Remove the radar

antareus said:
Wee bit vengeful are we? I much prefer the feeling of blind paranoia that T1 LD was and having to look around for the flag carrier when trying to return my team's flag. I prefer a steeper learning curve, however, and the lack of a radar contributes to that.

Yes, I know you can kill the radar, thank you for telling me that, but T:V would be more intense without it.
Then I guess the first thing you can do when T:V is released it make your own little T1 mutator and remove the radar, then see how many people play it. :razz:
I don't see a problem with it, even though I found a way to see the whole map by zooming it out. I can see every player on the map using it.
Amadeu5 said:
Nope. It's either everything or nothing.

Hmm. I'd like to see some type of middleground between T1 and T:V style sensors. Perhaps sensors should have a maximum range while still controlling IFF visibility?
This is what i'm saying. You can see the WHOLE map. EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY at ALL times. Minus when the sensor is down, but then you can still see the flag carrier. Its stupid and dumbed down for the idiots. Believe me, if they need that help, they wont kill the flag carrier.
And amazingly caps are happening, over and over and over.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say, but if it's that capping is too hard, you're wrong.

Bleh.. there's no issue, move along.
Next time you could start with a friendlier thread name (for a start). You might also want to suggest changes to the feature in hand instead of asking for its removal. Now you only have to get rid of the small logical glitches, and a dev might consider telling you why it won't happen.
Will make sure to prefix all my threads with "Please" next time. I also recall mentioning that the T2-style flag finder would be fine in the smaller maps that T:V has, so that would be a "change." And I would be most delighted if you would enumerate the logical glitches in my argument, as well as letting me know how exactly you know the pulse of the devs such that you can predict that a dev "might consider" responding to my post.

I haven't really seen any compelling reasons other than, "thats the way it is," and "stfu." I know this is Tribalwar, but there has to be someone who can give me some insight here.
VaporTrail said:
Cappers have always depended on others. You need your HO to blow base/deployable turrets and kill HoFs, your LO to clear/distract LD...

And you need your own LD and HoF to keep YOUR RAG at home so you can cap, as well as your HD and LD to keep the base up so you can suit up quick.

If you think you've EVER not depended on someone else in Tribes competition (or even pub play for the most part) than you really need to rethink your position.

Yes yes yes, but thats not what i ment. What i mean is when your 100% dependant on someone else, so you can get your job done. Such as in T2 Base needing a pilot on some maps to fly me to enemy base to take down gens and such (i played T2 base for maybe 3-4 months when T2 was first released, things might be diff now but this is just an example).

Anyway, if i didnt have a pilot, i couldnt get my job done at all really, thus me getting the enemy base raped was 100% dependant on having a pilot. And this is the type of team dependancy i DONT like.