The Truth about old_skul

old_skul said:
Jesus. I'd forgotten I'd told you about all that. Well, now everyone knows. If anyone wants to see the keying, I have pictures; and if anyone wants to know about the arrests:

Complaint #1

Complaint #2

Note that in the complaints, the police responded to a call on domestic violence: and the record shows that it was *me* who dialed 911, and *she* was the suspect. Let's drag it all out for everyone to see.

When I bailed her out, she spit on me. I hope she gets help.
She is probably screwed up from the accident. That is really a shame. Was she violent at all before the accident?
After reading 26 pages ya hope to end up knowing a little more than you did before. Not always so, eh?

I just hope whoever's lying really gets it in the end.
I can't change my address. That document is of court record. It's worth more to me to paint the clear picture than it is to hide my address.

And actually, I didn't intend for that post to wind up over in this thread. But so be it...shrug...
[Chen-RG-] said:

u should have perhaps erased ur addy? U might be invitin some crazies here on tribalwar.

My name, address, and phone number are easily available to anyone with an ounce of Internet savvy. It's not really a concern, I think :)
El Mariachi said:


