[Release Thread] Overwatch

A guy from work invited me to play last night, joined his team and we had a full 6.

And they were all terrible.
For those that play/or are interested in Mercy, this vid has some good advice. No secret MLG pro strats or anything, just solid information.
was zarya on gibralter defence last night. our mercy was healing his friend on hanzo exclusively and not me despite my trying to cause havoc on the payload vs their two tanks. we barely won that one.

on attack i immediately took mercy in hopes of actually healing the team. his buddy says in chat "hey pagy if you want to play something else my friend only plays mercy"

i dont even. suggested he try quake 2 and he dropped. luckily
It's crazy to me that anyone would play this game and only play one character. I understand sticking to a single class or type of character, but only having like one character you want to play just seems completely silly.
I could see someone playing McCree, Widowmaker, or Hanzo exclusively because getting the small details and timing of those characters really helps, but a healer....
Like, have a preference, but if you are really going to be like, "hey that's my character" you are just the worst.
When I play tracer I also feel like I got fucked by 3 dudes. I am awful with her and always seem to be out of ammo.
The pros always have their main that they will play with, but the best are flexible.

Lately I have been playing a lot of Symmetra, monkey, and of course tracer.
Yeah I like playing Lucio over all other characters when I'm in a group, but that's only because you can contribute a lot to your team with him, even if you play like you're rolling your face across the keyboard. I can't imagine actually insisting that, "Hey that's my character!" That takes a special kind of sperg in a game like this.
When I play tracer I also feel like I got fucked by 3 dudes. I am awful with her and always seem to be out of ammo.

yeah you need to be p much hugging them to really drop someone.

if you're at any kind of range only headshots do meaningful damage and you need to reload like 5 times to kill 200hp guys.

she's cool though
I play tracer to simply flank the enemy and piss them off - I dont go into it necessarily with the mindset that I want to kill them, but rather take their attention to allow my team to either kill them easier or take them away from the point (and usually at some point die doing so!)

Also been playing some Zarya lately, shes nasty.
I could see someone playing McCree, Widowmaker, or Hanzo exclusively because getting the small details and timing of those characters really helps, but a healer....

support only players are the fat girlfriends of whoever theyre supporting all game.

undeniable truthiness
wut hanzo feels so weak... widowmaker feels much stronger if comparing similar roles... but im a total noob so :shrug:
they're about equal dps

against the same target widowmaker can fire one powered shot and one unpowered shot to kill for a faster rate of fire

against dif targets hanzo is better cause he doesn't have to charge his shot. he has better mobility (no cd running up walls), his E can one shot or finish off targets getting away or closing in. he also has a mini-version of widowmaker ult on standard cooldown, and his ult is one of the highest dps in the game

here is a hanzo clip
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in most situations I think I'd rather have a good wm on my team than good hanzo BUT there are some maps with choke points that make arrow spam real ez and his ult can clear a path when u really need it sometimes
How is it so far? compared to TF2 in gameplay,fun value and learning curve.

i played TFC, not TF2, so can't make a direct comparison...but

gameplay: casual dumbed down shooter mechanics and press 'Q' to win ultimates, interesting/fun classes with good synergy and good maps to play on, lots of potential for effective teamwork + tactics

fun value: if you can play with some people who are willing to communicate a bit and try the effective teamwork + tactics thing, it can be a lot of fun :]

learning curve: ez