Tribalwar wiki article mega thread

Can anyone expound on the confrontation between TW and Pennyarcade? I think it had to do with us hotlinking them.
LogRoller said:
Just to give everyone an update: it looks pretty likely that the article will be deleted. I think we can submit a new one afterwards though, and it will be Shane-proof.

However, if we want it on wikipedia at all, then we need to stick with notable and factual information as it is laid out in their terms, which means that all of the stuff that is in there about our internal history and culture will need to come out.

Ask yourselves this question: what has TW contributed to the world for which there is proof? If you have an answer, and you have the proof, please post it here. Don't post what stories you have or what threads were epic. Wikipedia does not care about that stuff. Only we care about that stuff.

Fuck proving what we've contributed to the world. In the next week(s?) I'm going to do everything I can when I have time to compile a list of references and maybe throw together an article listing anything our greasy hands have been laid upon, but you know what? We're like the Seinfeld of the internet. We have no purpose, we're just here making fun of retarded kids and calling Jessica Alba fat and posting pictures of faggots' hot sisters. We're the disgusting aftertaste to the fine wine that is every other forum and we deserve mention.
I understand that, I've got a pretty long list of references right now I'm working on. Just sayin
Ultimately wikipedia is an encyclopedia of everything under the sun which is crosslinked with everything else in an expanding context because users can update it. Tribalwar is an object which has had an effect on the internet, even if it's relatively small and is in fact linked to in a few others articles within the wiki site. For that reason alone, history or otherwise a basic article should remain on the site for reference. Deleting it amounts to removing context and detail from the rest of the site and doesn't in any way increase the quality of the overall database.

If, for example something like AYBABTU can maintain an entry, then why not the tools, method and group of people that made it what it is. It's akin to trying to describe the Windows operating system with no mention of Microsoft as far as I'm concerned. The people who run the site should be striving to make sure that their database is as concise as possible, and obviously removing entries for no real reason doesn't help with that goal.

I haven't read a good argument so far why fads like AYBABTU, Mahir, among others are somehow 'deserving' of an entry and the website that facilitated their entry into the mainstream wouldn't be. Seems a little backwards to me.
Jislan said:
I understand that, I've got a pretty long list of references right now I'm working on. Just sayin
I think it'll be cool if we can work all of our escapades into the wiki using outside references and shit, so keep up the work Jislan.
Here's a list of references I have so far... this is just a start btw...:

Alex 'Marweas' Rodberg - Sierra PR guy and TW member - Penny Arcade reference...

All your base are belong to us - Wiki...History w/ TW mention

Big Boards - TW has received the 18th highest number of posts of any gaming forum - Has the 6th highest posts to member ratio of any gaming forum -



Dynamix -

Game Ladder -

Garage Games - -

Goatse - - (right side) - urban dictionary reference:

Internet phenomena -

Irrational Games - -

mods -

OGL Forums -

Online Gaming League -

Rhett "Super-Grover" Reese - - Joe Schmo show... - Invasion Iowa... - Spike TV...

September 11th attacks -,_2001_attacks

Sierra Entertainment - -

Shoutcast -

T.J. "Ocman" Allard - actor - Voice in Grandtheft Auto, correspondent on Fox's "Good Day Live" (anyone know if he still is?) Sources: wikipedia... IMDB

TSN - started out as Tribes Shoutcast Network by Beatstick, Ratorasniki, and Wonderdog - Now Team Shoutcast Network - - - mention of "tribes shoutcast network"...

Tribalwar winamp skin -

Tribes -

Tribes 2 -

Tribes: Vengeance -

TW vs Pennyarcade mention -

UVA Lan - A regular LAN for TW members sponsored by NVidia -

Vivendi Universal - -

"Vivendi Universal Games and Announce Tribes: Vengeance “Skinning” Competition" -

World Community Grid - 8th ranked "team" in terms of output -
Wasn't there a texture in SWAT 4 featuring an arcade with an advertisement for a game called "TRIBALWAR" which portrayed a caveman running around with a giant club?
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Kharn353 said:
Wasn't there a photo in SWAT 4 featuring an arcade with an advertisement for a game called "TRIBALWAR" which portrayed a caveman running around with a giant club?
That sounds like something that would be in SWAT 4. I loved looking at all of those posters/shit in the game. K. Relly In A-Minor was the best though.

I'd love to see a screenshot of it though if anyone has the game installed still.
We need references that specifically mention TW, though. Can't just link to CNN, that's fairly useless. Sources talking about the T:V skin contest would be one, for example.

Kharn353 said:
Wasn't there a texture in SWAT 4 featuring an arcade with an advertisement for a game called "TRIBALWAR" which portrayed a caveman running around with a giant club?
That was awesome.
I didn't intend for most of those to be used as linking as a citation, just for when it comes time to writing an article and you need to say, "Tribes was an online game" etc. and link to definitions or whatever. And some for general links at the end.
Someone has to have SWAT 4 around, didn't they put that in there because of how we were treating their guys and complaned a lot?
HomeSlice said:
Someone has to have SWAT 4 around, didn't they put that in there because of how we were treating their guys and complaned a lot?
Wait, I found it.

No one mentioned the 911 photo in which the guy is standing on the building and the plane was going to hit him

I think letterman, or one of those guys found him and showed a lot of his famous/funny photoshops on TV. Most were from TW

Anyone know what i mean?
Has someone at least made a copy of the wiki so that if it does get deleted, we have a reference version so we can recreate it (with proper sources)?

I personally have put a good bit of my personal time into the wiki, writing the External Events section.
The more and more I think about it, the more it seems like we're not really going to be able to put up more than a couple paragraphs worth. We've got a past, but unfrotunately only we really care about it and it's pretty difficult to prove most things since we can't use our own forum as a reference.

We all love this place (I think), but our impact is rather minimal and we're not noteworthy for just being.

I'm going to try, but I'm not guaranteeing anything on my part other than a good summary.
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Regardless, we should have a documented history somewhere. If it's just a history page on TW itself, that'd be fine.

But what a dickhead move.
Wish we has some proof as to what happened.

We have no proof that TW was behind the goatse of CNN, and no proof that Musashi created the Dean Kitten photo in one of our PS this contests.
(unless he has the original)