Syria is about natural gas

Oh I don't doubt it, already stated in another thread that this is an all around win; chemical weapons to be destroyed, Putin got to save face, Assad stayed in power and the civil war keeps going with conventional weapons which are plenty good enough to kill with for both sides.
ANNNND he is OFF with a quick jump on the meltdown in THIS thread

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ICFire 11
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WASHINGTON—Responding to initial reports that Syria may relinquish its stockpile of chemical weapons following Secretary of State John Kerry’s assertion that doing so would decrease the likelihood of American military strikes, representatives for the domestic defense industry complained to reporters Tuesday that the top-ranking diplomat may have cost them $400 billion in revenue.

“We were ready to produce and sell tomahawk missiles, advanced combat systems, and more unmanned predator drones, but instead our Secretary of State had to run his big fat mouth about options for averting war, and now we’re out hundreds of billions of dollars,” said a visibly upset Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn A. Hewson, who along with her fellow executives at Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and General Dynamics complained that because the initial invasion would have more than likely led to a protracted, wide-ranging international conflict, Kerry might have even cost them trillions. “With thousands of new munitions and logistical support contracts, Syria would have been a goldmine for us. I swear to God, if this doesn’t work out John Kerry owes us half a trillion dollars.” Hewson added that it was some consolation that, with Kerry as the country’s chief foreign affairs liaison, he would “probably say something idiotic” in the near future that would lead to another lucrative international conflict.

John Kerry Costs U.S. Defense Industry $400 Billion | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Oh I don't doubt it, already stated in another thread that this is an all around win; chemical weapons to be destroyed, Putin got to save face, Assad stayed in power and the civil war keeps going with conventional weapons which are plenty good enough to kill with for both sides.

i don't see how anyone but putin is winning here
i've been casually reading icfires posts these past few days

and its made me feel really good about myself
I just got home from work, need a shower, someone fill me in on this so I don't need to read whole thread. Is this why the US has decided to stop storing Helium? what is the endgame?
I'm still calling bullshit but hey, whatever floats your boat.

It is fox, they've never been known for letting facts get in the way of speculation.

you do know what an opinion piece is right?

The first word in the article title ought to clue you in.

From here
surprise surprise...

Genie Energy Ltd : Genie Energy Subsidiary in Israel Granted Oil and Gas Exploration License Company Extends Pending Exchange Offer

Genie Energy (NYSE: GNE, GNEPRA), said today that the government of Israel has awarded its subsidiary, Genie Israel Oil and Gas, Ltd., an exclusive petroleum exploration license covering 396.5 square kilometers in the Southern portion of the Golan Heights.

Genie Energy is currently developing two oil shale projects - one in Israel's Shfela Basin and the other in Colorado's Piceance Basin. The Company believes, based on its preliminary analysis and interpretation of existing geological data, that the newly issued license area may contain significant quantities of conventional oil and gas in relatively tight formations, the development of which would entail significantly different technical approaches and project timelines than the other projects. Genie Energy intends to conduct an exploration program to further investigate the size and quality of the resource in the new license area.

The Company also extended, until March 5, 2013 at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, the expiration of its pending exchange offer of up to 7,145,409 shares of Class B Common Stock for shares of Series 2012-A Preferred Stock on a one for one basis. On the expiration date, all validly tendered shares of Genie Class B Common Stock not previously withdrawn will be accepted for exchange pursuant to the terms of the exchange offer.

Genie has been advised that 181,802 shares of Class B Common Stock had been tendered for exchange, as of 5:00 p.m. New York City time on February 20, 2013.

and... as it turns out, some of the major shareholders:

Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild.

Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Major shareholders of Genie Energy – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and shale oil in Israel – include Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild. a 2010 Genie LTD Press Release:

Claude Pupkin, CEO of Genie Oil and Gas, commented, “Genie’s success will ultimately depend, in part, on access to the expertise of the oil and gas industry and to the financial markets. Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch are extremely well regarded by and connected to leaders in these sectors. Their guidance and participation will prove invaluable.”​

but wait...

The War on Syria: Israeli Licence to Cheney-Linked Energy Firm in Occupied Golan Heights

In a potential new source of contention between President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has reportedly granted a U.S. energy firm with heavyweight political connections to explore for oil and gas in the occupied Golan Heights.

The company is a local subsidiary of New Jersey-based Genie Energy Ltd. The Strategic Advisory Board of another subsidiary, Genie Oil and Gas, includes former Vice President Dick Cheney, media magnate Rupert Murdoch, and former Republican Rep. Jim Courter.

