The Tribalwar League

yo dewald

props for busting some ass.

you sucked as a sycophant pussy but you are cool again now bro

need a hug?
whats the inevitable drama deal gonna be? Can we still make 400 page epic threads about the possible alternative lifestyles of ladder admins?
Colosus said:
There's a memo now?!?! Jesus H Christ. I'm so far out of the loop it is ridiculous.

Hell, even I got the memo.

The russian coke was just the tip of the iceberg. The asian whores are where the real money eyes.

Look at it this way, if you offered TW russian coke for a price, how many would turn you down?

No how about asian whores (tested and std safe of course). Hell, alex even has some underaged ones on lay away for Hydrogen. And some white ones for juggernazi.

The russian coke is really just so you'll turn your head and cough at the right moments.
Colosus said:
Ok. Listen up you self-righteous bitch. Don't ever come in here and talk to me about the "community". I was willing to put up with your conspiracy theories and your ignorance in private, but you decide to bring it out in the public, the gloves come off.

TW tried to work with TWL on a ladder system for the community and perhaps you should have a conversation with other people before you decide to continue the arguement along that path so that the real truth that you don't know or are trying to hide doesn't come out.

Before you joined TWL, you were extremely cool, open to new ideas and excited about this game and this community. I don't know if it was TWL or just simply your own feeble mind, but you've lost it. You've gone bat-shit insane and jump on any "conspiracy" you can find.

I do not control WOFN's management decisions anymore than you control TWL's. I make my opinions known and they are weighed along with everyone elses. Just because I actually try to provide something for the COMMUNITY (you know, that one that you think you know just because you play Tribes 2) and disagree with your ideas to make everything a utopia (which is never going to happen).

You think that I am somehow controlled by Sierra, as do some others. Sierra has absolutely no investment in TW since Alex left. The development team posts here. They also post on and, but you seem to ignore that fact because it doesn't fit in with your grand scheme of everyone being against you.

I'm tired. I am truly fucking tired by all of your bullshit. It's over. You took internal issues with me out into the public and that is where you failed. All you had to do was wait until MG came back from school and you would have been fine. Instead you jumped overboard and you will get no lifeboat.

Fuck the high road, fuck the low road, fuck you. I'm sick of it. Drama queen bullshit, that's all this is.

This post has WANG
leave the competition/leagues/ladders for TWL

leave the drama/whining/pics of my new gf for TW

i thought this was obvious

<3 TWL triston / polaris ....thanks for always putting the game first and foremost.