Syria is about natural gas

If i was putin... I would walk right into every country I could take right now. Georgia would be rolled again and then held. mongolia would fall in hours just because I could. Then Kazakhstan would join or die within 24 hours they would be force to mobilize against kyrgyzstan and then tajikistan. They would of course be given a 3 hour join or fall notice and the stans would all fold into a neo russian empire. So a new STAN would be on the block. China would go after india and india would be divided up between stan and chow.
South korea falls japan falls. Australia has no fucking weapons is invaded and taken within 2 weeks of sea borne strikes and bombardments. Just wrecking the city and knocking its very delicate power grid out. No one Really needs to invade Australia just ground their airforce and dock their costal forces.
If i was putin... I would walk right into every country I could take right now. Georgia would be rolled again and then held. mongolia would fall in hours just because I could. Then Kazakhstan would join or die within 24 hours they would be force to mobilize against kyrgyzstan and then tajikistan. They would of course be given a 3 hour join or fall notice and the stans would all fold into a neo russian empire. So a new STAN would be on the block. China would go after india and india would be divided up between stan and chow.
South korea falls japan falls. Australia has no fucking weapons is invaded and taken within 2 weeks of sea borne strikes and bombardments. Just wrecking the city and knocking its very delicate power grid out. No one Really needs to invade Australia just ground their airforce and dock their costal forces.

The Germans would probably turn around and shove a tank sized dildo up Russia's ass at the slightest smell of blood.
They just need to diversify into prison construction and privatization, silly to put all their eggs in the basket of blowing shit up abroad when you can help lock up and torture Americans for non-violent offensives.

Also the Onion is almost becoming actual news, getting harder and harder to write satire with the amount of ridiculous shit that is actually happening.

Isn't that the truth. The more absurd the world becomes the harder it becomes to ridicule and mock.
Is The United States Going To Go To War With Syria Over A Natural Gas Pipeline? - Fox Nation

So as usual follow the money, there's nothing here to do with chemical weapons or innocent people dying. Russia provides 40% of the natural gas (which is heavily relied upon in europe for heating) to the EU, if Qatar or the Saudis can run a pipeline through Syria it'll drastically cut into Putin's strangle hold. Putin wants to keep Assad in power to keep the good times rolling for Gazprom, Qatar/Saudis/EU wants Assad out of power so they can run their pipeline and the US, well, the US doesn't know what the fuck it's doing.

More links
Why Russia is in Syria: Lawrence Solomon | Financial Post
Natural Gas: What the War in Syria is Really About
Or just google any combination of syria, gazprom, pipeline, natural gas

That is an interesting take.

Now, why an administration gives a flying fuck about energy prices across the ocean when we're barely getting our exports of private NG supply started is beyond me, but what am

ofc, its a small check on Russian power. But some small check or slight, even with a mild bump to some regional allies (qatar and SA) is still not worth the spilled ink and time.

No, its just humanitarian. Its another Kosovo. The balkans fight was a high point for Clinton and worked to increase america's cashe. I think that's the vast majority of the reason we're buzzing around there.
They don't it is supposition and speculation.

An op ed

Here are 2 countries with an abundance of natural gas: USA, Russia

both with growing production and reserves.
If i was putin... I would walk right into every country I could take right now. Georgia would be rolled again and then held. mongolia would fall in hours just because I could. Then Kazakhstan would join or die within 24 hours they would be force to mobilize against kyrgyzstan and then tajikistan. They would of course be given a 3 hour join or fall notice and the stans would all fold into a neo russian empire. So a new STAN would be on the block. China would go after india and india would be divided up between stan and chow.
South korea falls japan falls. Australia has no fucking weapons is invaded and taken within 2 weeks of sea borne strikes and bombardments. Just wrecking the city and knocking its very delicate power grid out. No one Really needs to invade Australia just ground their airforce and dock their costal forces.

You sound like you're playing Risk there, but Putin already figured out an easier way to take a country over. You give their citizens passports. Russia offered passports (and even strongly encouraged through threatening checkpoints) people in South Ossetia/Georgia and Ukraine to take passports and become dual citizens of Russia.

When Putin had to stop that evil oil pipeline from running through Georgia into the black sea one of the pretenses he used is that his citizens need to be liberated.

South Ossetian police tell Georgians to take a Russian passport, or leave their homes - Telegraph
You sound like you're playing Risk there, but Putin already figured out an easier way to take a country over. You give their citizens passports. Russia offered passports (and even strongly encouraged through threatening checkpoints) people in South Ossetia/Georgia and Ukraine to take passports and become dual citizens of Russia.

When Putin had to stop that evil oil pipeline from running through Georgia into the black sea one of the pretenses he used is that his citizens need to be liberated.

South Ossetian police tell Georgians to take a Russian passport, or leave their homes - Telegraph

Great point!!

This battle between these two isn't over yet. The cold war never really ended, it only went covert, and it is apparently just getting warmed back up again.

Within the next year we will back at it saying Putin hasn't done enough. That we need an American intervention. This war has nothing to do with WMD and everything to do with power plays over resource monopolization. Be it Georgia, Afghanistan, it's all the same story.

U.S. providing some lethal aid to Syrian rebels: opposition spokesman | Reuters

First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA 'on way to battlefield' - Telegraph

These people will help make sure Putin can't control the region or put an end to WMD being used (if we/they didn't use them already in a false flag).

The people who lead this country, who actually lead it, will not be content until this Syrian card and perhaps more importantly Iran are under our absolute control. Any level of excuses and escalation to make that happen is just par for the course.

It took dropping the second atomic bomb on Japan to keep Stalin's USSR out of trying to occupy Japan......I imagine it will take something almost that glorious to keep us away once and for all. And this doesn't even begin to tell the story of how far Russia will stoop to keep what he feels is already his, or at the very least is beneficial to him.
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