Tribes : Ascend

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Loaded T1 for the first time in a few years a few days back and have gotten hooked all over again. If they get the skiing, the terrain (Katabatic remake looks nice), and have balanced weapons then I will play the shit out of this game.

At first I was apprehensive about the inclusion of SMG/Assault rifle style weapons, however I don't think they will be abused any more than the chain in T1/T2. The faster bullet speed makes it a bit easier to lead a target, but the reload means you can't just spam the sky with fire. The differences between the two in a balancing sense end up being a wash. I'm not saying the style isn't completely different, but it isn't going to fuck up gameplay in some sort of profound manner. Every single person I've ever shown tribes has asked why the bullets on the chain move so slow. I don't know, maybe its a perception of scale thing.

I really wish they would ditch selling packaged loadouts. Why package them all together and force us all into cookie cutters? I think that with a lower price on individual items (weapons, grenade types, etc.) and the ability to have more variety in those items, and their combination, would lead to a more profitable and diverse Tribes Store. It would also lead to a more diverse number of play styles for the end user. They could even still sell packages. A package would be, say, $5-7 or you could purchase each individual item within that package individually for $1-2.

The sad thing is, if they created a streamlined T1 style class system everyone would say they had copied CoD. Say what you will about CoD's gameplay, but strip away all the achievement and perk bullshit and it looks a lot like setting up favorites at a T1/T2 inventory.
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I could give a shit if any game feature is compared to that of another game. They all involve guns and shooting people.
I dare you to, and post videos on it.

P.S. What the fucking dicks is this Charlie's Angel reboot ad I'm getting, these bitch arn't fit to be angels.
A little something I cooked up for the T:A forums...


RedShifter said:
Tribes is subtitled "never give people what they want".
How to make a Tribes game, featuring HiRez Todd, and TW Vet


What is a 'not' games?

A 'not' game is when we're trying to cash in on jetpacks and what we do is, we make a game that we pretend is Tribes but at the end, we put ': Not!', which means it's not Tribes.

So teach me how to make one.

Alright. What would you call your game?

This game is CoD.

CoD. I would call it Halo, okay?

It's CoD.

Alright, it's CoDish-Halo. But it--

Well, it's more CoD.

It's certainly not Tribes, right? Alright, let's say it's CoD. But it's not Tri--

It is CoD.

"……Okay…… So a 'not' game, I would say, 'That game is Tribes: Not!'"

"This a game is NOT Tribes."

"No, no, 'not' has to be at the end."

"Oh, okay."


"This game is Tribesnot."

"This game is Tribes. Colon. You know what a colon is?"


"This game is Tribes: Not!"

"This game is Tribes... colon... not."

"No, you don't say 'colon'. This game is Tribes, : , That's a colon. Not!"

"This game is Tribes………………………………………………………………"

"Okay, um-- I don't-- I don't-- I'm not quite--"

": Not!"
think about this

do you really want to play t:a ultraren, shifter, tac, etc?

do you need 800 different types of huds to tell you how much ammo you have or who has the flag?

they are offering a degree of customization via custom game server flags (which will hopefully be extensive), but what do you want modding for? to change some minute details of the game's physics? ask the devs to do that. they essentially are at our whim.

At this point in time, we have no freakin' clue what server flags are going to be in there, and I think we all know we can't trust devs to stay true to their word. Soon as their funding runs out, or management comes in and dictates what's up, then you can kiss any of those little server flags you mentioned good bye. I won't believe it until I see it.

The devs aren't at our whim, either. With all the e-hate flowing forth for some of the "additions" presented, and the fact that they're being ignored still doesn't bode well for your argument, unfortunately.

And to be honest, I LIKED all that stuff. Being a HoF, I actually even used some of the more ridiculous ones like the Tetris and Babe one...for those slow days, LOL. The fact is that the more freedom we have, the better you can make a game for your own personal pleasure and for the benefit of the team.

I never played Renegades or Shifter much...but I certainly as hell appreciated the different reticles, skins, and scripts that were put out. Plus, the excellent maps that some of the better mappers put out.

We don't get any of that and that is a huge sore spot with me.
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