[Star Citizen] Basic Game Package for $20

Is this a case of asking and getting or have there been any actual recorded transactions of reselling virtual ships for a game that doesn't exist?

The resale market is huge -- disturbingly so. Several TW members participated in "space ship flipping" and made a decent profit doing it. It's real and CIG is quietly allowing it for now.
Here's a sneak peek at Star Citizen's new player model everyone will start out with, other ethnic characters will cost money.

how much is my super hornet lti goin for @ the market anyway

$240-300 depending on package and upgrade path. They aren't rare so they don't have the same mark-up as other ships. You can turn an LTI Aurora into an LTI Super Hornet with upgrades right out of the pledge store.
that's pretty shitty, not much of a profit there. I did forget I also have an Aurora LTI.. I'll keep it and trade it for something else later down the road I suppose.
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