The Lawsuit Army Marches Onward!

Musashi said:
Wait a min.

I got an idea! Let's give the blacks reparations!

no wait... hear me out.

we cut each nigger a small check, only going to the people who can PROVE they were decendants of the slaves. They get their reparations and everyone is happy.

Now that we's made up for past offenses, they no longer have the right to bitch. We can do away with airmative action, ALL government money going to black issues and groups, eliminate the "head start programs", the overburdend welfare system, and all the other handouts they are getting. We can also do away with black history month, MLK Jr day, etc...

The reparations will pay for themslves in a matter of years.

White trash scumbags abuse welfare more often than black scumbags. You've got to remember, this reparations bullshit is being promoted by like .00001% of the black population who want money for nothing. The rest just want to get on with their lives.
farbehindx said:
White trash scumbags abuse welfare more often than black scumbags. You've got to remember, this reparations bullshit is being promoted by like .00001% of the black population who want money for nothing. The rest just want to get on with their lives.

it's far larger than .00001%.
Ceiling_Fan said:
Slavery was abolished in 1865. That's only 138 years. Your point is valid, but your facts are wrong.

yes and no. slavery was abolished in 1865, but slavery in this country started in the 1600's. first slaves showed up by way of a spanish ship in about 1619 (looking for food i believe). some blacks at first in this country were considered somewhat equal and could actually own land and all that, then they were endutured servants..and could earn their freedom and rights, bought in by the spanish, and around 1640 maryland became the first state to institutionalize slavery, mass. a year later stating in their body of liberties 'bondage was legal servitude', legal, indifinite indetured servitude....a.k.a slavery. So slavery started in the 1600's, we were just not calling it slavery then, more like 'involuntary indetured servitude for an unspecified time' was pc even back then.

Then around 1700 they were denied voting rights in the colonies, and starting about 1800 or so then the majority of africans in the country were slaves. 65 years was abolished
My Grandfather was a 15 year old Austrian boy, forced to fight in WW2 for the Germans. He was shot 3 times by the Americans/English. You don't see me suing for reparations.
My great grandfather worked in factories during the industrial revolution at the age of 12.

britain let the germans and the russians divide my country between them at the start of world war 2. gimme too.

slavery ended 150 years ago, no one alive in the US has ever experience slavery at the hands of an american, short of a few cases of sick individuals abusing their children/kidnapping victims.

on top of that, how are you going to sue the great great grandchildren of someone, who was doing something that wasn't illegal at the time?

in that case, england should legally be able to sue the descendents of american revolutionairys for treason against the crown.
How about this: I am going to sue the British government because my Irish ancestors were slaughtered thousands of years ago in large numbers.

Or how about I sue the italian government because my other ancestors were butchered by animals for amusement in the collesseum.

That seems comparable, and if these fucking niggers can win, I sure can.
For an organization centered around advancing the colored people, they sure do spend most of their time living in the past..
Musashi said:
it's far larger than .00001%.
hy·per·bo·le (h-pûrb-l) n.
A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.