So, they took away my happy

It's must be time to


(Just too good of a pic to pass up SH)
I could never tell if you were serious about your orientation or not.

Someone mentioned in a thread a while back that they thought thier girlfriend's roomate (female) was in love with her. At the time I remember thinking that this would be an almost unbearable be in love with someone who is fundamentally (due to orientation) incapable (or extremely unlikely) of loving you in return (atleast in a complete sense). Atleast if someone is oriented in the same fashion as you (for lack of better terms) you can tell yourself that there is still hope that maybe you can woo them.

Anyways, good luck.

and prepared to be flamed
I seen a movie about this, are you a male hooker that is trying to get to north carlonia and be a redne i mean a race car pit crew man?

Very bad movie, saw it late night once.
yeah good luck, shitty situation to be in (?)

basing it off of my experiences with Chasing Amy, I hated the movie, therefore I hate that situation. Yeah.
that sucks. this would probably be one of those instances where a saying that everyone hears would apply: if you love something set it free, if it comes back to you its yours, if it doesnt come back, it was never yours to begin with....or something like that.

Might be a good time to cut your emotional losses on this and just let it go
gee... you guys are so mean to whoop... sorry about that man, it really sucks. some people dont know when to turn the sarcastic mean comments off.
Beef Welington said:
gee... you guys are so mean to whoop... sorry about that man, it really sucks. some people dont know when to turn the sarcastic mean comments off.

Like i said, this is tribalwar - I expect nothing less.

Thanks for all the support though. I'm a bit drunk now and not feeling any pain! :)

I'll toast tribalwar tonight at the gay bar... not sure if thats a good thing? Maybe a first.
I always think of American Wedding when someone mentions a gay bar. I'll toast to you tonight at my buddie's house mang.
Actually, I think you've faired far better than the average straight dude who posts chick problems.
I don't know... In a guy/girl relationship, this would be a tough call, but with a guy/guy situation it seems very complicated. I mean maybe he's not sure of who he is? Maybe he has doubts but is fighting the feelings he has? I mean look at it this way: For him to stay and be with you in a relationship, it's not only a cosmetic sacrifice because he has to make this big change of plans, but it's also a very BIG life decision. Either way, I wish you a lot of luck dude. It's not easy loving someone that doesn't love you back in the same way, and i think most of us have expereiced that feeling before.
Moebius said:
I always think of American Wedding when someone mentions a gay bar. I'll toast to you tonight at my buddie's house mang.
