Thoughts on chiropractors?

I never understand people denying it works.

My back is sore and you can feel the muscle is tight.

The chiro cracks your back, you feel the movement in your joint, the pain stops and the muscle relaxes.

It is direct cause and effect. It is not mental. There is nothing abstract about it.

Saying it doesn't work is like saying it doesn't hurt if I pinch you.

I can accept it doesn't work for everyone - including Rayn

I can't understanding claiming it is a hoax or quackery

the reason people call it quackery is because it is based off of nonsense

chiros are taught in school that spinal misalignment causes disease... that's horseshit, obviously

the reason chiropractic makes you feel better is also not the reasons they say it is... they are not realigning your back or adjusting your hips to make your legs the same length or whatever stupid shit they are saying

what they do can, and usually does, feel good, and that's the extent of it... it's nothing more than something akin to what a masseuse does

have you ever had pain in your knuckles, only to pop them and feel relief? but then it comes back later, either hours or days? same idea... you didn't realign the bones in your hand or some nonsense

edit: if someone has a true pathophysiological condition where something is "out of alignment", simply popping it or "adjusting" it will not correct this issue... bones are positioned/held in position by muscles, so if you have a postural deficiency or some weird alignment, it's because you have overly strong muscles pulling the bones out of the position in which they should be (or overly weak muscles allowing the bones to be pulled away from them)

bones don't automatically "know" where to be
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I've gone to a real MD who also does Chiro, he was able to pinpoint the likely source of pinched nerves (around C6) and successfully adjusted to alleviate the pinch point. It only "works" till the spine is pulled back out of alignment by whatever underlying issues you've got, its more of a temporary relief from symptoms.

If I were to do it again, I'd pay cash instead of going through insurance, insurance co-pays for that shit are not worth it. You can probably arrange a cash deal for less. Foam roller does the same thing cheaper if you can relax your muscles enough to decompress.
Had problems with a prolapsed disc 4 years ago, pressing on a nerve and causing referred pain all down my right arm which got pretty severe. Osteopath sent me to a neurosurgeon who took one look at my MRI and told me I needed immediate disc surgery.

First thought was "fuck that" so went to see a Chiro and in 6 sessions I was fixed. No twisting and cracking, just massage but mostly ultrasound and electrical pulse therapy. Never had a recurrence of any sort since.

Fractured my spine deadlifting 2 years ago but that's another story and another vertebra.

Bonus point...Chiro is from Boston.
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heh heh

bye bye back pain until u fukin deadlift wrong like i did two weeks ago and spend a week walkin like u got sumthin in ur butt

but i agree with u 4 the most part. workin out is a good cure for wait ails u however there r ppl who have bad backs who cant squat or deadlift

Did you check if there was actually anything up your butt, might have been that.

Also, hi Glare :wave:
You should give up thinking, you're not very good at it. Hit yourself repeatedly on the head with a rock, you'll probably be better at that.
says the guy that quit tw crying 6 times only to keep posting here when everyone hates him
cliffs: i think the practice is alternative medicine and not backed up by science. i wouldn't recommend it strongly to anyone with a genuine problem. my personal experience wasn't great but i do think i got something positive out of it. my opinion of the medical profession is also very jaded.

over a year ago i had a serious lower back injury (i believe i either tore a disc and/or sprained several ligaments) and it still hasn't healed (i have a long commute and sit in a chair all day, so i just aggravate it daily). i did months and months of pt, several procedures (some bogus and turned down many more bogus ones), including several months of chiro. nothing really helped significantly. none of the chiro quackery did anything (back cracking, neck popping), which i either switched chiros or told them to stop doing. i eventually ended up with a chiro who was a triathlete and seemed to genuinely care about my improvement (regardless of whether or not his profession was bogus). he did some things which seemed more foundational, like breaking up scar tissue near the injury site and trying to lose the tightness of the muscles (which was basically a massage).

eventually i stopped going because i didn't see much improvement after a while, but initially i do think i saw a minor improvement in mobility around the injured site. it's difficult to separate whether the improvement was due to time for recovery, the pt, or the actual procedures.

i'm still not able to squat or deadlift due to the injury so solutions related to "just squat or deadlift more" unfortunately aren't options. i still do pt on my own and try to workout and figure out what doesn't cause flare ups or re-aggravates it.

take care of your backs folks!
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Palmer school of chiropractic is a hop and a skip away, so there's a bunch of chiros around here. I tried their clinic a few times, but it's a teaching clinic, and none of the new chiropracters could even adjust me.

I'm in WI. Virtually all Palmer guys around here and I have friend who graduated from there. Really think they produce good chiros.

Got adjusted on vacation in FL by non-Palmer grad. Adjustment felt really rough. Palmer guys seem to adjust with controlled pressure where this guy really felt like he was trying "pop" something back into place. Still worked, just a little more unpleasant getting there.
Had problems with a prolapsed disc 4 years ago, pressing on a nerve and causing referred pain all down my right arm which got pretty severe. Osteopath sent me to a neurosurgeon who took one look at my MRI and told me I needed immediate disc surgery.

First thought was "fuck that" so went to see a Chiro and in 6 sessions I was fixed. No twisting and cracking, just massage but mostly ultrasound and electrical pulse therapy. Never had a recurrence of any sort since.

Fractured my spine deadlifting 2 years ago but that's another story and another vertebra.

Bonus point...Chiro is from Boston.

These are you options with conventional docs -

Surgery - if you've got a hammer everything looks like a nail. If you get to the point of seeing a surgeon, there's a 90+% chance he's going to recommend surgery

Medication - totally ineffective except in making you feel like shit for a week or two

Physical therapy - chiro's retarded ineffective cousin. This shit doesn't help unless your recovering from the surgery.
You need chiro to bust it back into place but you need to take up exercise to strengthen the muscles allowing things to go to shit, like Belial said. After a while no more chiro.
^^^^ this. Despite prolapsed disc in neck and compression fracture in lower spine which also toasted a disc, i still do more lifting than 95% of the population. Not so much heavy deadlifting of course, I'm not crazy.
I'll also point out, you'll have a lot more success with yoga. or just properly stretching
This, and what Pagy said earlier about seeing a massage therapist.

Else you'll have to see the Chiropractor weekly for years on end. Oh and $35/visit for 3min of actual hands on stuff is a rip off. Renegotiate for $10/visit or see someone else.