RON PAUL 2012!

I'd love to see ron paul debate obama, but I don't want to see any fucking teleprompters.

take away obama's teleprompter and he can't form a simple sentence or complete a thought.
The start of that video is basically Paul kicking Gingrich in the balls over and over and over.

It actually seems feasible that Paul could get the nomination by attrition. Everyone else blows up after a couple weeks in the spotlight, I think Paul has the consitency and integrity to hold on if he gets the attention.

Do you really think that a guy who blames 9/11 on America's foreign policy would ever win the Republican nomination? He even accused George Bush of being happy that 9/11 happened so he could invade Iraq. Let's be serious here. His base is anti-semites and pot smokers. I don't think that in any of his presidential runs he's hit double digits in the polls. Face it: he's a fringe candidate and will never, ever win the nomination.
He even accused George Bush of being happy that 9/11 happened so he could invade Iraq.

He didn't accuse George Bush, he accused the administration, just so you're clear. You might want to add Condoleezza Rices book to your reading list, among others, that were critical of that administration and have said just as much about how they were gleeful that 9/11 gave them a reason to invade Iraq.

Now the rest of your points aren't even worth disecting since they appear to be formed in some childish attempt at spin.

I will actually agree that it's unlikely Paul gets the nomination, but not because of his policies but primarily because of mental midgets like you that form all of your opinions by listening to Rush and Fox news.
I'd love to see ron paul debate obama...

Paul is way to the left of Obama on a lot of issues, I would like to see it too.

...but I don't want to see any fucking teleprompters.

take away obama's teleprompter and he can't form a simple sentence or complete a thought.

And then you go full retard.

First off it's a debate, they don't have teleprompters.

Second, the teleprompter line is a joke on stupid people, snap out of it. Obama will not be losing anything to any of these pretenders.

How is this not obvious? The reason nobody is running is because Obama will beat them, all the real people are waiting until 2016 and a fresh shot. But nobody is running.
Wait....9-11 gave us a reason to invade Iraq?

How come I was not aware of this?

Oh, you didn't say "Legitimate" reason to invade Iraq. I get it now. :wink:
The start of that video is basically Paul kicking Gingrich in the balls over and over and over.

It actually seems feasible that Paul could get the nomination by attrition. Everyone else blows up after a couple weeks in the spotlight, I think Paul has the consitency and integrity to hold on if he gets the attention.
I agree whole-heartedly :sunny:

He doesn't have hypocrisy working against him, and whether or not people disagree with his personal points of view he is very logical, consistent, and principled.

It would be awesome if he won the nomination, but frankly just doing well may be enough to force the Republicans to move away from the fucking right-wing moral-police retard shit they've been doing lately in an attempt to draw votes from his supporters. Which would be a huge plus as well.
It would be awesome if he won the nomination, but frankly just doing well may be enough to force the Republicans to move away from the fucking right-wing moral-police retard shit they've been doing lately in an attempt to draw votes from his supporters. Which would be a huge plus as well.

Ron Paul doing "well" won't do anything to bring the GOP back from the grasp of the religious nutjobs. Here's how I see it going down, assuming Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination (which I don't expect to happen, regardless of how happy it'd make me): the GOP nominee (Gingrich or Romney) loses to Obama. The "base" of the party will blame the loss on the nominee "not being conservative enough." 2016 will have the GOP even farther off the deep end (though it's hard to imagine that being possible).

Of course, I could be wrong. Approval for the "tea party" movement seems to be dwindling a bit, even among registered Republicans. Maybe a loss to Obama will restore some sanity to the party.
He's due to be front runner, he gets the biggest applause lines of the debates, and his timing couldn't be better. All he needs now is votes, and he'll definitely compete.

Go Ron Paul, fuck Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, the sacks of shit.
Ron Paul doing "well" won't do anything to bring the GOP back from the grasp of the religious nutjobs. Here's how I see it going down, assuming Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination (which I don't expect to happen, regardless of how happy it'd make me): the GOP nominee (Gingrich or Romney) loses to Obama. The "base" of the party will blame the loss on the nominee "not being conservative enough." 2016 will have the GOP even farther off the deep end (though it's hard to imagine that being possible).

Of course, I could be wrong. Approval for the "tea party" movement seems to be dwindling a bit, even among registered Republicans. Maybe a loss to Obama will restore some sanity to the party.

It's always easy to see the current trend continuing indefinitely (remember in 2008 when the Republicans were no longer a viable party?). Historically speaking, it's not unusual for a party's first nominee after losing the White House to be quite ideologically extreme, as the party base blames the previous loser for not being conservative/liberal enough to turn out the base. However, the longer a party has been out of power, the more moderate its nominees get. There are exceptions, obviously, but the average DW-NOMINATE score moves towards the middle the longer a party has been out of the White House.

Paul will never win the GOP nomination. He's already at his support ceiling among Republicans. In surveys of registered Republicans only, he consistently has the highest disapproval rating. His supporters might be the most enthusiastic, but his detractors are also the least willing to reconsider. Plus, what can Newt do to turn off the Republican base? He's already divorced two wives, taken a $1.6 million [strike]bribe[/strike] payment from Freddie Mac, supported the individual mandate, supported cap and trade, and blasted the Paul Ryan Medicare [strike]destruction[/strike] voucher plan. About the only thing left to try would be to beat a puppy to death with a tire iron, or maybe adopt a KKK slogan. Oh wait, Romney already did that.
Do you really think that a guy who blames 9/11 on America's foreign policy would ever win the Republican nomination? He even accused George Bush of being happy that 9/11 happened so he could invade Iraq. Let's be serious here. His base is anti-semites and pot smokers. I don't think that in any of his presidential runs he's hit double digits in the polls. Face it: he's a fringe candidate and will never, ever win the nomination.

Thank you for your well thought-out opinion, Mr. Bill O'Reilly.
who want's to be president right now? If I was in a position to run for the presidency I wouldn't want to waste my effort on this election.
Someone who actually perceives an injustice in the system and wants to change it? Someone who puts principle above all. Someone named Ron Paul.
Obama is too much of a GOP suckup... RP would fuckin destroy him.

why the fuck is RP calling himself a republican again? just to be in the debates?