South Carolina Primaries


I've looked and have been unable to find anything that indicates that New York (or other states) are using anything other than proportional voting for the democratic primary.

They are using the winner-take-all system in the republican primary, but the only things I've found state that the DNC requires all primaries and caucuses to select delegates proportionally

Of course, feel free to cite something that refutes the rules that were issued by Dean

Just saw Obama's speech... this stood out to me as upsetting:

It's about whether we settle for the same divisions and distractions and drama that passes for politics today, or whether we reach for a politics of common sense, and innovation — a shared sacrifice and shared prosperity.

WTF? Communism anyone?

Other than that... A+ speech. Disagree with his policies, but it was a good speech. Still won't vote for him, but whatev.

I'm conservative btw.
Just saw Obama's speech... this stood out to me as upsetting:

WTF? Communism anyone?

Other than that... A+ speech. Disagree with his policies, but it was a good speech. Still won't vote for him, but whatev.

I'm conservative btw.

Really? From one conservative to another, watch out for those communists and their damned sharing, friend. I hate it when people share prosperity with me.
He will fill positions with unqualified blacks that will lead to the most corrupt administration EVER in US history. Copy this post.

As opposed to the current administration filling positions with unqualified but politically loyal whites? Why don't you just come out and say you have a problem with spear-chuckers since it's blatantly obvious from the rest of your posts.

I mean jesus, people who actually did their job (at times) were dumped in favour of political yes-men (see Ashcroft resignation).

WTF? Communism anyone?

This is how I imagine McCarthy identified Communists.
From "Dreams of my father," Obama meets his half brother who has embraced civilization. Obama is angered that he has no sympathy for Africa or African culture. His brother says:

"Other things move me. Beethoven's symphonies. Shakespeare's sonnets. I know—it's not what an African is supposed to care about. But who's to tell me what I should and shouldn't care about?"

Obama never spoke to him again.

After Obama visited a rich, white, girl's house (a chick whom he was dating), he broke up with her. Again, from his autobiography:

"The family knew every inch of the land, … the names of the earliest white settlers—their ancestors … I realized that our two worlds, my friend's and mine, were as distant from each other as Kenya is from Germany. And I knew that if we stayed together I'd eventually live in hers … I pushed her away."

He rejected his white blood. He wanted nothing to do with it. That's fine. As far as I am concerned, any drop of black blood makes you black anyhow.

He is a black supremacist. Fine. I prefer whites. But, there will not be a black supremacist president in a primarily white country.

So he never spoke with his brother again, but do you know the reason, or just assume it's because he likes white culture? I think the assumption is very far fetched.

As for the girl, he never said anything negative about her culture, and thanks to the "...", the reason for breaking up with her is still up to question.

Even if these wild, unfounded ideas you infer from his autobiography are as you say, that still doesn't support your claim that he is a black supremacist.
Just saw Obama's speech... this stood out to me as upsetting:

WTF? Communism anyone?

Other than that... A+ speech. Disagree with his policies, but it was a good speech. Still won't vote for him, but whatev.

I'm conservative btw.

shared prosperity doesn't necessarily mean socialism or communism, it can simply suggest an attempt to avoid having the insane wealth disparities you see in say Africa, Russia, or China

Conservative ideology also embraces the idea of shared prosperity in the aphorism "A rising tide lifts all boats"

Of course that was initially used by JFK, but since has been adopted by supply-siders and the lovers of Reaganomics
He is a black supremacist.


You guys are such morons.

This was a typical american kid, partying all the time. Grew up in integrated families and community. Was a badass in school.

Top of his class at Harvard.

Went to Chicago in his 20s to fight poverty and got sucked into the black community there, as an activist. He found christ at that time, and got involved with his church. His grandmother was a real bible thumper and always tried to push it on him, but he resisted until in his 20s.

His church came out of 70s "black power" activism. His pastor is a real activist, and their church's mission is very much about "black theology" and shit like that.

Obama REPEATEDLY has said he disagrees with the tone of his pastor, but that like family... he still loves him. Won't matter in the general election, because his pastor is such a lightning rod that he's going to stick Obama with a "black separatist" label among retards who would rather prefer a reason to hate Obama.