Tim and eric show.

Tom Buttfucks the Mayor was not good television.

Lies and ignorant slander; BassFest was among the most genius things I have ever borne witness to on television.

Also, "PUBLIC CONSUMATION OF YOUR WEDDING VOWS" -- my GOD, that had to be the VILEST thing I have ever witnessed on television. For that horrific image of Tom and Joy (the most terrifying creature since Cthulu) having sex, Tom will always have, at the very least, my respect.
I'm glad that the show I was looking forward to watching ISN'T FUCKING ON.

But this is really funny, I've seen it before.
Tom Goes to the Mayor was a good show with some truly genius moments (Calcu-Corn, Pipe Camp, BassFest).

I must say, though, Awesome Show is a lot more inconsistent than Tom was. (Well, maybe that's being a BIT generous...Married News Team were much better on Tom, Steve Brule isn't funny at all, and most of the rest is way too much incongruous Tim and Eric homoerotic shenanigans to be funny).

I really think Tom was the superior product...and it's a shame so many of the 14-year-old idiots that make up most of Adult Swim's viewership hated it so. (Then again, the vast majority of Adult Swim's ratings come from the "DUR FAMILY GUY RERUN HURDEHURHUR" crowd, so I doubt the programming suits will worry at all...until Family Guy gets canceled again.)

I am in both shock and awe that you enjoyed that terrible show Mr. Reed.
Lies and ignorant slander; BassFest was among the most genius things I have ever borne witness to on television.

Also, "PUBLIC CONSUMATION OF YOUR WEDDING VOWS" -- my GOD, that had to be the VILEST thing I have ever witnessed on television. For that horrific image of Tom and Joy (the most terrifying creature since Cthulu) having sex, Tom will always have, at the very least, my respect.
One episode does not make a good show.

And Bassfest was "meh" at best.
Tom Goes to the Mayor was horrible. It takes a lot to be worse than that (although this new show does it).

You could film random downtown traffic in Atlanta and come up with more hilarity than "Tim and Eric" do.
Has anyone actually made it through an episode of Saul? I can't do it.

I miss the old school Sealab. That show was concentrated awesome until Goz died.