[TMNT] Michael Bay Just Doesn't Get It [Movies]

I made this a separate post since it's kind of long, but Peter Laird--co-creator of TMNT--shared some thoughts on his blog. It's pretty long, but there are some good bits in there.
Peter Laird's Blogspot

Peter Laird said:
But I would actually encourage TMNT fans to swallow the "chill pill" Mr. Bay recently suggested they take, and wait and see what might come out of this seemingly ill-conceived plan. It's possible that with enough truly creative brainpower applied to this idea, it might actually work. I'm not saying it's probable, or even somewhat likely… but it IS possible.

Peter Laird said:
Over the years, I have made no secret of my distaste for what I consider to be the weak, facile, creatively bankrupt idea which can be summed up like this:

"If FOUR Ninja Turtles are good, then FIVE (or more) Ninja Turtles MUST be better!"

Peter Laird said:
Anyway, to get back to the "TMNT are aliens" thing -- the reason I say it could be a "genius" idea is that -- for the first time -- someone has come up with a way to have as many freakin' Turtles as they want. I mean, if the TMNT are actually members of an alien race, there could be a whole PLANET of them!

and a little bit later...

Peter Laird said:
Just so it's absolutely clear -- I think a planet of turtles is not, in and of itself, a bad idea for some kind of science fiction/fantasy story. But as a way to explain any aspect of the backstory of TMNT, I think it is awful and unnecessary.

Peter Laird thinks it sucks while being sarcastic.
Michelangelo responds to Michael Bay...

Ex-Ninja Turtles Actor -- Michael Bay is 'Sodomizing' the TMNT Legacy | TMZ.com

and Michael Bay responds to fans:

Ninja turtles

Man, that forum is just full of dick-suckers slobber-nobbering, Michael Bay.

Michael Bay took what could have been more than just explosions and big action set pieces and shiat on it. Transformers was a popcorn film but it could have been so much better. The second movie was pure balls.

I f'ing hate him.
Bay comments on his blog about the title being simply Ninja Turtles:


Paramount marketing changed the name. They made the title simple. The characters you all remember are exactly the same, and yes they still act like teenagers. Everything you remember, why you liked the characters, is in the movie. This script is being developed by two very smart writers, with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles. They care VERY MUCH about making this film for the fans. Everyone on this team cares about the fans. Just give them a chance. Jonathan the director, is a major fan of the whole franchise. HE'S NOT GOING TO LET YOU DOWN.


No, Michael, the characters are NOT exactly the same, despite the encouragement from your dipshit fans (see link). I wouldn't be surprised if the board is composed of fake posts made by people working for Michael Bay to make him seem liked.
Thank god MASK was never popular enough to screw up.

I must have been too old for TMNT because I thought the whole thing sucked and I don't see why them being aliens makes it worse than some magic goo that turns turtles into humanoids.
because the character development comes from them growing up as freaks in the NYC sewers, yet still running around at night saving people. if they are aliens and grew up on an alien world with lots of people like them, then they are just displaced teens who want to go back home. What makes for a more intriguing character?

Of course its fucking Michael Bay, so say goodbye to plot & character development and say hello to constant explosions you won't remember with camera transitions every 0.33 seconds.

besides, how are aliens going to learn ninjistu? and if they traveled to earth, why wouldn't they use pew-pew lasers.
besides, how are aliens going to learn ninjistu?

well everyone knows movie aliens and to a lesser extent sentient robots are able to learn all sorts of shit in a small amt of time (leeloo, johnny five, etc)

i'm sure michael bay will add in some disturbing alien turtle sex scene, which invariably involves some bizarre shit (a la avatar hair sex) like rubbing their bandana masks on another's genitals or something
i probably wasnt going to see this movie to begin with

this seals the deal. michael bay is a faggot
M.B. already stated the turtles are not aliens, rather the ooze that created the turtles came from space....so get over it. It does not really change that much except for the fact that instead of fighting shredder they will most likely be fighting mutant space aliens. ....
the reality is that as long as you troglodytes keep paying to see his films he will keep making them
I thought I read somewhere that his whole alien comment stemmed from the fact they were mutated from the ooze that originated/was brought to earth by the utroms - that alien race that looks like brains. So I was ok with that since it actually follows the lore, but if he's planning on having a whole race of alien turtles on a planet somewhere, that's pretty fucking retarded.
M.B. already stated the turtles are not aliens, rather the ooze that created the turtles came from space....so get over it. It does not really change that much except for the fact that instead of fighting shredder they will most likely be fighting mutant space aliens. ....

No, he didn't say that. He's said nothing more than "These turtles are part of an alien race." That doesn't translate to what you've said.

Look, here's the thing: TMNT was created as a satire and parody of Daredevil, Ronin, and Elektra--all works by Frank Miller. The concept was to take something pretty goofy and turn it into something cool that commented on the state of comics. With this reboot, they have the opportunity to do the same thing, but with the current trend of superhero movies. Sadly, with Bay at the helm, that isn't going to happen.

All that wasted potential, and Michael Bay will get richer off of it.
They don't necessarily have to "get it." It just needs to be good. Most people probably wouldn't "get" a psychological exploration of the boundaries between good, evil, and neutral combined with a study of the identity of heroic archetypes, but The Dark Knight certainly did pretty well.
corey feldman?

:lol: yeah voice of donatello in first movie


the secret:

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