Tatu and sex

all the things she said
all the things she said
going through my head
going through my head
going through my head
I feel dirty listening to them. Seems like teeny bopper crap and the sole reason I'm listening is to imagine them humming that song while they sit over my ass waiting for me to dump on them.

or something like that.
Bitrot said:
Exactly. They're using their bisexuality to become more popular.

wrong. they are inventing bisexuality which doesn't even exist just so they can have a career at all. ;)

hey, it worked, good for them. they have 1 song left before they go off to join right said fred, vanilla ice, ricky martin, and MC hammer.
Bad_CRC said:
wrong. they are inventing bisexuality which doesn't even exist just so they can have a career at all. ;)

hey, it worked, good for them. they have 1 song left before they go off to join right said fred, vanilla ice, ricky martin, and MC hammer.

as maniacal said, they did a nice fucking job marketing tatu. much $$$
BeLiaL said:
From what I heard, the whole lesbian thing was made up by the record company to promote sales, and they are both very heterosexual (not with each other).
You realize they have a lot more music out there that they just haven't redone in english? The song was actually a bit more meaningful (and dark) in russian... in english it's totally different and just crap
-Jofiss- said:
anyone who actually finds musical validity in "tatu", needs to have their ears donated to charity.

It's manufactured pop from the beginning, but at least in russian it made more sense and at least was not total junk. The video was pretty controversial at the time for that song, and the words made it even moreso (being about suicide and not "all the things she said")
I remember reading a russian article about these two, monthssssss ago, and they were basically saying how they've
A) never been laid
B) never laid eachother

go figure :eek: