top 25 pc games of all time

That's something else that is nice about Steam (I'll bring it back to topic in a sec). Steam has been getting some of the old favorites at bargain prices. People will be able to go back and play stuff they missed or to replay them. On the flip side of that...some are not being reworked AT ALL to work on newer OSes or hardware. Not that I think devs would go back and put time into an old game but at least make sure it works on the new stuff before releasing them to us.
Point is, Steam rocks for stuff like this. When someone puts out a list of the "Best of" you may actually be able to go get it from Steam or some other PC gaming archive to see what the fuss was about. Or just to simply relive old times. Hell I would love to see them rerelease Tribes on Steam. With some of the improved grafx and rezzes the community has released and a rerelease on Steam, we could get a decent community going again... WITH BETTER GRAFX!
you're damn right its #1.. easily more time logged than anything else..

I had that game on my Compaq 486 machine way back when, but I also had Warcraft and Warcraft 2, which allowed so much more in the way of exploring my imagination than any MS game ever did. I am something of a story buff when it comes to games, and for the time, the Warcraft series created a solid backstory while providing ample room for fanfic-related fun. It also allowed customization on an order far, far beyond any type of game that came pre-installed in Windows.

I was a late bloomer on Tribes, otherwise I am sure it would have been my top game of all time. I do not see how Ski Free compares to a true game like either of these.
that's all I played when I had my first pc, a gateway 2000

you're damn right its #1.. easily more time logged than anything else..

ps: the reason Starcraft/korean shit isnt on the list is because I despise RTS as a genre.

pps: deus ex sucked. wannabe technohip crap.

Sorry Triple but if you go by this mindset, Solitaire would be #1 on most people's list :p
I know what you're saying, just had to throw that out there.

Oh and for some reason I did not like Dues Ex either...
I want to see the worst games...Daikatana would be in the top 5...Romero should have been shot for that piece of shit and never been allowed to touch another fucking game....EVAR!
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A few of my top..

1) Quake - Especially CTF and TF
2) Tribes
3) TF2
4) Unreal Tournament
5) Doom and Doom2
6) Rune
7) Die By the Sword
8) Duke Nukem
9) Mech Warrior
10) Redneck Rampage
11) C&C/Red Alert
12) Warcraft
13) BF 1942 - DC
14) EQ
15) Hexen
16) Unreal

edit: Forgot Diablo 1 &2
skifree wasn't an ms game.. i mean it WAS, but its not like ms hired a developer to go and make it. Ms licensed it, skifree was developed independently by "some guy"
skifree wasn't an ms game.. i mean it WAS, but its not like ms hired a developer to go and make it. Ms licensed it, skifree was developed independently by "some guy"

In other words, it was just like the rest of the ideas for their OS and all the others to follow...STOLEN.
rofl ok. that's like saying treyarch "stole" the cod idea from infinity ward, but whatever you ms haters gotta do to stay on target I guess..
i fully appreciate games like x-com were wonders of their era

but i seriously doubt they stand up to most games today

like if you had the choice of playing x-com or cod4, im playing cod4. this is best games of all time, not best games of 1984. the list is going to trend modern.
rofl ok. that's like saying treyarch "stole" the cod idea from infinity ward, but whatever you ms haters gotta do to stay on target I guess..

LOL I was just messin'
Just being tonight.

Though most of people's lists will be older games, it's hard not to go with the games that shaped games thereafter. There have been some VERY influential games. I think there are several groups that have influenced games more than any others: Blizzard, ID, Valve, Epic, and Bioware. Sure others have made some great games but these groups more than any other. I think Epic has taken ID's spot in gaming. ID had a huge impact on gaming but have really taken a back seat for quite a while now while Epic continues to make an engine that so many use anymore. I guess they do more indirect influencing. UT is not the juggernaut it once was but the engines they churn out get used alot.