Thoughts on chiropractors?

Stop quoting Pagy and read my personal experiences. He's never been outside and he still thinks I left, apparently. No recurrence for many years so the regular visits bit is horseshit. Also never done yoga in my life, that's for queers who can't lift (bro).
My husband goes regularly for his sciatica

Seems to do the trick

Last year you were sexing a menstruating female, post bragging about it which led to you drinking deeply the cup of self ownage.

Now you are married and bisexual? How does one reconcile the two scenerios?
personal anecdotes don't matter

and like it's been said repeatedly, while going to a chiro may make you feel good (which is fine, if that's all you realize you will get out of it), you have the same likelihood of feeling better after going to a masseuse

neither one is going to permanently fix any issue you have

if something goes away after you go to the chiro, it's either because he did some sort of "therapy" that relaxed your muscles and allowed the area to heal quicker (much like going to a masseuse), or it was coincidence
personal anecdotes don't matter

and like it's been said repeatedly, while going to a chiro may make you feel good (which is fine, if that's all you realize you will get out of it), you have the same likelihood of feeling better after going to a masseuse

neither one is going to permanently fix any issue you have

if something goes away after you go to the chiro, it's either because he did some sort of "therapy" that relaxed your muscles and allowed the area to heal quicker (much like going to a masseuse), or it was coincidence

Wut? MRI scan showed an obviously prolapse disc, that's not going to go away because my muscles are relaxed. And if 4 years with no recurring symptoms isn't permanent, it's close enough, given that the alternative was surgery. Disc is at C5/C6, the only way they can get to that is from the front, and recovery starts with 2 weeks in traction. I'll take the Chiro, thanks.
Stop quoting Pagy and read my personal experiences. He's never been outside and he still thinks I left, apparently. No recurrence for many years so the regular visits bit is horseshit. Also never done yoga in my life, that's for queers who can't lift (bro).
To each his own, and while I have hated on Pagy (and all STEM autists)
Pagy has some very good things to say.

As did you. :)
personal anecdotes don't matter

and like it's been said repeatedly, while going to a chiro may make you feel good (which is fine, if that's all you realize you will get out of it), you have the same likelihood of feeling better after going to a masseuse

neither one is going to permanently fix any issue you have

if something goes away after you go to the chiro, it's either because he did some sort of "therapy" that relaxed your muscles and allowed the area to heal quicker (much like going to a masseuse), or it was coincidence

Chiro won't usually permanently fix but it works.

I have a bulging disc in my neck, every few months it builds up a feeling of pressure like I always want to twist and crack my neck and I get a constant headache. Nothing gets rid of it, constant stretching, massage, exercise, physio, acupuncture, reiki, neurosurgeons, mri's, cat scans I've had the lot over near 20 years, there is nothing they can do for it.
About 10 years ago I took a chance, I've never trusted them, but 20 seconds with the chiro and it's gone in two minutes and stays away for a few months unless I do something stupid like cutting down trees or moving furniture.

Some of them are like magic people, my Dad had a mining accident when young and had a bad back his entire adult life. At 65 the same chiro cracked his back and it was fixed for good, unbefuckinglievable.

Mine used to be a champion weightlifter and he can pretty much pull grown men in half, I'm not sure how well a small woman could do it though.
Like I said before, unless you have a legitimate medical issue causing your back pain, you can fix it yourself with exercise and stretching. And you get the added bonus of being a healthier, stronger human being. Things the chiro will not do for you.

Those guys aren't stupid. Neither are physical therapists. They all know the path to ACTUALLY fixing your problems, but they make money by providing relief from symptoms instead.
Wut? MRI scan showed an obviously prolapse disc, that's not going to go away because my muscles are relaxed. And if 4 years with no recurring symptoms isn't permanent, it's close enough, given that the alternative was surgery. Disc is at C5/C6, the only way they can get to that is from the front, and recovery starts with 2 weeks in traction. I'll take the Chiro, thanks.

