
now you see why us center-right folks that support trump can't leave this forum. it would be nothing but absolute retards with nothing of value to add to any discussions left. i can't, in good conscience, let that happen to TW. :shrug:

center-right :rofl:
you guys def aren't center right


trust me i know

haha, you're center right boi and his giraffe-hunting son are prison-bound.
Explain how you are some that are center, some are are just center, and some are you center right. How you differentiate yourself from them, will be fun.


I am indeed center-right, without question

I lean conservative, because we are the more sane option.

but I hate establishment republicans and democrats.

that indeed puts me in the center-right of things.

you are extremist TDS leftist morons that can't see past party line. :shrug:
they call me a nazi


i don't care what communists think of me

i only care about giving them tax payer subsidized helicopter rides and medicare funded euthanasia

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