South Carolina Primaries

Now starts the Super Tuesday campaigning

I hope we see some candidates here in Upstate NY

I don't think there will be much campaigning in New York, it seems to be solidly Hillary ~55% in the last poll

Hillary seems to have New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut fairly easily and that's roughly 28% of delegates

Obama is almost certain to win Illinois and Georgia, could win Alabama and Tennessee depending on African-American turn-out

If Obama can win California, the combo of Illinois, Georgia, and California is 36% of the delegates

Then it will be down to Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado assuming Obama can make a push in California and take it

If Hillary takes California, she wins the day handily
but the DNC awards all delegates proportionally, not winner-take-all...

obama will want to spend quite a bit of time in big delegate states like california and new york even if he knows he can't win

i doubt he takes california given clinton's support among latinos, his wins are gonna come in illinois and states with lots of indies/repubs voting/ or generally red states
but the DNC awards all delegates proportionally, not winner-take-all...

obama will want to spend quite a bit of time in big delegate states like california and new york even if he knows he can't win

This is my line of thinking. It's down to delegate counting now. Without a winner takes all system, you can campaign anywhere you think you can gain a good amount of support.

Edwards stopped here in 2004.
but the DNC awards all delegates proportionally, not winner-take-all...

obama will want to spend quite a bit of time in big delegate states like california and new york even if he knows he can't win

i doubt he takes california given clinton's support among latinos, his wins are gonna come in illinois and states with lots of indies/repubs voting/ or generally red states

true, he doesn't have to take all of california though

There are three types of delegates, the unpledged super-delegates, delegates pledged based on total state-wide results, and delegates based on district-wide results.

district-wide results are around 55% of the delegates for each state

California has 241 of these district delegates from 53 congressional districts, so winning just a handful of these are the same as winning some of the smaller states

That is a good point though as to why Obama should stop by the north east, especially New York
50% of white vote under 29 years old went to Obama

he got 24% of 30-59 years old

Also 32% of white college graduates
i think it's going to come down to the super delegates and it's going to fuck obama over. Then there will be a total uproar and backlash in the democratic party which will lead to another republican in the white house. :\
i think it's going to come down to the super delegates and it's going to fuck obama over. Then there will be a total uproar and backlash in the democratic party which will lead to another republican in the white house. :\

Maybe then you'll get your fucking crack smoking ticket of Hucksterbee and Giuliani.
I dunno...huckabee as prez with guliani as vp would be neat.

No one can be this stupid, it has to be a troll.

Oh and seriously though... 55% to 27% with 98% of precincts reporting? I'm sure even Hillary didn't think it would be THAT bad. GJ making those numbers worse Bill.
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COLUMBIA, S.C. -- The Clinton campaign is hosting a small post-election event at Element Nightlife, a downtown Columbia bar and club. With one hour until polls close, fewer than 20 Hillary Clinton supporters have arrived for the party. Bartenders here say the campaign has rented the establishment until approximately 9 p.m., guaranteeing an early night for the Clinton supporters who show up.

Local television stations are set up for evening news live shots, but there's no sign of the national or cable news networks so far.

On the menu at the Clinton event: Hill Dip, Victory Egg Rolls, Carolina Chicken Fingers, and assorted finger foods.

I didn't expect Hillary to win... but I don't think anyone expected her to get creamed 2 to 1. That is a pretty impressive victory by Obama.
total SC delegate count from my calculations (based on the description lists):

Obama 25
Clinton 12
Edwards 8
If it does come down to a delegate count, can't we be relatively well assured that most / if not all the Edwards delegates will go for Obama?

I'm actually not at all up on my close-primary-following skills... I don't think we've had one in my voting lifetime.