:scared: Just saw the scariest bug ever

So I was looking out at the lake, when I see something huge land on my deck. The thing had huge hairy legs like a spider, but also had wings!

Forget that, a flying spider! If one of those things flys at me, I will piss my pants. I tried to get a picture, but through the glass doors would have been no good, and it flew away when I opened the door.

I'm wondering what it is that I just saw.

My only two theories:

1. Huge spider was being eaten by a dragon fly (wings were dragon fly long, but appeared tucked on its back, which I've never seen a dragon fly do).

2. There is a huge spider around here that can fly. :scared:

What was it that I saw?

I didn't read this wall of nonsense. You didn't bother to post a picture, WTF? It's 2011, pics or it didn't happen. I'm crying Mormon tears for you. Edit: Also, I did not bother with reading the rest of the thread. :lol:


I have these fucks around here, with big dicks sprouting out of their asses trying to take your white women.
So I was looking out at the lake, when I see something huge land on my deck. The thing had huge hairy legs like a spider, but also had wings!

Forget that, a flying spider! If one of those things flys at me, I will piss my pants. I tried to get a picture, but through the glass doors would have been no good, and it flew away when I opened the door.

I'm wondering what it is that I just saw.

My only two theories:

1. Huge spider was being eaten by a dragon fly (wings were dragon fly long, but appeared tucked on its back, which I've never seen a dragon fly do).

2. There is a huge spider around here that can fly. :scared:

What was it that I saw?

:huh: ..... You a PUSSY! :razz:
I didn't read this wall of nonsense. You didn't bother to post a picture, WTF? It's 2011, pics or it didn't happen. I'm crying Mormon tears for you. Edit: Also, I did not bother with reading the rest of the thread. :lol:
You're missing out. :shrug: Very entertaining thread, A+!
You have two things to be afraid of in NC. Black Widows and Brown Recluses. Learn to ID both. The rest you can casually smash with a paper towel.

Black Widows get hair sprayed in their next and left alone for a few days. I live in the Triad area so I haven't seen a Brown Recluse yet.

PS> Although harmless, a Camel Cricket will eventually scare the piss out of you. They are brown, can jump hundreds of times their height into the air and like to be invisible until you get close enough for them to jump nearly into your face.

PPS> Technically you should be afraid of yellow jackets as well. They are little fuckers. DON'T ever get stung on your finger trying to reset the AC unit after dark. If you do, don't leave the venom sack that ripped out when you shook your hand in shock/surprise in their for minutes as you try to climb back in through the window and then wait for your girlfriend to get tweezers to pull it out. Little fuckers. You'll have to take Vicodin to fall asleep that night, Aspirin will not be enough and you won't be able to use that finger well for 3 days.
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fuck bugs, I keep finding these little red eyed fuckers in my basement. They're albino I'm guessing. Still doesn't explain why there are soo many. If a bug or cricket doesn't get enough light does it just stay the same color as it was when it was an infant? Anyway heres what they look like normally just imagine them a little whiter and more red and beady eyed and possibly glow in the dark

This little fuck looks like hes dragging his ass on the carpet to remove dingle berries.
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fuck bugs, I keep finding these little red eyed fuckers in my basement. They're albino I'm guessing. Still doesn't explain why there are soo many. If a bug or cricket doesn't get enough light does it just stay the same color as it was when it was an infant? Anyway heres what they look like normally just imagine them a little whiter and more red and beady eyed and possibly glow in the dark

This little fuck looks like hes dragging his ass on the carpet to remove dingle berries.

it has those 4 huge legs, why does it need that funny tiny one? :lol:
i ran in to one of these things once
Hemiscorpiidae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

something like that

weird lookin thing

smashed it with a rock since i found it under my bed in mexico and was like aw hell naw

Lived in Yuma, AZ for a couple years and since I opened up in the mornings one of my jobs was to sweep the entire building looking for scorpions that would make it in through our doors. All outside entrances had you passing through 2 sets of doors and another double set into our work area (an electronics lab) and they managed all of that w/o being seen at times. Though I usually would find them hold up in the restrooms for some reason.
fuck bugs, I keep finding these little red eyed fuckers in my basement. They're albino I'm guessing. Still doesn't explain why there are soo many. If a bug or cricket doesn't get enough light does it just stay the same color as it was when it was an infant? Anyway heres what they look like normally just imagine them a little whiter and more red and beady eyed and possibly glow in the dark

This little fuck looks like hes dragging his ass on the carpet to remove dingle berries.

Sevin powder is your friend.
I had camel crickets that laid eggs in my out door storage room and their were thousands of crickets in there one summer. I shook a bunch of powder in there and swept out their corpses two days later. They haven't been foolish enough to lay eggs in there again.
Though both male and female dobsonflies have sharp mandibles, those of an adult male dobsonfly are actually so big – up to 1 inch (25 mm) – that they are unable to harm humans, as they have such poor leverage that they are incapable of breaking the skin.

I never tried sticking my fingers in there...you crazy?

Black Widows get hair sprayed in their next and left alone for a few days. I live in the Triad area so I haven't seen a Brown Recluse yet.

Not sure what you're saying here. You suggest I use hair-spray and leave it be? If I find something like that indoors, I will not rest until I know it dead.

So far, I've only seen a little spider inside the house, and I destroyed it. The house is a mid 2k build, so luckily, it keeps most unwelcome crawlers out. Further, we generally just go in and out of the garage. The front door is only opened to receive packages, and I rarely go out on the back deck, or patio on the basement level. So I shouldn't be tracking anything back in with me.

But yeah, in Oregon I would run around the woods without a worry in the world. Forget doing that here.
Not sure what you're saying here. You suggest I use hair-spray and leave it be? If I find something like that indoors, I will not rest until I know it dead.

So far, I've only seen a little spider inside the house, and I destroyed it. The house is a mid 2k build, so luckily, it keeps most unwelcome crawlers out. Further, we generally just go in and out of the garage. The front door is only opened to receive packages, and I rarely go out on the back deck, or patio on the basement level. So I shouldn't be tracking anything back in with me.

But yeah, in Oregon I would run around the woods without a worry in the world. Forget doing that here.

Hairspray on a spider web causes a spider to stick to it's own web. They will get tangled up in it and die of starvation. I think it may also suffocate them if you spray it directly on them.

You could also use spider killer but I never seem to have it, where as there is usually hair spray around. Also hair spray isn't toxic if sprayed on the floor and licked by the dog at a later date.

If you have a black widow inside your house you have problems that hair spray may or may not fix. If it's aerosol hair spray add a lighter to the mix and burn your house down.

I have never found one inside a residence, the most inside I have seen them was in a garage. One had made a nest in the metal beams that go across the garage doors surface to strengthen the aluminum. I sprayed it with hair spray came back two days later with a stick and fished it out. It was stuck rolled up in it's web on the end of the stick which I then threw in the forest.
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