Razorgore - Is my guild just plain stupid?

Lord Elessar said:
Razor is a horde killer. so easy for alli with paladins but sucks for horde. Consecration makes kiting ez mode.

Consecrate is for chumps.

Real men use Piercing Howl and nothing else (unless you're Horde, in which case I guess you use those stupid totems).

Also, yes, we may be stupid for still kiting on Razorgore, but (1) I for one enjoy kiting, it gives me something to do other than mash Mortal Strike/mash Sunder Armor/Shield Block/watch helplessly as some other moron wipes the raid even though I'm doing everything right, and (2) I have absolute faith in MY ability to mash my assist button and burn down mages/legionaires, but the rest of my raid? That's kind of touch-and-go on some nights (of course, we have a fair amount of apps with us every time we go in, so that tends to spice things up more than preferred from time to time).
Thrakesh said:
I was going to say that - he's supposed to take the conflag, then the mt is supposed to regain aggro. The trick is to use taunts and threat meter - the ot taunts razorgore onto him when he sees that he is about to cast conflag (get see enemy castbar). When the taunt wears offf, the mt should regain aggro. Timing is key.

To be honest, Razorgore teaches you the strats you will need for all the drakes.

You have the MT control the orb for the whole time. At the end when Razorgore comes out of MC he will have a shit ton of agro on that warrior. For the rest of the fight this warrior will just tank Razor and eat the conflags (he can wear some FR even, since he is conflagged 90% of the time), while one or two other warriors fight for agro, and tank him while the MT is conflagged.
Calder said:

You have the MT control the orb for the whole time. At the end when Razorgore comes out of MC he will have a shit ton of agro on that warrior. For the rest of the fight this warrior will just tank Razor and eat the conflags (he can wear some FR even, since he is conflagged 90% of the time), while one or two other warriors fight for agro, and tank him while the MT is conflagged.
or you can get the mt to control for the last egg since you get the full aggro anyways

and you only need 1 OT if you have good tanks, this is how i've always done it
Paladins kiting with Consecrate? That's a new one on me.

We do a massive kite. Warriors kite everything but the mages, mages are killed until they're replaced with legos. Dragons are slept now and then to keep them occupied. Priests just chill on the sidelines until phase 2.

I've been thinking of switching us over to a "kill them all" strat now that we're better geared, but wary of changing it since what we have works so well. That and I hear if you mind control the legos they do ridiculous damage to the dragons which would be fun to see.
Vampire said:
Paladins kiting with Consecrate? That's a new one on me.

We do a massive kite. Warriors kite everything but the mages, mages are killed until they're replaced with legos. Dragons are slept now and then to keep them occupied. Priests just chill on the sidelines until phase 2.

I've been thinking of switching us over to a "kill them all" strat now that we're better geared, but wary of changing it since what we have works so well. That and I hear if you mind control the legos they do ridiculous damage to the dragons which would be fun to see.

it works really well. to start, we cc dragons with locks/druids/hunters. paly controls orb for 2min. kill mages as they come out and start grouping legos up on razor. after 2nd control, blast everything with razor. paladin starts the kite. keep killing mages. as legos and dragons come out warrior drags them into paly consecrate. since they didn't have threat from anyone before they focus on the paladin. Pursuit of Justice + emergency speed pots are all you need to keep the paladin up. rest of raid kills mages while paladin runs 40 mobs around the room. standard MT on the orb breaking eggs. We usually have at most 2 deaths from people not paying attention.

IMO this is a good strat for beginning guilds but I'd rather dps down the orcs. My guild has nef on farm now and we have the dps to kill the legos really fast but our raid leader doesn't want to change strats now that we have the kite down.
Thrakesh said:
I was going to say that - he's supposed to take the conflag, then the mt is supposed to regain aggro. The trick is to use taunts and threat meter - the ot taunts razorgore onto him when he sees that he is about to cast conflag (get see enemy castbar). When the taunt wears offf, the mt should regain aggro. Timing is key.

To be honest, Razorgore teaches you the strats you will need for all the drakes.
He's immune to taunt.
We used a strategy we saw online an instantly knew this was the one. We tried it, and downed him on the second attempt and have only wiped perhaps 4 times out of the last 30 or so. If you have a good rogue that kites well its quite simple.

