I think "80 million" people were played by the establishment, using a 79 year old puppet.

They have no idea who they actually voted for... because it SURE isn't good 'ole blue-collar "Scranton Joe"... who's never known a day outside of life in the swamp for the last 47 years.

They just know the talking box told them "Orange Man Bad" and they have no idea who they actually signed a deal with to get rid of him. None of them read the fine print. They just rubber-stamped their signature on the bottom line for the promise of them keeping their toasters, iphones and steel belted radials.

They're starting to wake up and realize the plot twist now though, at least some of them are. That their promised sunrise isn't what they were told it would be. Joe Biden is a marionette dancing on strings pulled by the very things they've always hated... the big banks and wallstreet, the corporate lobbyists, the industrial complex, the ivy tower intelligentsia.

They voted for the embodiment of the oppressive status quo. Have you seen his cabinet? It's all staffed by former Obama administration, because the world was so much better back then, when these people ran the show.

Biden doesn't give a shit about the environment, the economy, foreign entanglements, healthcare or crime. He's been an entrenched cog in the very machine that is the reason all of those things are a problem today. That's why none of that got any better under Obama or the previous administrations.

Joe Biden graduated bottom of his class and went straight to work for a law firm for 2 years, then was nominated to city council for 2 years... then somehow won a seat in the senate for 35 years before becoming Vice President and now President of the United States? In all that time, what has he actually done for the 80 million Americans that voted for him to make their lives, and the world as a whole, substantively better that wasn't an incidental consequence of Joe Biden using his privilege to enrich himself and his family?

He doesn't know you. He doesn't give a shit about you or your concerns. He only cares about his place in the oligarchy that increasingly runs the Western World into the ground, at your expense and that of your descendants.

And full disclosure... Trump may not either... but at least over the last 4 years there is tangible evidence that things were improving for average Americans, not just the establishment. Up until 2020... when things beyond Trumps actual control went to shit and the Democrats (like Joe Biden) dog-piled on top of him for it, because they could.

They rail against the foibles of Donald Trump and then vote in Joe Biden as if he's the antithesis of a stereotypical swamp monster. The double-standard and level of hypocrisy is absolutely comical. Everything... everything they accuse Donald Trump of doing, the very effigy they've made out of Donald Trump is a projection of the worst things within themselves. It is mind-boggling the level of disconnect between the fantasy they've created for themselves in the perception of who they see Donald Trump being relative to what he's actually done for the country.

They don't even know what they voted on or what Joe Biden actually stands for because he literally stood on a platform and refused to answer straight questions about what he actually intended to do once he became President... and with a straight face, looked Americans in the eye and said 'vote for me and find out".

And then 80 million American's voted for him?

God help us all.

That's why I don't think 80 million American's are actually this disconnected and stupid to have seriously voted for this sun-downing old man in record numbers that exceed some of the most charismatic and inspiring personalities to ever run for office. They didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Donald Trump, because they were conditioned by the establishment to do so over the last 4 years non-stop and that is why they really don't care to question the election, because it was the result they were told they wanted... this time. We don't care if it really isn't true, because it worked out for us... this time.

But next time?

The talking box and social media stream said it was what they wanted and everything is fine. The last thing anyone wants to do is voluntarily take the red pill, waking up and seeing the horror show of what is actually happening behind the curtain. We got what we wanted, let's not ask too many questions; least we spoil our fantasy and have to actually deal with reality.

In no other reality, in any other year, except this year... would any reasonable person think Joe Biden (of all people) would be elected President of the United States... even against Donald Trump. Certainly in January 2020 no one would have predicted this outcome and that should make you want to ask some questions about exactly what happened over the last 11 months to foster the "perfect storm" of fortuitous and coincidental events that allow it to happen.

Because it sure as fuck isn't as simple as "Republicans voted in person" and "Democrats voted by mail" when events were apparently staged in ways that would allow for the exploitation of the known weaknesses and deficiencies in the election on levels that would otherwise have been impossible without a pandemic as a predicate for them. It is like they knew and planned for it as if by design.

They knew mass mailing of ballots would win them the election, so they made every effort to ensure it would be as much of a cluster-fuck as they could make it. How is it that America has managed to count the vote, in-person, for 200 years on election night... but in 2020, it took them an entire week to mostly just count mail-in ballots? Most states, including the most populous states, managed to get their vote count completed on election night, because many of them anticipated the challenges they would face and prepared for them.... except these critical battleground states, who completely failed to prepare and even legislated actions that would almost certainly induce chaos that would make it impossible to accurately count the vote on time. That is either incompetence... or a premeditated plan. Or both!

