... said the cable news organization once Goatse'd by TW.


Let's try to pass legislation barring women from driving. Can you imagine how much safer the roads would be?
so has cnn fallen yet

it's been like two days and that's way past internet expiration date

This really is only beginning. People forget the effect that Gamergate had on Gawker. Granted, Hogan was the death blow but they lost millions because of people complaining to advertisers. This is going to be much worse than that.
we only accept ratings from people who like us otherwise it hurts our feels

I'm pretty sure many restaurants etc have their business removed for falsely manipulating reviews.

Pls remove google + cnn + apple from our lives
The cuckolded little brains digging, doxxing and plotting think that this is a war fought by terms of victory and defeat they have created; as if they enjoy individual disconnection to it, personal invulnerability to actual real-world consequences. To them, it is all a simple game that they have engineered and maintain full control of from the safety of pixelated screens. They think it all ends after the lights go out in their offices and they go home to sip wine in their fucking pajamas. It's all fun and laughs- an unreality. They high five each other and jack each other off in the dark- completely unknowing of the monster that they have awakened from that deep slumber. This "harmless fun" is their very own figurative game of Jumanji.

They so easily forget that the enemies they have created do not ever forget. In the innocence of their self assured little minds, there is nothing about this heinous and cowardly behavior that will ever come back to haunt them as individual persons, in tangible or real ways. There are no criminal laws broken or civil liabilities to be incurred...or so their handlers tell them. They've been reassured that this is a risk free activity...completely misled and blinded to the fact that they are the pawns and that they are the expendable assets. That they are being thrown in to the lions' pit as a sacrifice to their masters' agenda.

Think back to highschool. It's human nature to foolishly believe in your own invincibility. Every loudmouthed bully- the type who has never fought or had a beatdown in his life- running his cockholster and flapping his lips in the wind thinks he's some kind of immortal. Until that first meeting. When he realizes that the laws of physics are very real and when finally, he understands what his physics teacher meant by "equal and opposite reactions." Holy shit, that moment- that sacred fucking moment when the realization of his human vulnerability comes pouring in and makes him question with gratitude every fucking misdeed and line of bullshit that he had gotten away with up until this point.
That's where they're at. You can see the understanding slowly leak into their naive consciousness- like a dog chasing a tire...now they've got it.

This shit is going to be in the history books.