[retirement thread] How old do you REALLY want to be?

whine bitches whine but keep it to your damn self.

i'll keep it to myself when you stop posting here, pedophile.

until then, i'm going to keep on joining the others in reminding you just how fucking stupid you are so your old feeble mind won't forget it.
You can't get shit faced every day because your liver would go bad. I only drink beer on the weekends now because my side hurts afterwards. My dad drinks wine but doesn't get drunk. Playing hockey or skiing? If your knees aren't bad then I can see doing that. I'm 50 and have some pain in my knees. When I go skiing, I wear braces and take aspirin. The heavy sports activities fall off as you get older, that's why most go on cruises seeing land marks. Tip to all the young kids, take care of your knees, you only have one meniscus per and it doesn't regenerate.

I'm still riding roller coasters, and my parents went on them when they were 70, but now they don't care too any more. Newer coasters are smooth, but they still have high g-forces.

Older people play
and do activities at communities like The Villages and The Plantations near Leesburg FL.
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61 is the latest I will retire, early as 55 could work for me. Just depends on what happens if/when I have kids.

Work is what do for money, what makes me enjoy life is everything else I do. Having more time for the good stuff sounds pretty nice. Only ~25 years to go...
I totally blew off the first half of my life, I will likely work until I die. Or, other side of the coin, lack of work will precipitate my early death.
I believe the average life expectancy after retiring at 65 is 18 years, give or take. That puts most people in the grave in their early 80's.
dad's dad retired at 55 i think. My mom has never known him to work
he's 90

all my grand parents are late 80s
Tip to all the young kids, take care of your knees, you only have one meniscus per and it doesn't regenerate.


No, you have 2 menisci per knee.

I'll be looking at retirement options as soon as 50. I'm very open to the idea of buying retirement property in another country(parts of mexico look fantastic for expat retirees) due to it being cheaper and retiring as early as possible.

The thought of living to 60 seems like a stretch to me. Anything past that sounds miserable unless i end up rich, which probably isn't going to happen.
when I am in my late 50's I hope to be retired somewhere along the mediterranean (hopefully italy), kicking back and tending to my garden and plants, playing with grand kids, drawing, and going to the cafe with a friend and going to the seaside. 80 would probably be a good age to silently and quickly fade into lifelessness. I wouldn't be surprised if i lived into my 90's, though.
NGFM, if you could pick the day you die, how old would you be?
Low 80's. I think of life as three 25 year segments. I predict the retirement age will rise to 75. From 75-80 people can still work. 80 and up, that's when things start to fall apart.
hopefully work ceases to exist and we all get money every week for living

to use at what we want
matter is matter is matter and when we get there, shit gets nice

but i doubt it will work out that way gg corporations
hopefully work ceases to exist and we all get money every week for living

to use at what we want
matter is matter is matter and when we get there, shit gets nice

but i doubt it will work out that way gg corporations

if society could agree as a whole what we could do is:

  • spend elementary school still learning the general basics
  • in middle school through high school be assigned a job we will be most proficient at and start special training/education for this
  • jobs would be in fields that robots can't replace or need assistance. along with maintaining management positions that oversee robot work. pretty much any job that a robot simply couldn't be specialized to do well.
  • by age of 18 enter workforce. some would get an extra 1 to 4 years of additional school for higher skill jobs.
  • work a mandatory 15 year term
  • and then retire and live extravagant life of luxury. you could pick which colony you want to live in, and you would have x credits to use as you wish for travel/recreation/entertainment.

if we wanted to improve this system, anyone who could not or chose not enter any useful field could either die or be sent to a colony where they would live an incredibly modest lifestyle. they wouldn't be allowed to visit the other colony of those who worked.

now unfortunately with all this free time there would be a ton of social groups with causes and one would be pointing out that there is a disproportionate race/gender performing one job over the other. they would find the inequality within equality and so less proficient performers would get positions they shouldn't have and over time this great life and wealth would drop with a decrease in efficiency and soon we would be living no better than those we fed and kept alive in the colony of non-workers.
they wouldn't be allowed to visit the other colony of those who worked.
We have this now when you think about it. We work until 67, then the government is supposed to give us money to retire. Those who work hard live in nice neighborhoods. The blacks who are into gangster rap and don't work for crap live in the ghettos. Yet they're jealous of whites and want the same things. They can go anywhere, but the high price of housing keeps them away from the good neighborhoods.

If you go back and look through history, every government starts out with the idea of everyone working hard. Then they screw it up placating the bums to get votes and stay in power. Hitler did it talking to bums in the bars, Obama did it promising the world to blacks.

Every government and banking system fucks up because of greed and wanting power by promising handouts to bums. It's kinda like the movie "The Matrix" where they tried over and over to get a perfect world and couldn't.
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