Tribes 1/2 Vets Find 'em, make 'em PLAY thread

vanster u played a bunch of times in the last few years and were active as fuk a while back playing every day for a year only to cry about how much you hated LT even though you were terrible at base and LT

gigz has not played t1 since probably after ie died

and unlike you he was actually decent and would have been fun to play against and with instead of being around a cry baby nooby vanster faggot
I didn't play on a very good competitive team, nor did I spend all of my time on the "elite" servers (5150, etc), since Kenny, Dionstar and I managed the T1/T2 server Remotelabs (most popular server on the west coast), for those of you that really did play T1/T2 you probably played a match on it at one time or another. Lots of devs from Dynamix used to play on that server (especially diamondback) since they were just a couple hours down the road in Oregon.

Just reminiscing about the "good ol days".

Yup, I remember this server. Had it on my favorites.
I forget a lot of them. There was this one group of servers I played on a lot, but I played at cheater's for a long while.
T:A has a better chance at having a healthy competitive "eSports" showing than any previous Tribes game. Sure, Tribes 1 was more fun, but to me an active and healthy community is more important than "perfect omg im 13 in 1998 again" gameplay.

If anyone needs one....

Sure, Tribes 1 was more fun, but to me an active and healthy community is more important than "perfect omg im 13 in 1998 again" gameplay.

Sorry, but I can't relate.

There is nothing more important than good gameplay.

If you have that, a solid community will follow anyway.

I'd rather play the best game ever made.

You guys are strange.