The Coalition Myth

god christ, can you imagine the carnage if there were 30 different countries roaming around iraq not knowing who the fuck was on whose sides?

it was bad enough with just 3
hey jackasses

maybe the point of the article is to say that

"Coalition of the Willing" might mean "Coalition of the Willing to Not Say Anything While the US and Britain Liberates Iraq"

i think its trying to say "yo, the US and GB did everything, and all these other countries just said 'ok with me to do it'"
it sounds more like it's trying to call the Bush administration liars for saying they have backing from all these countries. Which they do. I'd like to see the charter that says that when a country supports you it has to give you troops.
i can see my friend over there driving around in a brand new red corvette macking on iraqi women :lol:
that's because the hilarity of giving us a car almost matched the 2000 monkeys, but you ruined it >:
Well the coolness factor of that boat should have been able to revive it, but it appears to be too late for this thread.