
jesus christ I feel for geck0 :(

I think I'd have to jump off a bridge if I couldn't follow a simple line of logic.
Geck0 said:
Yeah, lets pay respect to a guy that traveled the world in a bullet proof whatever reinforcing a faith that promotes poverty through reproduction, expects tributes in the billions but gives fuck all back, and is wracked by boy touching scandals the world over.

Fuck the Catholic church

Fuck John Paul the II too. I wonder if his coffin is bullet proof too?

Go the fuck away man. You picked the wrong forum for this crap.

asshole: n. Vulguar Slang.
A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.
see also: Geck0
Rayn said:
Say what you will about the Catholic church and whatnot, but that Pope was a good guy.

This pretty much sums it up. You could piss on Mother Teresa for saving poor folks from dying (and thus making it harder to save countless others) but it doesn't diminish the whole of what she did.
What the fuck ever. On a weekday you silly cunts are looking for porn or bagging some poor bastard for not being as cool as you are. Then the fucking pope dies and you are all christians again. You are fucking laughable. Seriously.

Call me what you bloody well like, you bunch of fair weather christians :lol:

I've done good deeds for some on here, more IRL and you can't fucking touch me.
Geck0 said:
What the fuck ever. On a weekday you silly cunts are looking for porn or bagging some poor bastard for not being as cool as you are. Then the fucking pope dies and you are all christians again. You are fucking laughable. Seriously.

Call me what you bloody well like, you bunch of fair weather christians :lol:

I've done good deeds for some on here, more IRL and you can't fucking touch me.

Make that a double tall bridge with foam to go.

For someone that seems to be of decent intelligence I can't believe you are STILL MISSING THE FUCKING POINT.
Cool, If I join can I have mad bitches, a palace and a bullet proof mobile as well as an army of clowns?

I'll do good deeds I promise.
I'm going to bed. This ends my participation in this thread and my opinions remain mine and unaltered.