Here is where your lack of knowledge and experience with science/anatomy starts to show.

Your visit with the chiropractor, while it may have seemed beneficial, could have been nothing more than mere coincidence. Or, rather, he did something that either a masseuse or stretching/exercise could have done. Or, he actually did something unique.

All things point to coincidence/not-unique. If you can explain what a chiropractor can do that exercise or a masseuse cannot, then I may be inclined to listen. To beat a dead horse, a slipped disc isn't magically put back into place by a chiro or anything of that nature. Having the area massaged/stretched/rehabbed (via exercise/movement) is what helps a disc, outside of surgery. The chiro did nothing that was special or unique.

I'm sorry that you don't understand human anatomy & physiology well enough to know what is happening with your body.
Here is where your lack of knowledge and experience with science/anatomy starts to show.

Your visit with the chiropractor, while it may have seemed beneficial, could have been nothing more than mere coincidence. Or, rather, he did something that either a masseuse or stretching/exercise could have done. Or, he actually did something unique.

All things point to coincidence/not-unique. If you can explain what a chiropractor can do that exercise or a masseuse cannot, then I may be inclined to listen. To beat a dead horse, a slipped disc isn't magically put back into place by a chiro or anything of that nature. Having the area massaged/stretched/rehabbed (via exercise/movement) is what helps a disc, outside of surgery. The chiro did nothing that was special or unique.

I'm sorry that you don't understand human anatomy & physiology well enough to know what is happening with your body.

:lol: What a massive waste of time. He still isn't going to understand why he is a retard.
If you can explain what a chiropractor can do that exercise or a masseuse cannot, then I may be inclined to listen.


I already explained what he did. Ultrasound and electrical pulse therapy. For further clarity, to address the symptom, which was referred pain in my shoulder and arm from the disc rubbing on the nerve. Of course I don't think he actually fixed the underlying disc problem, because that can only be done with surgery, derp.

But yeah, thanks for pointing out again that your knowledge is superior to everyone else's, and that the real life experiences of others are irrelevant. Because that will never get old :rolleyes:
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I already explained what he did. Ultrasound and electrical pulse therapy. But yeah, thanks for pointing out again that your knowledge is superior to everyone else's, and that the real life experiences of others are irrelevant. Because that will never get old :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Explain the mechanism.

I don't think I know more than everyone. I certainly think I know more about strength training, science, and health than you do.

There is nothing unique about the ultrasound and electrical pulse therapy that couldn't be gained by a massage therapist, stretching, or exercise.
Mitch doesn't understand what is wrong with getting psychical therapy from a chiropractor.
I don't think I know more than everyone. I certainly think I know more about strength training, science, and health than you do.

Never disputed that. Doesn't mean you know better about the specifics of my condition and the best approach to resolving it. You're making sweeping generalisations to dismiss every opinion but your own.

There is nothing unique about the ultrasound and electrical pulse therapy that couldn't be gained by a massage therapist, stretching, or exercise.

This is what an opinion looks like. And you know what they say about opinions.

it's not an "opinion" that i know how those techniques work

it's not an "opinion" that i know what a slipped disc is (physiologically speaking)

mitch, i've tried explaining why MDs laugh at chiros, but you just want to believe that what you didn't wasn't for nothing

you win

it's not an "opinion" that i know how those techniques work

it's not an "opinion" that i know what a slipped disc is (physiologically speaking)

mitch, i've tried explaining why MDs laugh at chiros, but you just want to believe that what you didn't wasn't for nothing

you win

If you are naive and arrogant enough to believe there is never a case where a very experienced and reputable chiropractor can do a better job than any masseuse can, or than some lifting and stretching can achieve, then I have to say that's a level of arrogance I can't comprehend. It's approaching absent level, but he has multiple psychological disorders to explain his situation, whereas you're just arrogant because you choose to be. GG hi-5.

Here you go, have a giggle at this, you know better than this guy though I guess. Or something.

Dr. Gerry Nastasia |