160 million votes were alleged to have been cast, and America counted 90 million of them in-person within 24 hours... but the remaining 90 million mail-in ballots took almost a week? What was the point of these computers doing the counting on electronic machines...? that should raise a yellow flag and make someone think that scrutiny is in order, because if there was going to be an opportunity for nefarious activity, it would be in the days that followed, and the longer it took, the greater the opportunity. That is why the constitution specifies that the election takes place on a single set day... not across multiple days spanning more than a week.

Yet, instead of increasing the integrity of the process with more scrutiny, we saw deliberate actions to undermine and compromise it.

States didn't take actions to audit and properly canvass their notoriously inaccurate and out of date voter rolls.
They mass mailed ballots without knowing who was actually getting them.
They diluted and removed established safeguards like Voter ID and Signature verification on these ballots to make it impossible to verify the legality of the vote being cast. Or they simply created as many exceptions as possible to preclude as few votes as possible from scrutiny.
They allowed votes to be received and cured after Nov 3 and allowed extensions to even those deadlines that ran on for days.

Then surprise! Joe Biden is declared the most popular politician in the history of the United States! Who could have seen that coming! Wow, much excite!

And when anyone raises an eyebrow and questions how that could possibly be; given the circumstances... they are told to shut-up, accept it and NO! We are not going to perform any meaningful audit of any part of the system, just to be sure. You'd think Joe Biden, most of all, would be advocating for full disclosure and a proper audit dispelling the cloud of doubt over the legitimacy of his victory and that yes indeed, he did managed to pull off the most improbable outcome of an election in the history of the United States. It would be incredible that a candidate pulled off the greatest outcome, with the least amount of effort at actually trying.

Instead... they all do the exact opposite, they engage in behaviors that only compound peoples concerns and raise even more questions about the legitimacy of the election. Maybe they aren't calling for accoutablility because they're not sure if he actually won... they're not entirely confident in the process either (because they've said exactly that in the past) and are just happy with not pushing their luck... this time.

Regardless of whether there was some grand conspiracy orchestrated to steal the election or it was just a circus of compounding coincidences, irregularities and general incompetence that made people doubt in it... the outcome is an embarrassment to the "greatest democracy the world has ever seen" and that isn't solely on the shoulders of Donald Trump. You'd think people would want validation in that the ideals of democracy isn't just for show and that it actually does work. That behind all the bluster about how great America is, there is some actual integrity and merit to it.

Nah... let's continue thinking everything is fine and assume a mass mail-in election just worked flawlessly on the first try. This time.
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I read it all, and it was spot on

Me too.

Hellsfury, there is always a bright side to everything. Personally, I have never really taken much interest in the office of president. And, that was shared by the majority of people. What is fascinating to me is how many people are looking to others to solve their problems. I am also taken aback by how many people want to blame others for their personal problems. Think of those two traits together:

"I want to blame someone else and I need someone to fix things for me."

These are signs of weakness and vulnerability. It's no wonder those with leadership qualities prosper in times like this. You also have to recognize that many people voted for Joe Biden purely out of spite. That means they are unhappy as well. Spiteful/Unhappy, weak and malleable.

Sad but also a great time for those who are strong happy leaders.
Cop out? Apologies for not for going deeper diving on my already long ass post man. So you're saying there were more ballots cast than registered voters in several key states right?

First thing's first, what stats are you referring to? On a state level no state hit anywhere near 100% let alone break 100%. 80% at the highest but not def not exceeding 100%. Voter Turnout Rate by State.

Second, if you're actually right then why hasn't this been brought up in the news, the courts or even Trump at this point? This would be huge news that even the 'mainstream media' would have to run with because there are facts to back it up. Unfortunately for Trump the facts show that the states know exactly how many registered voters there are and how many votes were registered. No flags were raised because there weren't any.
I think it's the counties, not states. Some counties the last I checked were way over their registered voter count.
I also read it all, not a single mention of President Kamala. Much disappoint. Also reported for apostrophe abuse.
great the emos took over the thread

this thread was for me and severed to perform concrete election investigation not a bunch more crybaby essays about the powerful feelings you have about a world that doesn't understand why you're so right and it's so wrong. jesus the tv has really convinced you people that you know everything and you're flapping your gums like a nonsense street preacher.

facts -> falsifiable assertions
feelings -> things i know are true
Great post hellsfury!

Read every word and it was spot on!

Can’t wait to watch these live hearings of voter fraud.

Must see tv!