Jave a 3 man rogue kiting rotation, all need speed enchants on boots, and have a few extra speed pots.

start off by having a rogue get the orb. Razer then kills eggs until all warlocks and controllers are down, in the meantime split up the rest of the raid into all 4 corners and kill any mage only you see. dragons are slept by druids and picked up by hunters running in a circle around the room. If somones getting beat on by a lego or dragon call out for a sleep opr a hunter to pull the dragon off. if its a legion, run or sheep. (you only need to do this for a few short moments) Heres why.

Once the controllers are down, your 1st channeling bar for razer should be nearly up, have the 1st rogue Reget the orb, and then run around the outer perimiter of the room. Razer has Massive HP and can run faster than anything,. Use that to your advantage and cleave any stray mobs (legos and dragons) and Everytime Razers AE fireball is up launch it to get aggro on all the would be strays/sheeps, etc You do this for an entire bar almost. Near the end of tjhat bar you should have most mages down, and nearly all of the room running after razer. Have the rogue release him, and a backup rogue take the orb. The backup rogue will kill all the rest of the eggs till one is left then he hands orb over to the Main tank to get aggro after the last kill.

a priest will run with the rogue shield and renew if needed who now has the entire room nearly on aggro train and he runs around the outer perimiter cutting corners by jumping off the stage if possible to gain a lead. Should the mobs start to catch him, hunters lay down a frost trap to slow them a bit or warriors shout. It is usually a 2 min red train of death thats following maybe 1 rogue and a ew strays you can eliminate. Easy pickens till phase 2 where all healers are max heal range from, tank and Offtank. priests get one tank druids shammys get the other, the meelee bandage the healers for the random firball he may spit out.

should the rogue kiter die, number 2 in line immediatly AE'as and gets aggro back on razer and releases it to backup #3 and now 2 is the main kiter.

Its actually pretty funny watching about 30 people stand around doing nothing as maybe 10 kill strays and all the red is trained on one man.
If you get it perfected, razer is a cake walk. But as always each guild has strnegths and weaknesses so do what fits your guilds style.

Here is the video we based it on.


Good luck!
DiRtNaP said:
We used a strategy we saw online an instantly knew this was the one. We tried it, and downed him on the second attempt and have only wiped perhaps 4 times out of the last 30 or so. If you have a good rogue that kites well its quite simple.

Jave a 3 man rogue kiting rotation, all need speed enchants on boots, and have a few extra speed pots.

start off by having a rogue get the orb. Razer then kills eggs until all warlocks and controllers are down, in the meantime split up the rest of the raid into all 4 corners and kill any mage only you see. dragons are slept by druids and picked up by hunters running in a circle around the room. If somones getting beat on by a lego or dragon call out for a sleep opr a hunter to pull the dragon off. if its a legion, run or sheep. (you only need to do this for a few short moments) Heres why.

Once the controllers are down, your 1st channeling bar for razer should be nearly up, have the 1st rogue Reget the orb, and then run around the outer perimiter of the room. Razer has Massive HP and can run faster than anything,. Use that to your advantage and cleave any stray mobs (legos and dragons) and Everytime Razers AE fireball is up launch it to get aggro on all the would be strays/sheeps, etc You do this for an entire bar almost. Near the end of tjhat bar you should have most mages down, and nearly all of the room running after razer. Have the rogue release him, and a backup rogue take the orb. The backup rogue will kill all the rest of the eggs till one is left then he hands orb over to the Main tank to get aggro after the last kill.

a priest will run with the rogue shield and renew if needed who now has the entire room nearly on aggro train and he runs around the outer perimiter cutting corners by jumping off the stage if possible to gain a lead. Should the mobs start to catch him, hunters lay down a frost trap to slow them a bit or warriors shout. It is usually a 2 min red train of death thats following maybe 1 rogue and a ew strays you can eliminate. Easy pickens till phase 2 where all healers are max heal range from, tank and Offtank. priests get one tank druids shammys get the other, the meelee bandage the healers for the random firball he may spit out.

should the rogue kiter die, number 2 in line immediatly AE'as and gets aggro back on razer and releases it to backup #3 and now 2 is the main kiter.

Its actually pretty funny watching about 30 people stand around doing nothing as maybe 10 kill strays and all the red is trained on one man.
If you get it perfected, razer is a cake walk. But as always each guild has strnegths and weaknesses so do what fits your guilds style.

Here is the video we based it on.


Good luck!

that's basically what I was trying to explain but we use our ret paladins instead of rogues and drop consecrates to bring in any loose stuff.

There are lots of ways to do razor and it is a rough fight so don't let your guild lose hope.