Testament of Judas found.

I've read the apocrypha some years ago. Amazingly, some of its messages paralelled with modern day charasmatic evangelism.

Btw tse, not all christians are oblivious to the fact that Jesus correlates to Joshua or Yeshua .. but the sects Yeshua or John the baptist may have been associated with are kept at a distance or ignored.

Anyway, I was surprised some of the apocryphal books were discluded at all. It's been a while since I read them .. I remember some not really having any relevance at all to anything ..

I should read them again. From what I remember, my opinion was some of those books were discluded because the messages had the same ferver that modern day Christians had about the coming of Christ, almost 2000 years ago, and keeping them out of canon was to calm any mass of believers of being so gung ho over Christ's return, instead focusing on Christ's message and not so much his return.

It's been a while since I read them though.
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the TRUE gospel of judas

Is Logroller in it? Are there WMD's? Any smurfs? What about hatahs or playahs? Is any reference made to 'e-penis' 'e-hard' or 'e-tuff'? Did the people who found it play T1, because if they didn't they are just SA fags and we all know it.
Christianity in the ancient world was much more diverse than it is now,


The quotes sound very gnostic, with secret and hidden knowledge of truth, and no mention of a death and ressurection because the gnostics did not bellieve in a ressurection of the body because they thought the body was evil and only the spirit was good
that's just so cool - i mean, seriously, a WRITTEN document from 1700 years ago... i know, there's a lot of them blah blah blah, but the idea that something that old, HANDWRITTEN ON PAPER / PARCHMENT... still around...

just neat. :)

cool find. wouldnt you love to be the guy that dug it up. a piece of paper that has been talked about for 1700 years but thought destroyed.
Ruthven said:
queue the new breed of theology experts who worship dan brown as gospel

I finnaly read The Divinci Code. How much of what he touts in that book is actually real? Im talking about history, not the grail in the louvre :)
chunky munky said:
cool find. wouldnt you love to be the guy that dug it up. a piece of paper that has been talked about for 1700 years but thought destroyed.
now think about what some would do to be that guy.
Back then, in Judiasm, it was considered a sin to have dealing with the romans.
So it was with great personal sacrifice that Judas did what he was asked to do.


But very interesting.
Wow, read revelations, PLEASE. In the end times, many false prophets will lead people astay. many will come in the name of God. I find it a sad commentary on today's society that we are "claiming" the old documents as the real deal, and now Jesus schemed with Judas, had sex with women, and was crucified for personal gain? Dont tell me, next it will be shown in a "document" that Jesus planned all this so that he could be popular and cool. Again, the anti-christ movement in full swing to discredit Christianity, and usher in the Anti-christ. Gotta make Jesus false, a sinner, and what, a normal lowlife 1st, right?
BurnYaBad said:
Wow, read revelations, PLEASE. In the end times, many false prophets will lead people astay. many will come in the name of God. I find it a sad commentary on today's society that we are "claiming" the old documents as the real deal, and now Jesus schemed with Judas, had sex with women, and was crucified for personal gain? Dont tell me, next it will be shown in a "document" that Jesus planned all this so that he could be popular and cool. Again, the anti-christ movement in full swing to discredit Christianity, and usher in the Anti-christ. Gotta make Jesus false, a sinner, and what, a normal lowlife 1st, right?
Wow, the codex is 1700 years old and the National Geographic Society paid for the translation.
I smell the anti Christ for sure.