It also includes several prominent investment managers, such as Jacob Rothschild, chairman of the J. Rothschild group, and Michael Steinhardt, a major contributor to Jewish and Zionist causes, notably Birthright Israel, a multi-million-dollar programme to bring young Diaspora Jews to Israel.

i am so tired right now but i feel like doing some more digging because this isn't just it. i know there is a J. Kerry investment somewhere in Syria and id bet even rMoney.

same thread:
why was the damascas area attacked to begin with?
the Saudi Arabians gave the "rebels" the chemical weapons to give to the US funded Al CIAda Syrian rebels but they were never trained on how to handle these weapons and one of them tripped, set the fucking thing off, and killed a bunch of people. after the surrounding "rebels" came to find out wtf happened, they came with their camera's, documented the massive failure and our media picked up and ran with it as is Assad launched them.

taken from this Link.

this is one reason why the Israeli lobby -- AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action
Pro-Israel lobby says 250 activists will meet with their senators and representatives in Washington in a bid to win support Congressional support for military action in Syria.


Russia is the direct competitor for that region and there is a shit ton of oil and gas in the leviathan oil field.


Leviathan Oil Field Could Sustain Israel For Decades

All big oil and gas fields have geopolitical significance, but we haven’t seen a big oil find in recent years that could matter more than the Leviathan field in the Mediterranean Sea off of Israel. In recent days Houston-based Noble Energy and its Israeli partner Delek (controlled by Israeli billionaire Yitzhak Tshuva) announced that Leviathan could hold upwards of 4.3 billion barrels of oil.

This is hugely important for Israel, which doesn’t exactly see eye-to-eye with its oil-rich Arab neighbors. Israel is almost completely reliant on imported oil, producing less than 4,000 barrels per day of its 250,000 bpd demand. If Leviathan pans out, it could have enough oil to satisfy Israel for more than two decades.

We already knew Leviathan was big. In June, Noble (which owns roughly 40% of the find) and Delek (roughly 50% through two subsidiaries) announced that the field is thought to hold upwards of 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This was on top of another 8 tcf in the nearby Tamar discovery. All this gas means Israel will be able to meet its own gas needs for 50 years or more. (For reference, see my recent story on America’s Biggest Oil Fields.)
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In the occupied Golan Heights.

fyi - I think Israel is wrong to not return the lands they said they would. I think they are wrong to do this.

Not the US though and that's what the bullshit call was about.
btw Samuwell, excellent response and it says nothing in any of the quotes about the U.S. or Amierca.

Least from my search on them.
Not the US though and that's what the bullshit call was about.
let me ask this:

John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack

The US secretary of state has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack. But John Kerry added that he had no expectation that the Syrian leader would comply.

now, where have we heard that before...? it seems to me that this happened before but i am having a tough time putting my finger to it.

oh wait... thats rights. we said the same thing to Saddam Hussein and, how is that working out for him?

also... oh yeah, remember when Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi stopped building WMD's after 9-11 and even allowed UN inspectors to come in and monitor the weapons?

Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has made a "historic" decision to scrap his country's programs to develop weapons of mass destruction and to allow international inspectors to verify and oversee the process.

Downing Street said last night that Libya had been close to developing a nuclear device.

In a surprise revelation that was quickly followed by a similar announcement by President George Bush in Washington, Tony Blair said that nine months of intensive negotiations between Britain, the United States and Libya had resulted in Colonel Gaddafi's decision to abandon all efforts to develop any chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

"Libya has now declared its intention to dismantle these weapons of mass destruction completely and to limit the range of Libyan missiles to no greater than 300km," the Prime Minister said, speaking in Durham. He said Libya had confirmed it wanted the process of putting the weapons out of use to be "transparent and verifiable".

He added: "Libya came to us in March following successful negotiations on Lockerbie to see if it could resolve its WMD issue in a similarly co-operative manner. Nine months of work followed with experts from the US and UK, during which the Libyans discussed their programs with us." In Washington President Bush said: "With today's announcement by its leader, Libya has begun the process of rejoining the community of nations. And Colonel Gaddafi knows the way forward. Libya should carry out the commitments announced today."

hows that working out for him?

Assad can give up everything the UK and France sold him and it still wont matter to the Neo-Cons running the white house. from past recent historical events... hes a dead man walking.
Ghaddafi was seeking protection from al Queada as well, it is one reason he approached us.

and just as a thought but wouldn't we say much the same thing to any country when we'd be able to?

so, what is it again you think you showed in that 2003 article that is relevant to Syria?
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