So we’re not gonna discuss the democratic debates in its own thread?

only republicans like gabbard lol

I wont lie. She is palatable to a lot of people and not a mindless drone checking off bullet points as she talks. Go listen to her on the Joe Rogan podcast, even he agreed with her on some things that i agreed with him on so that shifts me more to the middle?

But i digress. Both parties are still filled with vile pieces of shit.
From a purely objective standpoint, Harris tore it up. Like her policies or not, she set herself far apart from any other candidate on the stage tonight in practically every other regard.
I'm sure more than one of these candidates do not seriously expect to win the nomination, but instead are milking this opportunity to showcase themselves before a national audience and especially to the base at home. Where ever that is.

Why else do you get up in front of a national audience and address a question in spanish? You can't seriously think that is productive strategy, except to pander to a very specific group because you don't intend on winning with everyone, just your Latino immigrant vote.

as a huge republican myself, I am amazed at how well you imitate one

as a huge republican yourself, you're just as annoying and dumb as other republicans. i am, in fact, an anti-establishment libertarian.
ANDREW YANG 28.43% (18,005 votes)
KAMALA HARRIS 17.3% (10,955 votes)
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON 12.8% (8,108 votes)
PETE BUTTIGIEG 12.03% (7,619 votes)
JOE BIDEN 9.95% (6,299 votes)
BERNIE SANDERS 6.25% (3,959 votes)
JOHN HICKENLOOPER 5.11% (3,235 votes)
ERIC SWALWELL 3.71% (2,351 votes)
MICHAEL BENNET 2.24% (1,418 votes)
KRISTEN GILLIBRAND 2.18% (1,387 votes)
Total Votes: 63,336

Yang speaks clearly and sounds interesting, even though his policies are still socialism. He talked about how it would work but I call it fuzzy math when it comes to the numbers.

None of it will matter. The dems are going to elect Biden by rigging the primaries.

Look at that, Biden 5th, Bernie 6th, yet they will continue to be called the front runners.
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“I’m also the only guy that got assault weapons banned, and the number of clips in a gun banned. And so, folks, look — and I would buy back those weapons. We already started talking about that. We tried to get it done. I think it can be done. And it should be demanded that we do it, and that’s a good expenditure of money. And lastly, we should have smart guns. No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s within our right to do that. We can do that.”

-Creepy Uncle Joe
as a huge republican yourself, you're just as annoying and dumb as other republicans. i am, in fact, an anti-establishment libertarian.

Until Reddit wont host white pride parades, then you're a huge GOP sucking republican.

lol jk ur always a GOP sucking republican