is a bit faster and more noticable in T1 than T2, but yet in T2 you have more control over movement.

So that's my story. Not exactly a n00b but compared to you guys who have been around a while I bet you think I am. I know everything about basic gameplay. I know little about scripts and mods. But I have seen the nasty things people can pull off with them. So I'm not exactly new to the scene. And hopefully I'll be serving up dust come T:V.

Amadues, you're humble reply to this post will render whether I respect you or not. So think smart. ;)
I believe you take some posts way too seriously. You just replied to a post that wasn't even directed to you, and in a lot more detailed fashion than it would be expected from the person that we're expecting to do it. Not that this is wrong... just strange.

As for the actualy post... at least we know that you were around for a long time and have at least a general understanding of things. If it makes you feel any better, I will treat your posts as any vet's (except a select few, but you really don't want to know who those are ;) ).

Again, no need to get too personal.
americanjoe said:
love how you take that out of context like I'm saying I'm a T1 god ... when someone say they know alot about the game, doesn't mean they are the end of or be all player ... just stating that I've been around T1 since before it's release ... so therefore I know "more" about the game than most vets here ... and who care who I am, only I should care who I am .. again I'm not into making brownie points to state my views are better than yours ...

Why bring your tribal history up in the first place then?
Amadeu5 said:
I believe you take some posts way too seriously. You just replied to a post that wasn't even directed to you, and in a lot more detailed fashion than it would be expected from the person that we're expecting to do it. Not that this is wrong... just strange.

As for the actualy post... at least we know that you were around for a long time and have at least a general understanding of things. If it makes you feel any better, I will treat your posts as any vet's (except a select few, but you really don't want to know who those are ;) ).

Again, no need to get too personal.

lol. i know u asked him. just thought it would be a good time to bring it up. i might never be able to say something like that again lol.

and nope, killjoy, its the legendary smasho. sieg zeon!

Pics of him from t1:

I lost his t2 pics but he had two skins. His latest one is red-ish.
Members, keep adding your feedback. Even the vets would like more people playing the game we love.

Just know when to draw the line. You are high school football players telling guys from the NFL how the game should be played. Some of the vets responding to your arguments have played over 100-200 matches in both T1 and T2. That means they have an advantage over you in what makes tribes fun. And in the end that is what we all want.

Read more post less.
What the pros sometimes forget is that the game needs to play well at all levels, not just theirs. If something is less than optimal for the 0.1% of players on the 5 teams atop the premiere ladder, but is great for 95% of the players, then perhaps it's still worth consideration.
[hAuS] C R A B said:
Members, keep adding your feedback. Even the vets would like more people playing the game we love.

Just know when to draw the line. You are high school football players telling guys from the NFL how the game should be played. Some of the vets responding to your arguments have played over 100-200 matches in both T1 and T2. That means they have an advantage over you in what makes tribes fun. And in the end that is what we all want.

Read more post less.
You're right, but this statement is a little bit arrogant. What's fun for me, might not be fun for you or someone coming from ut or cs.

As far as competition goes though, I agree.
pyrot3chnic said:
You're right, but this statement is a little bit arrogant. What's fun for me, might not be fun for you or someone coming from ut or cs.

As far as competition goes though, I agree.

It was not intended to be arrogant. In fact, it was meant to be helpful. I am a vet^3, but would never claim to know the way T:V should play. I may have suggestions, but I don't try to push/argue them as FACT.

And, pyro like you said, everyone's idea of fun is different; that is why we need everybody's feedback. We just need people to know when to say ... "hmmmm maybe you are right seeing as how you have played T1/T2 for 6 years straight."

Member - I want Lord of the Rings giant elephants that shoot rapid fire mortars out of their trunks.
Vet^8 - Wow that would be fun, but ... point 1, and, point 2, and, point 3, and
Member - You are wrong, stop being elitist, gimme my mortarphant now.