Singapore Changi airport...


Veteran XV
Seems to always win best airport in the world. It's very good for sure, but whoever votes for this has never been to the new Doha airport. It's what airports will look like in 50 years.

Shame nobody will be using it until they sort things out.
Changi is good at the nice little touches though. USB ports built right into the bar I'm sitting at to charge stuff up.
You are the one talking to yourself about an out of context airport on a gaming forum.
Please tell us all more about this great airport and the convenient USB chargers.

PS: Is there going to be a "[SO] I moved to Singapore" thread soon?
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but whoever votes for this has never been to the new Doha airport. It's what airports will look like in 50 years.

Yes, once most airports have aged for about 50 years with no maintenance whatsoever they will probably be similar to those in your third world sandbox shithole.
Yes, once most airports have aged for about 50 years with no maintenance whatsoever they will probably be similar to those in your third world sandbox shithole.

Sure. If you didn't have Google you wouldn't have the slightest clue where Doha is. Or anywhere else outside of a 20 mile radius of Ratshit, Arkansas for that matter. Good effort though.

Also, American airports. How is it possible to fuck it up that badly?