Server Seed Hosting Solutions: #2 - Thought it couldn't get any better?

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Veteran X

Server Seed has been growing very rapidly lately. Thanks in part to TW! I’ve been shocked at the growth and am determined to continue to provide top quality webhosting at discounted rates to my TW friends. There have been many positive changes to Server Seed lately:

  • After quite a while of testing, I finally brought a Dual Xeon rig online tonight. Signups for the two highest end plans will go on this machine, while others will go on the Pentium 4 box (which is still performing great and has a very low load – I intend to keep it that way.)
  • Domain registration is up.
  • A new hosting plan has been added – by the name of “Heavy++”. Heavy++ is the Heavy account, but with a bit more bandwidth & disk space, and free domain registration!

To celebrate, I’d like to offer 30% off for a few days to all TWers interested! This 30% (ss30) off is a recurring discount, and applies to the Medium, Heavy and Heavy++ plans. I’ll be running the 30% off coupon through Sunday. After that, the good old TribalWar 20% (tw20) will be back.

Want to demo cPanel? Give it a test drive at – the username and password are both “demo”. Account activation is automated & instant once the initial invoice is paid. You can pay via credit card or PayPal.

Interested? Head on over to and sign up, or just head over there to learn more. Don’t forget to use coupon code ss30 to redeem your 30% off!

Please reply with any questions (or email me at!
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i would go with tysoft only if he promised to service me (NEXT YEAR TY =[, WHEN HOSTING GOES AWAY I WIL GO WITH YOU)
I might move over...not sure yet. My host is only 7.95 more a month than heavy and its not a major improvement other than bandwidth on yours..otherwise mine is the same
Pendragon said:
I might move over...not sure yet. My host is only 7.95 more a month than heavy and its not a major improvement other than bandwidth on yours..otherwise mine is the same

I'll match their bandwidth :)
Hey Ty, I am thinking about getting an account, but really, all I need is the FTP properties and bandwidth of the Heavy account, don't need POP3, or MySQL, really. And maybe more disk space.

Can we work something out?
[HvC]Scuba said:
Hey Ty, I am thinking about getting an account, but really, all I need is the FTP properties and bandwidth of the Heavy account, don't need POP3, or MySQL, really. And maybe more disk space.

Can we work something out?

Sure can. YGPM.
Ty -

I've secured my domain and pointed it to the Server Seed name servers. I'm ready to send you some money, but I don't see the bi-annual billing option you mentioned in our PM. Do you want me to go ahead and sign up for the quarterly and just pay it twice, or wait for more info?

I don't see you in IRC or I would have left you a message there. :D

Thanks man.

Everyone needs to buy hosting from Ty! HE RAWKS!
Data said:
Ty -

I've secured my domain and pointed it to the Server Seed name servers. I'm ready to send you some money, but I don't see the bi-annual billing option you mentioned in our PM. Do you want me to go ahead and sign up for the quarterly and just pay it twice, or wait for more info?

No worries. I'll get you in IRC later. Still dynamicizing my ordering page, don't have it done yet. :heart:
SarcaStick said:
Tysoft, I was wondering about contingency regarding data. Are you running RAID on your servers?

No RAID, however I do have nightly backups to another location as a courtesy (doesn't hurt for people to have a backup solution of their own, there is no reason not to... it's easy to set up a CRON job for that.) If something does happen, I'll obviously make every effort to restore the data with my nightly backups. I can't foresee a situation where I wouldn't be able to use my backup to restore the data, but I'm not offering a "guarantee".
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