Super Smash Brothers: Melee

TonyElTigre said:
i expected those videos to be better
probably because you aren't aware of a lot of the techniques involved..

if you were expecting lots of amazing combos, you don't see them much because melee gives you ways to escape combos, and top players tend to be really good at that.
So why the hell can't you people get so fired up about games I can actually play? Why can't you pump this level of enthusiasm into Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike or Capcom vs. SNK 2?

All this BS about Marth and Fox and how great they all are is making me ill. Somebody throw a Sonic Boom, for God's sake!
[THE]Perrin said:
Anything after Street Fighter 2 was cartoony dog shit.

You shut your fucking mouth FOREVER.

And SSBM isn't cartoony HOW? You can play as fucking Jigglypuff, for Christ's sake! You couldn't get any more homosexual than that if you sucked a man's cock!
Yes, but it's supposed to be cartoony. And it's a different style game.

Just admit no street fighter game ever came close to II and you'll feel better Ben.

Don't ignore your inner child. He's crying right now.
[THE]Perrin said:
Yes, but it's supposed to be cartoony. And it's a different style game.

Just admit no street fighter game ever came close to II and you'll feel better Ben.

Don't ignore your inner child. He's crying right now.

3rd Strike is an awesome game and you are a fucking idiot for arguing otherwise.

If cartoony graphics are preventing you from enjoying a TRUE fighting game, then you are a blight upon the human race. You aren't fit to lick the cream-encrusted cock of a TRUE video gamer.

Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT. I mean it. You're dead to me now.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
King of Fighters '98
Capcom vs. SNK 2

All of those are worthy successors to Super Turbo, and anyone who wants to step up and argue otherwise is welcome to be PERMABANNED from Benjamin Reed's cool list. I don't care if you save me from a burning building, if you show your idiocy by arguing against me in this matter, you will never regain my respect.
Ben Reed said:
3rd Strike is an awesome game and you are a fucking idiot for arguing otherwise.

If cartoony graphics are preventing you from enjoying a TRUE fighting game, then you are a blight upon the human race. You aren't fit to lick the cream-encrusted cock of a TRUE video gamer.

Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT. I mean it. You're dead to me now.

You're inner child is bleeding Ben.

Look, 3 strikes and you're a faggot. Cartoon aspect aside, it was just crap.



Ben Reed said:
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
King of Fighters '98
Capcom vs. SNK 2

All of those are worthy successors to Super Turbo, and anyone who wants to step up and argue otherwise is welcome to be PERMABANNED from Benjamin Reed's cool list. I don't care if you save me from a burning building, if you show your idiocy by arguing against me in this matter, you will never regain my respect.

Ahhh yes, after 3rd strike, they decided that you didn't even need your penis. YOU COULD WIN WITH MIND CONTROL.


Come back to games of skill Benji.
You've never even SEEN high-level Street Fighter play, have you?

It's not about the fucking combos at all! You can't just mash buttons and win! You can't just jump into someone's face and mash out supers all day. Playing 2D fighting games at a decent level requires finesse far beyond being able to pull out the biggest, nastiest combo your character is capable of. If you don't know how to control your opponent when you can't do your combos, you are dead in the water if you're playing anyone worth their salt.

And yeah, I do mean every word I say in this matter. I'm fucking pissed as hell, because it's attitudes like yours that are KILLING THE GAMES I LOVE. I'm serious. I wouldn't kill a man for Tribes, but I'd kill him for CvS2 and bathe in his blood afterwards, I love these games so goddamn much.

And you ignorant bastards REFUSE to share my love because you falsely believe that they take no skill to play, that they're shallow, that they're nothing but a giggle -- worst of all, that they're just not cool.
I post on an internet message board under a name I took from a fantasy novel.

Coolness ain't something I'm pursuing.

However, The fact remain, those games suck.

However, I still love you. And if you do bathe in my blood. Please churn it into a deep creamy froath with your mighty penis.
People who think all 2D fighting games after SF2 are completely without merit are, generally speaking, people who can't play SF2 worth a crap anyway.

People who jump all over the place even though it makes them easy Shoryuken bait. People whose only anti-air is to try and jump-kick people.

People who just sit and charge down/back all the time with Guile and try to catch people who jump Sonic Booms with Flash Kicks all the time and eat counter-hit jump-in kicks when a simple crouching fierce, or standing strong, or even a well-placed backfist would have sufficed.

People who think the height of Bison play is doing the fierce Psycho Crusher and his slide all the time, doing Knee Press Nightmare when they have the meter for it. Back and forth, back and forth, until you get snuffed with a well-placed heavy kick.

People who never use the light and medium attack buttons.

People who think throws are cheap (which, actually, they are pretty cheap in Super Turbo, they're much better balanced in later games like CvS2).

People who always try to sweep the opponent, who never let the opponent keep standing in order to try and bait out a counter hit.

If you are one of those people, you are not qualified to speak on what makes a good fighting game. You still have much, so much indeed, to learn.
Wraith said:
this is why i dont like ben reed anymore

Everyone's entitled to be unrealisticly overzealous about something near and dear to their hearts.

It could be worse. I could be blowing up Israeli schoolchildren for the glory of Allah.