The most angry thing you've done

in k league soccer when i was 5 yrs old this fat kid on the other team kept falling on me. after falling on me 6 or 7 times i finally got up while he was on the ground, rolled him on his side and kicked him in the stomach a good 15 times before the parents rushed in from the sides and picked me up off him
I was a fucking wuss when I was a kid, and I'll readily admit it.

Most violent things I've ever done in anger haven't been anything of note.

I shoved my little sister to the ground one time when I was 16 or so. She was 14 and being a major bitch, so I shoved her...she still is a little bitch, although I'm a lot better about controlling my anger towards her now.

I also shoved this one fag in chorus when I was 13. Yes, I took chorus, much to my regret...the middle school made me choose an elective and art wasn't an option, so I took chorus because it seemed inoffensive. I got into the 8th grade art class later anyway (I was 7th grade at the time), so it was cool. The kid was some scrawny fucker who always laughed at me despite being a little tool himself, so I shoved him, he cried like a little bitch, and I was paralyzed at fear at the thought of going to the principal's office and having my parents called (which didn't happen anyway).

I have always been a huge pussy about authority figures possibly coming down on me for stepping out of line, even for the littlest things. I don't know why, but I have this all-consuming fear of discipline and the shame that comes with it. Even when I get banned from a message board by a semi-respectable mod for dicking around, I feel kinda like a dick.

When I was 15 I started volunteering at a local museum and dealing with kids on a regular basis, and ever since then my patience threshhold has been through the roof. I take pride in facing infuriating situations without batting an eye. It really takes a lot to get under my skin these days, and even if somebody did, I wouldn't think of assaulting them unless they physically assaulted me or one of my friends/family first.

I am e-pussy, hear me roar!

EDIT: I think I also threw a tricycle at a neighbor girl one time when I was around 8 or so, but I can't remember whether that was me or my brother (my brother wasn't a particularly violent kid, but he had a knack for crazy stunts that often injured himself and others).

I kinda wish I'd really taken a swing at my sister for some of the shit she pulled on me over the years...especially the time when I was, like, 8, and she swung a tiny piece of wood with a big nasty nail right at my head. The nail just barely missed my eye...if I had been standing a few inches farther to the right that day, I coulda become a cyclops.
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far3 said:
The most angry thing you've done?

Put 20 rounds in serb after he killed a 13 year old girl then surrendered like he was gonna get off with getting arrested.
punched a co worker.

One and only time i've snapped. I was freaking that it was going to get me fired and get charges and shit, but he just didnt show up for work for the next 3 days. When he did he was like my best friend.
DeetMX said:
tried to kill my moms boyfriend cause he pushed her down a flight of stairs but he moved out of the way when i threw a kitchen knife at him and he left the house and i never saw him again for a long time

was your mom okay?