The Coalition Myth

Doc Holliday said:
I thought we did, one of the reasons we protect them so much.

Where would one find a list of recognized countries?

a google search for "taiwan recognized as a country" brings up a site (as the first hit) that confirms the statement
[OPs]Prophecy said:
Is that what this person is attempting to argue that if they don't tow the US line they will be cut off ? That is somewhat hard to believe because the US throughout history has supported many countries who disagree with them.

The article mentioned Yemen especially - who voted no on the resolution to take military action against Iraq, and who, a short while later, got all the aid from the US cut off.

I'm no expert on this kinda crap, so I don't know if there are any others... but I do know what the article says is true in that case.
NEWSFLASH: We are not stupid we know some countries cannot give anything to this war we also know that some countries are just supporting us cause they fear the U.S will stop supporting them.

I say BOO HOO if their people don't like it then they should sack up and stop being so dependant on us.

Somec said:
The article mentioned Yemen especially - who voted no on the resolution to take military action against Iraq, and who, a short while later, got all the aid from the US cut off.

I'm no expert on this kinda crap, so I don't know if there are any others... but I do know what the article says is true in that case.

Well, Yemen is the kind of country that fucks us in the ass and doesn't even have the god damn courtesy to give us a reach around.

I mean for fucks sake, all we ask for is that they put a check on a ballot and let us post their name on our list. These ungrateful nations need to learn to show some support for the nation that dumps billions into their practically irrelevant country. If the US returned to isolationism many of these countries would cease to exist and they would be lucky if a US newspaper even bothered to cover the story. Each and every country of the world that is not self sufficient needs to take a look at whose name is on the check, food crate, or weapons that are preventing them from collapsing on their own inept government, economy, defenses, etc.
Phrozen said:
Well, Yemen is the kind of country that fucks us in the ass and doesn't even have the god damn courtesy to give us a reach around.

I mean for fucks sake, all we ask for is that they put a check on a ballot and let us post their name on our list. These ungrateful nations need to learn to show some support for the nation that dumps billions into their practically irrelevant country. If the US returned to isolationism many of these countries would cease to exist and they would be lucky if a US newspaper even bothered to cover the story. Each and every country of the world that is not self sufficient needs to take a look at whose name is on the check, food crate, or weapons that are preventing them from collapsing on their own inept government, economy, defenses, etc.

ya... if the US gives a country aid, they should agree with the US all the time, especially if the aid is substantial. Otherwise, the aid will be cut. Once they start depending on the US, they have no right to disagree on anything, since the US is giving them aid after all.
Also keep in mind due to the nature(geographically) of the war, Yemen was not exactly in the best position to agree to the war, even if they wanted to.
nah, the whole basis of the article was that the government put a spin on this "coalition of the willing"... which everyone pretty much knew already :p (pointed out earlier)
[OPs]Prophecy said:
Also keep in mind due to the nature(geographically) of the war, Yemen was not exactly in the best position to agree to the war, even if they wanted to.

ahh keep in mind they were refering to the first gulf war which other arab nations did support us so why couldn't Yemen?
Name one other instance where monetary exchange takes place and nothing is expected in return. What do we gain from supporting these countries who are nobody's when it comes to world relevance. I would hope that they could at the very least help us inflate our lists every once in a while.
Lockup said:
ahh keep in mind they were refering to the first gulf war which other arab nations did support us so why couldn't Yemen?

Thats a fair question. Someone post the list of supporting nations, I am sure we can find an Arabic one on them. By comparisons many countries didn't support this war. Canada a long time partner didn't. It is possible Yemen took a stance like a majority of the world did. The fact that money was taken away could have more to do with the support of terrorism(if deemed a terroristic state)by the US, then non compliance with the war.

The US since 9/11 has said they will no longer help countries who help terrorists. Also, I am sure within an amount of time those funds will be back in place even if they were punitive.
[OPs]Prophecy said:
Thats a fair question. Someone post the list of supporting nations, I am sure we can find an Arabic one on them. By comparisons many countries didn't support this war. Canada a long time partner didn't. It is possible Yemen took a stance like a majority of the world did. The fact that money was taken away could have more to do with the support of terrorism(if deemed a terroristic state)by the US, then non compliance with the war.

The US since 9/11 has said they will no longer help countries who help terrorists. Also, I am sure within an amount of time those funds will be back in place even if they were punitive.

I am not sure about the whole list but I know Saudi did hell they practically gave us the money to run the thing.
ZugZug said:
This bullshit coalition just took over the most militaristic of Arab countries in less than 3 weeks.

Move on.
The US could have done it on its own np. The brits were helpful I suppose... but the only reason they wanted a "coalition" was so that it didnt look like a solitary American incursion.

The "coalition" is a bunch of political nonsense on paper. This is not news. As Zug said...

Move on.
You're getting the times wrong Prophecy....

The Yemen deal went on during the first Gulf War, like Lockup said. Most of the world was for military action then, to get the Iraqis out of Kuwait.