Republican Convention and Debates are going to be awesome....

orbital 123 said:
The debates will be great only because kerry and edwards will own the competition in all regards. The rnc will suck ass though.

Coming from a stupid ass canuck whose only debating experience is with his mother when she dresses him.
Icey said:
I'm sure bin Laden will dispair when we start our "more sensitive war on terrorism" under Kerry. :rolleyes:
Actually, he will. We will actually go after and kill THE TERRORISTS instead of fucking away billions of dollars on people who have nothing to do with terrorism against us, but tried to hurt daddy.
noyeti said:
Actually, he will. We will actually go after and kill THE TERRORISTS instead of fucking away billions of dollars on people who have nothing to do with terrorism against us, but tried to hurt daddy.

Looks like we are attacking Vietnam!
addps4cat said:
You realize NY has been a democratic stronghold for years right?
As I've stated in the other thread, the RNC has been hosted in bloody San Francisco before, which is one of the most liberal cities in the world.
As I've stated in the other thread, the RNC has been hosted in bloody San Francisco before, which is one of the most liberal cities in the world.

That was in fucking 1956 and 1964, before the hippy revolution, before the vietnam war

Also, he posted that before you posted in the other thread, gj checking the timestamps