This is for you Trump voters.

You may have been too drunk to realize it was happening.


That looks to me like they supported the closing of the detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay. He asked if anyone remembered liberals protesting it being closed, and I said I didn't.
That looks to me like they supported the closing of the detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay. He asked if anyone remembered liberals protesting it being closed, and I said I didn't.

Excuse me, can you stop arguing like a woman does? We don't have time for this shit.
I love that there's two options for Hillary in 2017, White House or big house

I'm 100% certain trump will move for the FBI to prosecute her when he wins
Read what I quoted. If he meant that liberals were protesting Gitmo continuing to remain open, he should have stated that. He didn't.


I'm running a trail race in the morning, so I'll take my victory in this thread and head to bed. Thanks, was fun.
I think he was talking about how the protesters all disappeared when Obama became President despite the wars still going on and Gitmo still being open... (something Obama said he'd close as soon as he was elected).
I love that there's two options for Hillary in 2017, White House or big house

I'm 100% certain trump will move for the FBI to prosecute her when he wins

This is not required. Russia and the FBI believe WW3 is inevitable and you have a lot of high paid people that can see a Hillary presidency means the end of their families and generational plans. Russia can't maintain a world balance on their own. The FBI will eventually (in the next couple months) come to the conclusion to indict Hillary or watch the world implode.

According to prophecy (and info we readily have) the leaders we have think its someone elses responsibility to maintain the nuclear arsenal and readiness of the island army. So they have sold off the national secrets. People complain about the FBI not indicting Hillary, but the perfect time to do so is yet to come.
Dear Vanster, Hillary isn't the President.....

"Obama founded ISIS" etc

That looks to me like they supported the closing of the detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay. He asked if anyone remembered liberals protesting it being closed, and I said I didn't.

that's how I read pyro's question too

I think he was talking about how the protesters all disappeared when Obama became President despite the wars still going on and Gitmo still being open... (something Obama said he'd close as soon as he was elected).

Maybe because he's at least trying to close Gitmo. The issue he's having is finding a place that is willing to accept the prisoners now.

And there are fewer than 14,000 Americans deployed in combat zones right now. Compare that to 158,000 in Iraq alone in 2008.
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Read what I quoted. If he meant that liberals were protesting Gitmo continuing to remain open, he should have stated that. He didn't.

I'm running a trail race in the morning, so I'll take my victory in this thread and head to bed. Thanks, was fun.

this is what we're dealing with with Reuters, AP, MSNBC, CNN, HufPo, WaPo, etc etc

completely disingenuous fucks that will refuse to argue a point on merit and will instead try to discredit to further their agenda

to vansters credit he didn't try to make me sound racist/sexist/homophobic so he's got that going for him unlike those cucked 'news' outlets
Don't foam. The Church has won.

the church won alright. the church of satan. because hillary must have made a pact with the devil to get to run against an anthromorphic cheeto instead of a real candidate

Does anyone remember when liberals were openly protesting closing gitmo and evacuating the Middle East during bushs years? Where they be
they're hanging out on the same island as all those right wingers who insisted middle eastern military interventions and government spying are critical to our national security
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the church won alright. the church of satan. because hillary must have made a pact with the devil to get to run against an anthromorphic cheeto instead of a real candidate

they're hanging out on the same island as all those right wingers who insisted middle eastern military interventions and government spying are critical to our national security

Read the bible. The bible follows Gods timetable which revolves around Tetrahd and feast/sacrifice/epic time cycles from the book of Genesis. These time cycles in history do not fail to coincide with major world events starting with the desolation of Jerusalem in about 70 AD followed by events such as the Spanish expulsion of Jews 1492 and ultimately govern the world clock in the form of WW2 and then financial collapse.

On Sep 15/2015 we saw what was the equivalent of that clock hitting midnight. NASA projects we will not see such a thing for hundreds of years. The previous three sum up the entire cold war and Israeli six day war, war of independence, yom kippur, and simultaneous American stock collapses in 1987, 1994 (black monday), 2001 and 2008 coincided with the Jewish calendar according to prophecy, to the day and hour.

And at this time we have word in the church that God has been prophesying about Trump since 2011, he is going to be used as a battering ram against the kingdom of darkness.

The Church will see Trump and pray for his victory. God often builds an object of wrath (the Clintons, Rothschilds, Bush family) in order to show the world how meaningless these powers are. Hillary is done for.
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the book of Matthew and the whole rest of the bible is nearly fulfilled. This should be very concerning, in the extreme. Test by these questions:

- Has the present election brought you into division within your own family regarding the migrants?

Luke 12:53 said:
They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

Families are divided over Trump.

Do you believe it is good people or bad people against Trump? Are those migrants shooting up France, Orlando and raping in Germany what we want here? Why would anyone for for this?

Matthew 13:49 said:
This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous

No middle ground exists. At the moment some people are misinformed, that is all, but this will come to an end before long. A wall will be built:

Ezekiel 38:11 said:
You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people--all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.

The bible says that before the wall is built, we will be invaded. I think we are just about there. Ezekiel 38 talks about a war in the middle east involving Russia in the time of the end and nuclear weapons (study the book for a detailed, ancient explanation of nuclear cleanup activities) 2 wars are to come, back to back