... said the cable news organization once Goatse'd by TW.

it isn't always black and white people say

there are many shades of gray


yeah there is

and intentionally so i say

just like race mixing
Bounty shows he can step away from the bullshit and have an actual conversation and then you guys shit on him.

How does anything change with that approach? All I see is an ever widening gap between all sides with no end in site because this is how people talk now. You don't bring people together and change things by instantly putting people on the defensive. Makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Starting a counter argument with "You are a fucking moron and here is why...." is pointless. You are immediately tuned out.
I love Bounty I love starsiege tribes tribalwar I would never want to drive them away I though I have changed my views over the years and I'm a little bit more Hardened to others that might hurt my daughter/genes in the future. Muslims in particular and Trump was the only one talking about that cultural issue.

But in Trump's defense again the Mexican peso is up 14% this year a rising tide take a look around and really don't pay attention to all the news all the time or digdeep. ( and dammit it's costing me more for my burritos and Mariscos in Mexico good thing I bought the junior Penthouse in dollars)
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Bounty shows he can step away from the bullshit and have an actual conversation and then you guys shit on him.

How does anything change with that approach? All I see is an ever widening gap between all sides with no end in site because this is how people talk now. You don't bring people together and change things by instantly putting people on the defensive. Makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Starting a counter argument with "You are a fucking moron and here is why...." is pointless. You are immediately tuned out.
Then you're a fucking moron too. :shrug:

It isn't rocket science. He was reciting CNN talking points as facts. Might as well just say "yea, I'm reasonable, BUT COME ON, Russia was totally involved and he cheated to get the election, because he's evil and literally Hitler..."
Oh, did I make you poor little snowflakes cry by insulting your glorious leader?

You cuck-fucked pussies. :p:
Oh, did I make you poor little snowflakes cry by insulting your glorious leader?

You cuck-fucked pussies. :p:
No, just calling you out on your faux objective views you took straight from insane leftists.

Guess you thought if you threw in some CNN insults it would mask it or something. :shrug:
No, just calling you out on your faux objective views you took straight from insane leftists.

Guess you thought if you threw in some CNN insults it would mask it or something. :shrug:

No, I don't mask things. Things are what they are. They don't need to be mutually exclusive.

CNN is organizationally incompetent ... or perhaps as that article someone posted alluded (I did enjoy that piece), they still haven't quite figured out who they are and what purpose they should serve. Meanwhile, Trump is a fucking moron with the exception of his thuggish street smarts.

It is possible to recognize these both as truths.
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