Because I'm bored and feel like smacking the shit out the dumb fucking rhetoric we've been forced to listen to over the last several weeks ....

No one is forcing you to do shit. Thats the Republican America us Trumpsters strive for.

While not fully 100% representative of either side this is what you saw on the overnight:

Republican / Trump Supporters believe in Trump's overall message about COVID-19 and went to the polls directly as was suggested by the Trump campaign. This group generally is the same group that doesn't believe in mask wearing or shutting the country down temporarily to slow the infection rate all while yelling 'Don't Touch My Freedom!'. Basically when it comes to going out to vote they yolo'd that shit hard.

Democrat / Biden supporters, on the other hand, believe the science of COVID and listened to the medical advice pushed by Fauci and most (sane) news organizations. People on the left drastically voted early where allowed or via mail because they were told to over and over again. This was especially going to happen in large population centers which have always tended to lean democratic.

Trump's campaign managers knew well enough how this was going to play out and were pushing the narrative of election day ONLY results should determine the winner which is a wishful thinking fabrication from the current president that has zero basis in reality.

In short, everyone with half a brain knew Trump would have an early lead until the enormous numbers of mailed in and early votes got processed as fast as the poll workers could manage. If states were allowed to process the mail in votes early as they were coming in we would have had results much sooner but they were not allowed by their mostly Republican state legislatures.

Believe it or not, I was in this camp. I went into election night thinking, 'Trump is fucked'. I knew that if Twitter/FB/Google all pushed one candidate (they did), Trump would start the night 15 million votes down and would have to climb up hill all night. I know you're big into Science, so here is said Science showing this to be true, as explained by a mega liberal professor:

Some view this type of coordinated effort, in its self, to be election meddling.

I hear what you're saying in regards to ABV and you are correct. Dems did cower and wanted to mail in their vote, but its of my opinion, this was by design. Much easier to manipulate mail in ballots and give the simple minded folks a good explanation on why we seen such massive increases in ABV's. Each day we see more and more evidence of such manipulation. This is a screen shot from 'The Voter Integrity Fund':


I get it, you see shit like this and just shrug it off.

To me, this is an attack on our republic and if you are ignoring that, you are the equivalent to a communist.

Here is more data:


As reported by the NYT's.

Do you see anything odd with this data? Considering Trump ran pretty much neck to neck with Biden in ABV, except in a hand full of swing states.

Here is more odd data pulled form Philadelphia and Lehigh early voting:


So massive early voting taking place, of which 96.5% were for one candidate over the other?

I know we all have seen the screen shots of Biden out preforming communist dictators in Philly... Isn't that one bit odd? I already know your retort, "These area's are heavily dem". Can you show me any data from any other major city where 96.5% of the vote flowed in one direction (not including Atlanta, Minneapolis, or Detroit)?

I'll wait.

Again, its only my goal to look at these things objectively and see if they make sense. They do not.

If you pretend otherwise, you are only being intellectually dishonest with yourself.

Your point? More people voted this year than any other election in history, period. So what if Trump added 10m votes? Approximately 22-23m more people voted this election compared to 2016.

I guess what my point was two fold:

1.) Trump had a 15 point lead over Biden in voter enthusiasm.
2.) Biden struggled to pull more than 30 people at 'rallies'.

These two things just don't make sense.


Are you talking about the 19,900ish votes that 'switched' from Trump to Biden live on air? Yeah, that wasn't fraud. That was an error that CNN posted based on information they received from the research firm they used that gathers data to be used on air. The underlying votes were fine, nothing had changed. The people reporting it goofed and corrected it, nothing more.

I find it interesting you have the ability to just say, oops!, human error. Over and over and over when EVERY 'error' flows in one direction.

Its fascinating to me how people can be so obtuse.


Trumps lawyers are something like 2-32 for cases currently and the wins are minor at best. The affidavits are all proving to be baseless bullshit with gems of 'the poll worker rolled his eyes when a Trump ballot came up' to 'they were rude to me when I asked too many questions'. Whistle blowers are mysteriously not showing up for their bomb dropping testimony. Apparently people are willing to have a good story but when it comes to swearing in court they draw the line. Perjury is a bitch that way.

Just remember, Bush lost every court case up to the SC.

Trump is actually doing better in that regard.

Give it time.

Also, maybe you should re-read some of these affidavits. A lot more damning accusations then, "they rolled their eyes when someone voted for trump".

Zero idea wtf you're saying about Dominion quit counting. All I know is that all the crap Sidney Powell was spouting last week about Dominion systems and Venezuela and Hugo Chavez got her fired. Even Trump's people know it's bullshit.

Maybe I wasn't clear.

Every swing state that 'stopped counting' (but really dumped votes at 4am) all used Dominion voting machines.

It's just an odd coincidence that almost every state stopped counting at the same time, used the same voting machines/software, and saw big vote dumps in the way early hours the day after the election.

This doesn't seem odd to you?


The 2am van, if it's the same story I'm thinking of, was actually in Detroit and was a case full of camera equipment.

Now if you want to talk manipulating an election we can talk about Trump appointing a Postmaster General that screwed with mail intentionally and disproportionately in Democratic areas, or California GoP putting up unauthorized ballot harvesting boxes, or Texas trying to put in only one early voting station per country, or the GOP gerrymandering, or the mad scramble to install a right leaning Supreme Court Justice in case they need to decide the election in the Supreme Court or hey ... how about the whole "legal" vote bullshit going on right now when there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud. Considering Trump fired the head of cybersecurity at the DHS after he said we had the most secure election in history last week speaks volumes.

