Shit Vanster Says

This place does not move without me.

There is Trump, white power, and Vanster. Those 3 issues drive this place, and I occupy the latest, and largest.

Traffic here will be scant over the next week, I apologize. I'm really not going to have a lot to contribute or respond to, which means TW is going to be dead for a while.

Good news: I'll be back in 10 days, sooner if the Mueller probe ends and impeachment starts. I'm happy to keep this place going. For now. Make me unhappy, and we don't need a Trump indictment, this place will destruct on it's own.
Originally Posted by Vanster
No need to get Trump, as he and his loins will be in orange within the year. The unfunny now is the antivax/truther/antievolution/antiscience/whatever.

It is a matter of time before he resigns, and we and we nail him. I really doubt he will resign but might and you agree know it. One way or the other, he will go to prison.
oldnativecuckfuk pussyass fukkn vanster still shown y him bettuh off ded n him entiya famly fukkn h8 him n wish d00 gon die 2 smdh lol :jester:
Traffic here will be scant over the next week, I apologize. I'm really not going to have a lot to contribute or respond to, which means TW is going to be dead for a while.

In Vanster's mind 1 day is equal to 1 week. Maths.


(see you tomorrow)
Vanster attempting the Obama "You didn't built that" argument fail.

LT is still tribes, just like pop music still music. the "back in my day" mindset is poison pill, don't take it! also, LK and skillz have been playing recently - and we are going to try to revive weekly base games.

here's a cool video stork made:

we've recently been having lots of activity - 20 person pubs and 15 person pickups going on simultaneously

I like you, as you brought me into connection with Cael, so please don't take this the wrong way:

I don't know that you really are the goat, but you're in the running with them: nat, rtcll, stork, special, you. . are all among the greats.

My point is that you got to see demos of the pathfinders, and polished the stone. Beatstick, Bluenose, SuperGrover, had no demos to look at; they had to go into an open server and run around, figuring out what hills would do, and which ones wouldn't.

Edmund Hillary climbed Everest in 1953, and everyone knows it. My ultrarunner friend Killian Jornet, climbed it twice in one day last year, with no oxygen, and only ultrarunners know who he is. Killian is probably the best ultrarunner that has ever lived, but he had stories that those that went before him, maps, and GPS. To say that Killian is a better climber than Hillary is all but laughable.

I'm not diminishing you nor your ability; I'm asking you to consider context. Yes, you did it better than Mr. Wolf, Da Strangler, WarNipple, and the rest. You're not a dumb guy; is it possible that viewing demos and seeing people that went before you was a help? You can bet Killian Jornet would never have capped Everest without it. Just something to consider, my friend.
calculus. vanster, and his worthless masters degree from a worthless school

And what school was that, sir?

I think you might know where I got my 2 undergrad degrees, but I don't think you know where I got my Masters. I might have said it here, but if I did, I don't recall it.

Where did I get my Masters?

P.S. GreenHornet wanted to know if you're still an idiot. I answered in the affirmative.