The Tribalwar League

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Tribalwar has set out to become a one stop shop for anything Tribes related. We want people to think of TW and Tribes the same way you think of peanut butter and jelly; they just go together. We've done very well as far as news and forums go, and because of that a large percentage of our community calls TW home. But forums and news is just a small part of what we knew we could offer. Some months ago we got together with some people and figured out we could start WOFN to fill the shoutcast void we felt had opened up. Since WOFN is tied to TW, and vice-versa, we're able to spread the loving around in a way we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. I think WOFN is off to a great start and has some excellent people in charge. I know it'll be around for the long haul.

At the same time we started looking into creating WOFN we also started thinking about creating our own competition system, some sort of league or ladder. We figured that having the forums, the shoutcast, and the Competition site that the Tribes community uses all in one place would be pretty cool, and would make TW even more of the one-stop-shop that we want it to be. Of course this isn't the first time we've wanted to make a Tribes ladder. TWL started out as a TW project that got spun-off due to circumstances at the times. It has grown beyond my wildest expectations, and is run by a great bunch of guys.

So we had to ask ourselves: Do we want to make a new League system when TWL is out there? Do people want a second place to compete? It wasn't possible for us to come to any conclusions about these questions ourselves. So we figured we'd ask you all.

Do you think TW should make a League/Ladder system? Should we aim to be the main T:V site for competition, or should we try and be like TP used to be, more of a scrim League? Or should we let the community decide based on where they play when the time comes?

Would you like to see a League, a Ladder, both, or some hybrid system? Should we open it when the T:V beta is released, or wait until the full version? How should we determine the rules? Who should we get to administer it?

We're looking for your feedback, whatever you've got to say. If we do make this competition site, that's how we'll run it, based on what the community has to say. Before anyone asks, if we do make a Competition site it would be open to broadcast from any organization, and WOFN wouldn't be limited to just covering it. I really want to do this, I think its the next piece in the Tribalwar puzzle, and I know we can do a kickass job running it. No one knows Tribes better than the people on these forums, so in my opinion there's no better place to have the T:V competition than here.
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As for the T:V thing, I'd like to see it start during beta if you really do wish to go through with it.

and I'd love to see a competitive league going for Tribes: Vengeance :D
Moving in on TWL? I'm already confused.

I think the real question is, can you guys handle it. As Vlasic what he thinks of running a ladder.

edit: I vote yes btw.
I don't see it as moving in on anyone. The more places to play the better IMO. TWL is doing a lot of interesting stuff to plan for T:V release including talks of a hybrid ladder as well (More Info ). The inclusion of a TW league would only make things better for the players, as there would be more choices for everyone.
TWL (as it seems to me) has lost their roots to tribes. I'm glad they got it going how they want to. But I think I would like to compete on a tribes only ladder.

Down side might be pulling people in. Non-TW people might go to TWL b/c they compete there for cod, t2 etc. I dunno...
I'd like to see TW continue to integrate with TWL (if possible).

TWL already has all of us over there. TW has betting built in. There's so much TW could do to make it look "seamless" from TW to TWL.

I think a T:V Beta ladder would rock. With a special forums (for DEV watching of course).

A TW T:V Competition Ladder would be an awesome focus group for Irrational to look over, get great feedback and find some bugs.

Imposter said:
That twl hybrid idea is a lot like what yogi mentioned to me a few weeks ago. Could be pretty cool.

Yeah, I've actually heard mention of something like that over the last 6 months or so. I originally heard Col talking about an idea similar, and various other people have mentioned the idea as well. I think its just something thats time has come.