Tribes : Ascend

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jesus smooth p

you put a lot of effort into that
I couldn't help it... it's TRIBES! And I *so* don't want another fuck up...

This is the problem with Fool's (or whoever's) assertion that disk+2 offers more loadout possibilities than the current 2 weapons. There are disk+2 loadouts that are sufficiently versatile that you will only need to purchase a small number of them (possibly 1, or 1 per armor type) to feel effective in a wide range of situations. Which means less rice for HiRez employees.

That's why I lobby for Splash + 1. More differentiation (and cash for HiRez) while still keeping the Tribes feel.
Even with disc+2 you still have a variety of, which don't sound too bad, packs and grenades to choose from.
Ontop of that, i would like to see your raging when that enemy capper slips trough your fingers and you're sitting with your pants pulled down because you didn't have the proper tools in your loadout.
There are many reasons, but I'll just list one:

Because the sniper comes with a pistol as it's second weapon.

If that's "seriously the least of your concerns", well, then we agree to disagree. But I still encourage you to read the thread and tell me if and why it's not a far better system than what is currently planned.

Loadouts 2.0: Maximum Fun, Creativity, Competition, and CASH

The problem here isn't loadouts. The problem is that each armor is limited to two weapons and either nades or mines. The fact that HO will go out with just a disc, mortar, and nades is fucking ridiculous. I'd be 100% fine with paying for each loadout if it was a true Tribes sequel and not a hodgepodge of Halo: Reach, TF2, and T:V.
Here's my biggest complaint. HiRez is focusing on making Tribes Ascend into a "class-based" shooter. This actually makes a lot of sense, seeing as how 'classes' have implicitly arisen just out of the Tribes gameplay itself in the form of roles that people play. The big ones that come to mind are Capper, HO, LD, HD/HoF, and Farmer, as well as a myriad of less important roles.

So my biggest question is why are all of the classes that are in this game so ambiguous? The obvious classes are RIGHT FUCKING THERE! What the fuck am I supposed to do with a medium that has an arx buster and a pistol and a sensor jammer pack? On top of that, the class is named "Scrambler", as if that's somehow indicative of what I'm supposed to use it for?

It would just make about a million times more sense if they had a loadout called "Light Defense 1", and then optional loadouts called "Light Defense 2" and "Light Defense 3" that I could earn or purchase. And of course I'm not really complaining about the names, as they could call those classes whatever the fuck RPG words they want as long as the roles of the classes were clear.


I also agree 100%. I wonder if you can also customize your loadout like in prior versions as well, though.

Honestly, what I'm really hoping for is for the awesome Tribes modders to get ahold of the dev kit or whatever and make this more like T1 gameplay with the use of the new maps and maybe new weapons. Fucking get rid of the vehicles and recreate T1 and some T:V maps. Done.

Did they say how open they will be with respect to mods?
I also agree 100%. I wonder if you can also customize your loadout like in prior versions as well, though.

Honestly, what I'm really hoping for is for the awesome Tribes modders to get ahold of the dev kit or whatever and make this more like T1 gameplay with the use of the new maps and maybe new weapons. Fucking get rid of the vehicles and recreate T1 and some T:V maps. Done.

Did they say how open they will be with respect to mods?

Last I heard, they won't be allowing it (same with mapping). They're not going to release the server files, and they want to control the content.
I wonder if you've actually read anything in this thread.
No custom loadouts
No modding (in the forseeable future)
I wonder if you've actually read anything in this thread.
No custom loadouts
No modding (in the forseeable future)

I wonder if you noticed that this thread is 356 pages. I'm not in high school anymore (when I started playing Tribes back in 1998) and don't have time to read through every fucking post so, yeah - you're right.

But, thanks for the info. That sucks.
Last I heard, they won't be allowing it (same with mapping). They're not going to release the server files, and they want to control the content.

Correction, they publicly stated at PAX their intention to support a dedicated server because of the logistics problems in having HiRez servers in data centers serving every potential geographic location. They also want to support Lan play where the server and player connections are local but would still require authentication via the Internet.

Also, while it sucks there won't be custom mods, but they have been very vocal about custom server flags for features they get a lot of feedback about. Options they have specifically mentioned in this vein: Health Regen/repair kits, weapon dropping and scavanging, naked spawning, etc...

If they work on the "classes" and hopefully get splash +1 or 2 or just disc +1 or 2, I don't think the Tribes feel is completely broken. My feedback at PAX was first get the movement right, cause if it isn't fast and free feeling, then it doesn't matter what the weapons are, it will suck. My second highest priority feedback: Disc +2.
I wonder if you noticed that this thread is 356 pages. I'm not in high school anymore (when I started playing Tribes back in 1998) and don't have time to read through every fucking post so, yeah - you're right.

But, thanks for the info. That sucks.
Noone asked you to read 356 pages but cmon.. it's even discussed on the previous page :p
This is the problem with Fool's (or whoever's) assertion that disk+2 offers more loadout possibilities than the current 2 weapons. There are disk+2 loadouts that are sufficiently versatile that you will only need to purchase a small number of them (possibly 1, or 1 per armor type) to feel effective in a wide range of situations. Which means less rice for HiRez employees.

and here is the problem with your lack of experience. i played 1 role, LD/chaser. pretty much all i did.

could i have gone offense of capper with that loadout? sure. was i as good as nade/disk/chain? no.

in t2 was i as good at flag/base D with that chain instead of a shlance? no.

the role i did was filled perfectly by that loadout however it wasn't the only loadout for the role. many others used chain/disc/nade and were as good and situationally better than the rifle loadout.

so stfd and stfu with you stupid bullshit because you dont know what your talking about. they can easily make 2-4 chaser loadouts with a default disc. all they have to do is tweak other weapons so they can fill the role as well and or situationally better ... you know ... just like the previous tribes games.

Just so y'all know, even PLANETSIDE 2 is going the class route, rather than whatever the fuck you want.
do they have a projectile style grenade launcher?

edit: nade launcher is almost as vital as the disc launcher

edit: imo
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