Tribes 1/2 Vets Find 'em, make 'em PLAY thread

El Mariachi

Veteran XV
Alternatively titled "Gettin' the gang back together"
This could have been done before, if so I apologize and whatever

The point of the thread:
I am pretty selfish and I suck at 'keeping in touch' so that means there were cool people I know from TribalWar that I never really kept tabs on.

I'm sure some of you feel the same way.

So, where are these fuckers and how do we get in contact with them? I was hoping to play Tribes: Ascend with some cool peeps from the old days, but the current list in the other forum lists 90% of people I never heard of. Or, maybe I heard of, but I'm just too much of an asshole to remember them (plus I'm bad with names).

Listen, this ain't some sort of "HOLY SHIT TRIBES:ASCEND IS GREAT-EST GAME EVER" thingamajig, but some of us are old(er) and crusty(er) and miss playing with the old school peeps. Some of us miss the older days with less responsibilities and less significant others. Maybe you wanna catch up with the gang and the white and blue of the Tee-Dub just ain't cutting it.

I also figured it would make T:A a bit more fun if we had random scrims/join-ins for pub games, bullshitting on your favorite internet voice chat program. I see some old school people post every now and then, but I don't see their name in the beta thread(s). So, I don't know if this means they could give a shit, or if they just don't want to slog through a 1000000+ page thread.

I'm no alcoholic, but here's a 5 step program I've devised to help out with this:

First, I'm gonna rattle off names I remember (fondly, as in "positive impression", not "I touched that sack") from back in the day. You tell me if you've heard from them, can get in touch with them, and/or if they're willing to putz around with a tribes crew again. Let's find out if they have or are interested in playing the beta. If you remember some dudes (or chick) from back in the day, ask about them too. Maybe they just never came back because of all the TW drama.

The second part is ensuring we have enough beta keys to toss around to invite them. Maybe they're geniunely sad that they never got an invite and they've been waiting all this time for one of us outstanding individuals to throw them a bone (bone as in favor, not as in a hard penis).

The third part is, ensuring we keep up with this. Maybe we need a real thread in the members only forum, or just another option altogether. I dunno, IRC? The main problem here is that these people are actually probably too cool for school and are too busy to keep up with some humongous big thread or remembering how to IRC or shit like that.

Fourth part is that we'll need some internet voice chat service thingie with multiple rooms, probably.

Fifth part is something i haven't though up yet because I haven't anticipated it. In the meantime, step five is me not really apologizing for my horrible grammar. And not apologizing for repeating points in separate sentences and paragraphs.

Some names off the top of my head:
LogRoller, seen him post a few times, wrote on his TW wall or whatever
Bounty, I said some shit to him on facebook lets see if he responds.
Yankee, sent him a private message
poji_the_hat, sent him PM.
old_skul, sent pm.

So, don't get offended, there's probably tons more, but just gettin' the ball rollin here. Name some names of people you miss, maybe send them pm, maybe someone else talks to them on a regular basis.
Sup ElMar.

T:A sucks. I don't imagine it'll be a very effective rallying point for old players, and certainly not a good reason to "return" to Tribes.

I do appreciate/support the effort though.
Scrims and private matches are currently regulated to teams that are on the approved white list on
The game is fun. Also, just like t1 and t2, it's about 10x more fun when you play it in an organized environment with friends. Old players should definitely give it a chance, I am enjoying it quite a bit, much more than I ever expected I would, especially since I haven't played a game seriously in years.
I haven't seen yankee around for awhile...played battlefield bad company 2 with him....then he got sucked into world of tanks. i don't think he ever joined up for bf3
I didn't play on a very good competitive team, nor did I spend all of my time on the "elite" servers (5150, etc), since Kenny, Dionstar and I managed the T1/T2 server Remotelabs (most popular server on the west coast), for those of you that really did play T1/T2 you probably played a match on it at one time or another. Lots of devs from Dynamix used to play on that server (especially diamondback) since they were just a couple hours down the road in Oregon.

Just reminiscing about the "good ol days".
Scrims and private matches are currently regulated to teams that are on the approved white list on

We can try getting in on the whitelist thing, or see how well the 'friends' interface works for adding/joining games or what not.

Assuming we never get the full on whitelist/scrim thing going, it'll be more of a hangout/pick-up type thing (assuming friends shit works).
I didn't play on a very good competitive team, nor did I spend all of my time on the "elite" servers (5150, etc), since Kenny, Dionstar and I managed the T1/T2 server Remotelabs (most popular server on the west coast), for those of you that really did play T1/T2 you probably played a match on it at one time or another. Lots of devs from Dynamix used to play on that server (especially diamondback) since they were just a couple hours down the road in Oregon.

Just reminiscing about the "good ol days".

This was one of my favorite t1 servers, along with PiNGPoNG.