Got ya, so those affidavits, punishable by prison time if proven false, are fake in your eyes?

Also, i'm pretty sure the whole Post Office thing was debunked. Not even going to waste my time on that shitty story.

All that means is that people are voting on a split ticket. I know a lot of Republicans that voted for Biden not because they wanted him in but they wanted Trump out. Oh and Biden does not want to defund the police FYI.

I'd like to see more data on this phenomenon. It goes against common logic.

Oh, and Biden isn't in control. I thought this was common knowledge.

And? When you get 2nd place in the 'most votes' award category yeah ... you're going to have a little more of everything across the board. At 72m votes I'm sure he had more midgets, trannys and one legged lesbians compared to any other Republican too. It's amazing what 72m votes will bring in.

First, fuck Ohio thinking it can predict the future. Second, who gives a flying fuck about this stat? Nothing ... NOTHING about this election is normal compared to any other election in the last 100 years. Trump brings out the crazy in this fucking country so yeah, no surprise anywhere here.

The original question asked of me was, "you accept the election results for congress, but not president". I was simply stating that almost every historical predictor of national elections was wrong. When they all got 2016 right, which was also an election oddity year.

Yep, 80m votes. People didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. I know die hard Dems that would gladly have Bush Jr. back in office for another four years instead of this asshole. That's how much people hate everything about him.

Your TDS is showing.

Guess what, i spoke with just as many dems that stated, 'im just not voting because they both suck'. For fucks sake, the TW discord has like 5 libtards that troll daily and only 1 of them confirmed they voted for Biden.

You can choose to believe what you want to believe, but that doesn't make you right.

His personality, his politics, his hatred for anyone that doesn't fall in line, the way he makes our country look to the rest of the world, for his handling of COVID, for him rallying the right wing hatred to the point they were going to abduct a sitting governor, for denying of climate change, for his hatred of immigrants, for his 2018 tax cuts for the rich that will raise taxes for the rest of us over the next 7 years, for his attempted dismantling of universal healthcare, allowing Russia and China to run roughshod over us, for belittling service members, for having unqualified family members in positions of power, for tear gassing protesters for a photo op .... you get the idea. This is just a short list off the top of my head. Give me 5 minutes and I could double it.

So yes, Biden won by 6m votes and tbh I'm shocked that that number isn't higher. Trump is by and large one of the worst presidents to ever sit in the oval office. He's truly a terrible person. Childish, narcissistic egomaniac prone to temper tantrums and firing people that don't kiss the ring. Unfortunately he's a salesman and perfected his line bullshit to the gullible and stupid for decades. Look to his bankruptcies, failed businesses and failed marriages ... all of this before he even became president.

Next time, when New Yorkers tell you another New Yorker is a piece of shit and to steer clear we hope you god damn Yehaws fucking listen.

Your true colors are on display here.

Trump won an additional 10 million votes, meaning those that broke free from the MSM firewall, loved what they saw/see. Everything the media says about Trump is a lie, and if you got off MSNBC, you could see that.

While you are told that Trump is the worst president in US history, he out preformed Obama circa 2008 in votes overall. A number that some thought wouldn't be topped for decades. Didn't start a new war, which used to matter to lefties. Built a wall, repealed ACA, increased wages, lowered our taxes (80% of America received tax cuts despite what your MSM overlords tell you), renegotiated NAFTA, Fucked China's global manufacturing strong hold, had a net gain of 320k manufacturing jobs pre covid (obama had a net loss of 820k in years), led the peace in the middle east (5 peace treaties as of today), and fucked ISIS right in the butt.

His covid response was the best in the world. He forced the federal reserve to buy up bad US assets (went from 15% bad holdings to 50% bad holdings) forcing them to hedge for America 1st so they don't lose their ass. We saw the least GDP loss and the quickest bounce back in comparison to every other post industrialized country in the world. We also saw some of the lowest mortality rates and best testing all while Trump refused to step in and force states to shut down/wear masks. He gave the states the power, meaning he didn't abuse the power of the office. Oh, and Biden is pretty much doing exactly what Trump has been doing. So you can say it was a shit response, but just know, you are also saying that Biden's response will be shit.

I'm not like you thought. I will support Biden if he wins. I'll keep pushing for deregulation, jobs, secure borders, anti abortion, pro 2a, no war, low taxes, and freedom. I don't think he will deliver on any of that, so while I wish America well, I only foresee the contuined managed decline on the horizen.
Maybe a war would be good. Bring the people together. Forget the kung flu for a while.
havax, severed, oma, scooby

the angry brigade :lol:

You should see this guy when he's drunk and angry. His real antifa side comes out hard. He tries really hard to suppress it all day though in the form of trolling TW because he "never takes it seriously" lol
i am so glad teh younger yutes are voting. i know we can depnd on jack dorsey and twitter to educate them fully on their passed-class-note absentee balott issues. fukc kyle rittenhouse he is a murderer am i right??

cumdumpster comin' atcha w/ his granpappy's single shot breach loader and some expired L2 kevlar he found on fleabay

he will last less than 20 minutes in a real war, after shitting and pissing himself