[SILVER BARS] Do you even stack bro?

Lead is currently $0.8993/lb

Copper is currently $3.0648/lb

Silver is currently $17.21 troy oz

Have no faith in the value of the dollar.
Sets the relative value of metals based on the dollar.
Am I the only one who sees the problem with this?

In the instance where the economy collapses enough for the dollar to become valueless, what exactly do you think will happen to your metal to dollar equations?
He assumes that, during his imaginary collapse, the silver he has stashed away will have actual buying power.

I assume that it won't ;)
Woe is me. Haha. :lol:

This 3.20 oz is just what I have on me right now. The rest is buried. So enjoy this pic of real money.


He plans to throw them at the ravaging hoards.

I live in North Michigan where no chimps are allowed. In face I'm the darkest person in the entire lil town.
if its a zombie apocalypse you'll be trading all that silver for one gun

Our gun safe is crammed full of bangbangs and ammo. Fuck what you thinking. I live in the same town Charlton Heston lived in. All of us are armed to the teeth. That's why you can leave your car and house doors unlocked.

Have no faith in the value of the dollar.
Sets the relative value of metals based on the dollar.
Am I the only one who sees the problem with this?

In the instance where the economy collapses enough for the dollar to become valueless, what exactly do you think will happen to your metal to dollar equations?
But, but, dollar and paper and real money and I've been clean for years and PLEASE LOVE ME DADDY BUT NOT IN A BUTTSEX WAY!!!!
Tehvul why didn't you comment on the fact that mike caused your rectum wall to be prolapsed inward not fixable by surgical action ?

Dweasel sent me that when he came back to post twice
I'm sorry, 80 oz? So ... less than $1500?

Am I missing something?

The silver hoarders I know have like a scrooge mcduck vault full of silver eagles.
I'm sorry, 80 oz? So ... less than $1500?

Am I missing something?

The silver hoarders I know have like a scrooge mcduck vault full of silver eagles.

I just started stacking last month bruh. Considering the fact I have several royalty checks from Universal already on the way multiply what I have now by 1,000 and that's a conservative estimate.

Them Eagles and the Maple Leaf are great coins but I don't fuck with coins right now. Only bars. Don't get me wrong because Imma cop a gang load of eagles and maple leafs but right now I'm fucking with bars.

Dweasel sent me that when he came back to post twice

He on the sexual predator list for life.

Ending Registration Date : Lifetime

Haha so fuck him and you. :lol:

Sex Offenders - Garcia Robert - Kens5

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the coins are more convenient because you can deal them in smaller denominations. the bars are display pieces unless you are planning on melting them down into something.
the coins are more convenient because you can deal them in smaller denominations. the bars are display pieces unless you are planning on melting them down into something.

You right but there is such a thing a fractional bars. Which I have plenty of.


Cause you will run into problems with bars over 100oz. That's why none of my bars are over 10oz's.

Also melting Silver isn't hard to do at all.

So you have $1.5M in silver?

Bruh just because yall think I'm bullshitting about what I do with the music game doesn't mean you are not dead wrong. I just checked Billboard and in the top 20 there is 3 tracks I ate off of. Life is good bruh.
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