Razorgore - Is my guild just plain stupid?


Veteran XV
For the past month or so my guild has been stuck on Razorgore. Let me elaborate, our strategy is that we have 2 warriors kite 6 dragonkin each and a bunch of mages kite the lego's. And we have only been to phase 2 once. So far we have not and no one is willing to try anything else. Are the officers being dumbasses or what?

I always thought hunters on dragonkin and warriors on lego's was the way to go.
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I've done kill mages/legos kite dragons and I've done kill mages kite legos/dragons. In both cases we had wars kite, just cycling around their side of the room. Worked fine for us :shrug:

Have warriors kite legionnaires (demo shout piercing howl etc.)
DPS down mages
Hunters, Locks, Druids all crowd control/kite one dargon each.

^Easiest way to learn IMO, once you get a well geared raid you can just kill everything :)
um why are you trying to kite in the first place? if it isn't working just stop it

do what eldee said it's a hundred times easier
Calder said:

Have warriors kite legionnaires (demo shout piercing howl etc.)
DPS down mages
Hunters, Locks, Druids all crowd control/kite one dargon each.

^Easiest way to learn IMO, once you get a well geared raid you can just kill everything :)

this is the easiest way.

kite the legos in the center of the room in a giant circle.

If you're alliance have the warriors demo shout all of them and use hunter traps.

If you're horde just use totems gg.
Warrior + Shaman kite is the best way. Totems aren't really reliable enough to get it done on their own, warriors make it easy.
interesting, never heard of doing it using warriors to kite :eek:

we have hunters kite the mages, shaman kite legionairres, druids sleeping a few mobs
Calder said:

Have warriors kite legionnaires (demo shout piercing howl etc.)
DPS down mages
Hunters, Locks, Druids all crowd control/kite one dargon each.

^Easiest way to learn IMO, once you get a well geared raid you can just kill everything :)
Our kiting patern is a figure 8. The mobs cross in the middle - our palidans are grouped there, and provide spot healing as necessary. If aggro is gained by them, they hold on until a lock blows their aoe fear.

We only focus on burning down the mages. Everything else is kited. We end up with maybe one dead palidan if things go well.

If you made it to phase 2, I'm surprised you didn't finish - it's the easiest part. I'm assuming most of your raid was eaten in phase 1.
eldee said:
burn down the warriors/mages they have no hitpoints and hunters kite the dragons, 2 groups in each corner

Do this. Our only variation is that we have locks and druids CC one dragon each.
Calder said:

Have warriors kite legionnaires (demo shout piercing howl etc.)
DPS down mages
Hunters, Locks, Druids all crowd control/kite one dargon each.

^Easiest way to learn IMO, once you get a well geared raid you can just kill everything :)
i still think that strat is retarded FOR THE RECORD
Took my guild about 3 weeks to take down razorgore, which happened 4 weeks ago yesterday.

We went through every strategy in the book. In the end, for us, it was easiest to put 8 in each corner, - a priest, warrior, shaman, rogue, and assortment of other dps classes to DPS eveyrthing that came out of the corner as fast as possible.

We had 2 of our off tanks Kite all dragonkin in a figure 8 around the two platforms, and our main tank on the orb.

We had a shaman and a priest on each kiting tank, with extra heals if they got dazed.

This method is very much class - and sort of gear dependent - however, my guild has been through a lot, and a majority of the core members have 3 and a half months worth of MC gear.

Need 7 warriors, 6 priests, 6 shamans (paladins), and 4 rogues to build off of.

Here's a video of the what we built off of, hope it helps.

I was going to say that - he's supposed to take the conflag, then the mt is supposed to regain aggro. The trick is to use taunts and threat meter - the ot taunts razorgore onto him when he sees that he is about to cast conflag (get see enemy castbar). When the taunt wears offf, the mt should regain aggro. Timing is key.

To be honest, Razorgore teaches you the strats you will need for all the drakes.