RON PAUL 2012!

obviously ron paul does, he hates them with a passion, and for that he is rewarded with incredibly bad media coverage. Evangelical Christians don't take him seriously. No one knows what would happen this time if congress started to print money. its a safe bet if Ron Paul did it the world economy might collapse

then again, if congress simply boots them out, well, how much damage would they create on the way out?

unknown, and on the other hand, if they remain, we will find ourselves in a war with islam that taxes us right to the bottom.
let me add that my opinion on this matter is they are an obvious evil to anyone who studies them, but knowing the path forward is knowing where we came from. They are firstly unconstitutional, giving anyone the right and really the duty to get rid of them and send them into exile.

At the same time there are a pile of things going on that are unconstitutional, chiefly among them is entitlement and the welfare state. In honesty what I and other people are hoping for is a war so brutal that we are forced to start over. because this system has become far too corrupt to ever fix.

The last president to bring the government into something even remotely close to what the constitution calls for is Reagan, who reduced taxes across the board, but it was a temporary fix that lasted only a decade or two. He was able to change taxes but if you read the reagan diaries he had a very tough time dealing with the federal reserve and was probably wanting to get rid of them too.
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I squeezed out a turd this morning that could beat Gingrich.

And I'll do it again tomorrow, I would imagine.
All my mud puppies look better than Newtie :D

Too bad they don't have a half million dollar line of credit at Tiffany's :[
Read this article. Try to understand it. It's long, it's boring, its a bit dry in places but this is what people really need to be paying attention to.

Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion - Bloomberg

Small snip: "$7.77 Trillion

The amount of money the central bank parceled out was surprising even to Gary H. Stern, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 1985 to 2009, who says he “wasn’t aware of the magnitude.” It dwarfed the Treasury Department’s better-known $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. Add up guarantees and lending limits, and the Fed had committed $7.77 trillion as of March 2009 to rescuing the financial system, more than half the value of everything produced in the U.S. that year.

“TARP at least had some strings attached,” says Brad Miller, a North Carolina Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, referring to the program’s executive-pay ceiling. “With the Fed programs, there was nothing.”

See, it's shit like this that should have people flocking to Ron Paul or at the very least demanding action by representatives. And I just don't understand why so many are falling for the war propoganda machine AGAIN when it's so clear that the biggest threat facing this country is economic policy both domestic and foreign. It's not Iran or whatever boogeyman they are creating. It's the fucking Fed that is playing with fire and doing it on your dime.
you americans live in a pipe dream if you ever think private enterprise will do anything meaningful with space. The first accident they have involving a human will shut them down through excessive government regulation. Private enterprise is forced to skimp costs because its very unstable and there is no tourism profit in it in the short term. ANd those programs require continuous massive funding just to breathe, and usually turn into a half defense project because of the engineering required...

only hippies believe in privately funded space travel. As for everything that goes on to the south I don't care anymore because Americans don't. It should be easy to elect ron paul because of the federal reserve. If you don't want him, go bankrupt

What? Our space program is already managed by a team of companies. It was Lockheed who built the Hubble. It was a collection of other companies that built the Space Shuttle (To NASA's requirements).

Typically the way our space program works is: NASA / Government come up with requirements and put it out for bid. Contractors like Lockheed-Martin then bid on the project and make it happen with NASA's oversight.

The Orion space capsule which will eventually put a man on Mars was designed, and built by a private company. Not a government body.

P.S. Ron Paul 4 Prez.
Read this article. Try to understand it. It's long, it's boring, its a bit dry in places but this is what people really need to be paying attention to.

Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion - Bloomberg

Small snip: "$7.77 Trillion

The amount of money the central bank parceled out was surprising even to Gary H. Stern, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 1985 to 2009, who says he “wasn’t aware of the magnitude.” It dwarfed the Treasury Department’s better-known $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. Add up guarantees and lending limits, and the Fed had committed $7.77 trillion as of March 2009 to rescuing the financial system, more than half the value of everything produced in the U.S. that year.

“TARP at least had some strings attached,” says Brad Miller, a North Carolina Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, referring to the program’s executive-pay ceiling. “With the Fed programs, there was nothing.”

See, it's shit like this that should have people flocking to Ron Paul or at the very least demanding action by representatives. And I just don't understand why so many are falling for the war propoganda machine AGAIN when it's so clear that the biggest threat facing this country is economic policy both domestic and foreign. It's not Iran or whatever boogeyman they are creating. It's the fucking Fed that is playing with fire and doing it on your dime.

there are no strings attached when the institution that runs your currency doesn't have to report anything to the public. Then the left blames Republicans for introducing a NWO agenda while the fed is tying credit lines down to Europe in order to make a situation where a world currency is inevitable... under Obama
What? Our space program is already managed by a team of companies. It was Lockheed who built the Hubble. It was a collection of other companies that built the Space Shuttle (To NASA's requirements).

Typically the way our space program works is: NASA / Government come up with requirements and put it out for bid. Contractors like Lockheed-Martin then bid on the project and make it happen with NASA's oversight.

The Orion space capsule which will eventually put a man on Mars was designed, and built by a private company. Not a government body.

P.S. Ron Paul 4 Prez.

shuttle was fucked because DoD, NASA, and Air Force all had hands in the cookie jar

Constellation was fucked because NASA was designing the rocket and ignoring private company expertise and such

new direction is better since it has been verified to work by outside companies, still not great
best thing to do is say "nasa needs a rocket that can do these types of numbers" and have ULA or Boeing or whoever can design and make it, do that.

NASA shouldnt be 'building' rockets. Just parcelling out government money for rides for projects like sats, missions to neos/planets/ etc
and of course, most of its money should be sent into R&D for new tech for better spaceships

this is all besides the point
You know, all our Boom and Bust periods are fake booms, and fake busts. The REagan Boom, The Dot com Boom ,the Housing Boom, they all end up with a correction. The people who plotted these out make out like bandits. That is the truth Togo is trying to disseminate....
Most of the great Western leaders realize the fed is behind depressions booms and busts (Churchill and some other presidents who were not democrats). They aren't accidental, all recessions are planned politically. Right after the housing crisis in 2008 and recession the media started to pump out propaganda telling people Bush was responsible. Then Obama came out of nowhere and sold the whole country to wall street (the fed).

if you get rid of the central bank though, and there is no need for one at all, bills that were issued originally were not considered debt backed. There was only one bad economic period in between the time the first Rothschild banks were kicked out and the fed came in during 1914. It was a food shortage and didn't really affect the economy, otherwise things ran pretty smooth

after 1914 the first world war started, then a massive 20's boom followed by a period where the top bankers wanted to transfer their wealth back to europe and that period took ten years - 1929-1939.

They did it by calling in all their accounts and halted lending which had been very much like it was in the period 1990-2007. There is no mystery as to why interest rates are the way they are, they want things to go a certain way.

it was during the great depression that the rothschild and other prominent banking families took 90% of the gold out of America to their European home banks, after making it illegal for any Americans to hold gold as a backup currency, again 100% unconstitutional. Let's be reminded that both of these actions took place under democratic presidents.
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they did

Nathan Mayer Roschild said:
"Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status."

this is after congress refused the second charter of the first bank of the united states (rothschild owned)